Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Additional Materials |
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Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Copper & Gold Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
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(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
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(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
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Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
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Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
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Filing Party: |
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Date Filed: |
Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
June 11,
April 24, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
10:00 a.m., Eastern Time
Hotel du Pont
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
To elect sixteen directors;
To ratify the appointment of our independent auditor;
To adopt the proposed 2009 Annual Incentive Plan;
To vote on a stockholder proposal, if presented at the meeting;
To transact such other business as may properly come before the
Record Date:
Close of business on April 14, 2009
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, please promptly submit your vote online or complete,
sign and date a proxy or voting instruction card and return it
promptly. Your cooperation is appreciated.
By Order of the Board of Directors.
about Attending the Annual Meeting
Only stockholders of record on the record date are entitled to
notice of and to vote at our annual meeting. If you plan to
attend the meeting in person, please bring the following:
1. Proper identification.
2. Acceptable Proof of Ownership if your shares are held in
Street Name.
Street Name means your shares are held of record by
brokers, banks or other institutions.
Acceptable Proof of Ownership is (a) a letter from
your broker stating that you beneficially owned Freeport-McMoRan
Copper & Gold Inc. stock on the record date or
(b) an account statement showing that you beneficially
owned Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. stock on the
record date.
Report of the Annual Meeting
A post-meeting report summarizing the proceedings of the meeting
will be available on our web site at within
10 days following the meeting. A copy of the report will be
mailed at no charge to any stockholder requesting it.
proxy statement and the 2008 annual report are available at
One North
Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
The 2008 Annual Report to Stockholders, including financial
statements, is being made available to stockholders together
with these proxy materials on or about April 24, 2009.
and Answers about the Proxy Materials, Annual Meeting and
Why am I
receiving these proxy materials?
Our board of directors is soliciting your proxy to vote at our
2009 annual meeting of stockholders because you owned shares of
our common stock at the close of business on April 14,
2009, the record date for the annual meeting, which entitles you
to vote at the meeting. The proxy statement, along with a proxy
card or a voting instruction card, is being made available to
stockholders beginning April 24, 2009. We have made these
materials available to you on the internet, and in some cases,
have delivered printed proxy materials to you. This proxy
statement summarizes the information that you need to know in
order to cast your vote at the annual meeting. You do not need
to attend the annual meeting in person to vote your shares.
Why did I
receive a notice of internet availability of proxy materials
instead of a full set of proxy materials?
In accordance with rules recently adopted by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, we may furnish proxy materials, including
this proxy statement and our 2008 Annual Report, to stockholders
by providing access to these documents on the internet instead
of mailing printed copies. Most stockholders will not receive
printed copies of the proxy materials unless requested. Instead,
the notice will instruct you as to how you may access and review
the proxy materials on the internet. The notice also instructs
you as to how you may submit your vote via the internet. If you
would like to receive a paper or email copy of our proxy
materials, you should follow the instructions for requesting the
materials in the notice.
When and
where will the annual meeting be held?
The annual meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
time on Thursday, June 11, 2009, at the Hotel du Pont,
11th and Market Streets, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.
Who is
soliciting my proxy?
Our board of directors is soliciting your proxy to vote on all
matters scheduled to come before the 2009 annual meeting of
stockholders, whether or not you attend in person. By completing
and returning the proxy card or voting instruction card, or by
casting your vote via the internet, you are authorizing the
proxy holders to vote your shares at our annual meeting as you
have instructed.
On what
will I be voting? How does the board of directors recommend that
I cast my vote?
At the annual meeting, our stockholders will be asked to elect
our director nominees, ratify the appointment of our independent
auditor, adopt the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan, consider a
stockholder proposal, if presented at the meeting, and consider
any other matter that properly comes before the meeting.
The board of directors unanimously recommends that you vote:
FOR all of the director nominees;
FOR the ratification of the appointment of our
independent auditor;
FOR the adoption of the proposed 2009 Annual Incentive
Plan; and
AGAINST the stockholder proposal, if presented at the
We do not expect any matters to be presented for action at the
meeting other than the items described in this proxy statement.
By signing and returning the enclosed proxy, however, you will
give to the persons named as proxies discretionary voting
authority with respect to any other matter that may properly
come before the annual meeting, and they intend to vote on any
such other matter in accordance with their best judgment.
How many
votes may I cast?
You have one vote for every share of our common stock that you
owned on April 14, 2009, the record date.
How many
votes can be cast by all stockholders?
As of the record date, we had 411,751,897 shares of common
stock outstanding, each of which is entitled to one vote.
How many
shares must be present to hold the annual meeting?
Our by-laws provide that a majority of our outstanding shares of
common stock entitled to vote, whether in person or represented
by proxy, constitutes a quorum necessary to properly convene a
meeting of our stockholders. The inspector of election will
determine whether a quorum exists. Shares of our common stock
present at the annual meeting that abstain from voting, that are
the subject of broker non-votes, or for which voting authority
is withheld will be counted as present for purposes of
determining the existence of a quorum.
What is
the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record
and as a beneficial owner?
If your shares are registered directly in your name with BNY
Mellon Shareowner Services, our transfer agent, you are
considered, with respect to those shares, the stockholder
of record. The proxy materials have been made available to
you by us.
If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a
bank or other nominee, you are considered the beneficial
owner of shares held in street name. The proxy
materials have been made available to you by your broker, bank
or nominee who is considered, with respect to those shares, the
stockholder of record. As the beneficial owner, you have the
right to direct your broker, bank or nominee how to vote your
shares by using the voting instruction card included in the
mailing or by following their instructions for voting by
telephone or internet.
If my
shares are held in street name, what happens if I do not vote?
How are broker non-votes counted?
If you hold shares in street name and you do not provide voting
instructions to your broker, bank or nominee, your shares will
not be voted with respect to any proposal for which your broker
does not have discretionary authority to vote.
Rules of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) determine whether
proposals presented at the stockholder meetings are
discretionary or non-discretionary. If a
proposal is determined to be discretionary, the NYSE provides
brokerage firms with authority to vote on the proposal without
receiving voting instructions from their clients. Broker
non-votes occur when your shares are represented at the
meeting by a broker, bank or other nominee, but with respect to
which you have not instructed your broker, bank or nominee on
how to vote on a non-discretionary proposal.
Under NYSE rules, brokers generally have discretionary authority
to vote without instructions from beneficial owners on the
election of directors, the ratification of the appointment of
the independent auditor and certain incentive plans, including
the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan. Brokers generally do not have
discretionary authority to vote without instructions from
beneficial owners on stockholder proposals. Broker non-votes
will not be counted as votes for or against and will not be
included in calculating the number of votes necessary for
approval of the matters to be presented at the meeting. Broker
non-votes will be considered present at the annual meeting for
purposes of determining the existence of a quorum.
What vote
is required to approve each item?
In uncontested elections, our directors are elected by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
voted. In contested elections (where the number of nominees
exceeds the number of directors to be elected), the directors
will be elected by a plurality of shares voted. Under our
by-laws, all other matters require the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of our common stock present in person or
by proxy and entitled to vote on such matters, except as
otherwise provided by statute, our certificate of incorporation
or our by-laws.
Abstentions as to all such matters to come before the annual
meeting will be counted as votes against those matters. Broker
non-votes will have no effect on the voting calculations for the
election of directors, the ratification of our independent
auditor, the adoption of our 2009 Annual Incentive Plan or the
stockholder proposal, if presented at the meeting.
How do I
If your shares are registered in your name (and not held
through a broker, bank or other institution), there are two ways
to vote: by internet or by mail. Your vote authorizes each of
James R. Moffett, Richard C. Adkerson and Kathleen L. Quirk, as
proxies, each with the power to appoint his or her substitute,
to represent and vote your shares as you directed.
Vote by Internet
Use the internet to vote your proxy 24 hours a day, seven
days a week until 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time) on
June 10, 2009.
Please have your proxy card available and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and create an electronic
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the
postage-paid envelope provided.
Only the latest dated proxy received from you, whether by
internet or mail, will be voted at the annual meeting. If you
vote by internet, please do not mail your proxy card.
If your shares are held in street name (through a broker,
bank or other institution), you may receive a separate voting
instruction form, or you may need to contact your broker, bank
or other institution to determine whether you will be able to
vote electronically using the internet or the telephone.
If you hold shares of our common stock through our Employee
Capital Accumulation Program (ECAP), you may only vote your
shares by mail. Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return
it in the postage-paid envelope provided to you.
Can I
change my vote?
Yes. Your proxy can be revoked or changed at any time before it
is voted by notice in writing to our corporate secretary, by our
timely receipt of another proxy with a later date or by voting
in person at the annual meeting.
What if I
dont vote for a proposal?
If you properly execute and return a proxy or voting instruction
card, your stock will be voted as you specify. If your shares
are registered in your name (and not held through a
broker, bank or other institution) and you make no
specifications on your proxy card, your shares will be voted in
accordance with the recommendations of our board of directors,
as provided above. If your shares are held in street name
(through a broker, bank or other institution), and you do not
give voting instructions to your broker, bank or nominee, they
will be entitled to vote your shares in the manner they choose
with respect to the election of directors, the ratification of
our independent auditor and the adoption of the 2009 Annual
Incentive Plan.
Who pays
for soliciting proxies?
We pay all expenses of soliciting proxies for the annual
meeting. In addition to solicitations by mail, arrangements have
been made for brokers and nominees to send proxy materials to
their principals, and we will reimburse them for their
reasonable expenses. We have retained Georgeson Inc., 199 Water
Street, 26th Floor, New York, New York, to assist with the
solicitation of proxies from brokers and nominees. It is
estimated that the fees for Georgesons services will be
$10,000 plus its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. We may have
our employees or other representatives (who will receive no
additional compensation for their services) solicit proxies by
personal interview or other means.
other matters be considered and voted upon at the annual
Our board does not expect to bring any other matter before the
annual meeting, and it is not aware of any other matter that may
be considered at the meeting. In addition, pursuant to our
by-laws, the time has elapsed for any stockholder to properly
bring a matter before the meeting. However, if any other matter
does properly come before the meeting, the proxy holders will
vote the proxies in his or her discretion.
happens if the annual meeting is postponed or
Unless a new record date is fixed, your proxy will still be
valid and may be voted at the postponed or adjourned meeting.
You will still be able to change or revoke your proxy until it
is voted.
If you want us to consider including a proposal in next
years proxy statement, you must deliver it in writing to:
Corporate Secretary, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
Inc., One North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 by
December 24, 2009.
If you want to present a proposal at next years annual
meeting but do not wish to have it included in our proxy
statement, you must submit it in writing to our corporate
secretary, at the above address, by February 11, 2010, in
accordance with the specific procedural requirements in our
by-laws. If you would like a copy of these procedures, please
contact our corporate secretary, or access our by-laws on our
web site at under Investor Center
Corporate Governance. Failure to comply with our by-law
procedures and deadlines may preclude presentation of the matter
at the meeting.
Governance Guidelines; Principles of Business Conduct
Our corporate governance guidelines and our principles of
business conduct are available at under
Investor Center Corporate Governance. Both are
available in print upon request. We intend to post promptly on
our web site amendments to or waivers, if any, from our
principles of business conduct made with respect to any of our
directors and executive officers.
Structure and Committee Composition
As of the date of this proxy statement, our board consists of
sixteen members. We also have one director emeritus. The
director emeritus does not vote. Our board held seven meetings
during 2008, consisting of six regularly scheduled meetings and
one special meeting. In accordance with our corporate governance
guidelines, non-management directors met in executive session at
the end of each regularly scheduled board meeting. The chair of
executive session meetings rotates among the chairpersons of the
four standing committees (discussed below), except as the
non-management directors may otherwise determine for a specific
Our board has four standing committees: an audit committee,
a corporate personnel committee, a nominating and corporate
governance committee and a public policy committee. Each
committee operates under a written charter adopted by the board.
All of the committee charters are available on our web site at
4 under Investor Center Corporate
Governance and are available in print upon request. During 2008,
each of our directors attended at least 75% of the aggregate
number of board and applicable committee meetings. Directors are
invited, but not required to attend, annual meetings of our
stockholders. Mr. Adkerson attended the last annual meeting
of stockholders.
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2008
Robert A. Day, Chairman
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
Jon C. Madonna
Stephen H. Siegele
please refer to Audit Committee Report
Corporate Personnel
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2008
H. Devon Graham, Jr., Chairman
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
determines the compensation of our executive officers
administers our annual incentive, long-term incentive, and stock incentive plans
please refer to Corporate Personnel Committee Procedures
Nominating and Corporate
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2008
Robert J. Allison, Jr., Chairman
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
nominates individuals to stand for election or re-election as directors
considers recommendations by our stockholders of potential nominees for election as directors
conducts annual board and committee evaluations
makes recommendations to our board concerning the structure of our board and corporate governance matters
oversees the form and amount of director compensation
Public Policy
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2008
Stephen H. Siegele, Chairman
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
J. Taylor Wharton
oversees our compliance programs relating to our social, employment and human rights policies
oversees our governmental and community relationships and information programs
oversees our safety and environmental programs
oversees our charitable and philanthropic contributions
Personnel Committee Procedures
The corporate personnel committee has the sole authority to set
annual compensation amounts and annual and long-term incentive
plan criteria for executive officers, evaluate the performance
of the executive officers, and make awards to executive officers
under our stock incentive plans. The committee also reviews,
approves and recommends to our board of directors any proposed
plan or arrangement providing for incentive, retirement or other
compensation to our executive officers, as well as any proposed
contract under which compensation is awarded to an executive
officer. The committee annually recommends to the board the
slate of officers for the company, periodically reviews the
functions of our executive officers and makes recommendations to
the board concerning those functions. The committee also
periodically evaluates the performance of our executive officers.
To the extent stock options or other equity awards are granted
in a given year, the committees historical practice has
been to grant such awards at its first meeting of that year,
which is usually held in
January or February. Each August, the board establishes a
meeting schedule for itself and its committees for the next
calendar year. Thus, the first meeting of each year is scheduled
approximately five months in advance and is scheduled to fall
within the window period following the release of the
companys earnings for the fourth quarter of the previous
year. The committee has a written policy stating that it will
approve all regular annual equity awards at its first or second
meeting of each fiscal year, and that to the extent the
committee approves any out-of-cycle awards at other times during
the year, such awards will be made during an open window period
during which our executive officers and directors are permitted
to trade.
The terms of our stock incentive plans provide that the exercise
price of each stock option cannot be less than the fair market
value of a share of our common stock on the grant date. Pursuant
to the committees policies, for purposes of our stock
incentive plans the fair market value of our common stock will
be determined by reference to the closing sale price on the
grant date. In addition, our stock incentive plans permit the
committee to delegate to appropriate personnel its authority to
make awards to employees other than those subject to
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended. Our current equity grant policy provides that each of
the chairman of the board and the chief executive officer of the
company has authority to make or modify grants to such
employees, subject to the following conditions:
No grant may relate to more than 20,000 shares of common
Such grants must be made during an open window period and must
be approved in writing by such officer, the grant date being the
date of such written approval;
The exercise price of any options granted may not be less than
the fair market value of our common stock on the date of
grant; and
The officer must report any such grants to the committee at its
next meeting.
Since 2007, the committee engaged an independent executive
compensation consultant, Towers Perrin, to advise the committee
on matters related to executive compensation. Please refer to
Compensation Discussion and Analysis for more
information. In addition, the board has its own independent
legal counsel, with whom the committee consults on an as needed
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The current members of our corporate personnel committee are
Messrs. Allison, Graham, Krulak and Lackey. In 2008, none
of our executive officers served as a director or member of the
compensation committee of another entity, where an executive
officer of the entity served as our director or on our corporate
personnel committee.
Board and
Committee Independence and Audit Committee Financial
On the basis of information solicited from each director, and
upon the advice and recommendation of the nominating and
corporate governance committee, the board has affirmatively
determined that each of Messrs. Allison, Day, Ford, Graham,
Krulak, Lackey, Madonna, McCoy and Siegele has no material
relationship with the company and is independent within the
meaning of our corporate governance guidelines, which comply
with the NYSE director independence standards as currently in
effect. In making this determination, the nominating and
corporate governance committee, with assistance from the
companys legal counsel, evaluated responses to a
questionnaire completed annually by each director regarding
relationships and possible conflicts of interest between each
director, the company and management. In its review of director
independence, the committee considered the commercial,
industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable,
and familial relationships any director may have with the
company or management. The nominating and corporate governance
committee made a recommendation to the board that nine directors
be considered independent, which the board approved.
Further, the board has determined that each of the members of
the audit, corporate personnel, and nominating and corporate
governance committees has no material relationship with the
company and is
independent within the meaning of our corporate governance
guidelines, which adopt the statutory and NYSE independence
standards applicable to audit committee members.
In addition, the board has determined that each of the following
members of the audit committee Messrs. Day,
Ford, Graham and Madonna qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert, as such term is defined by the
rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC).
Stock Ownership Guidelines
In January 2006, the nominating and corporate governance
committee adopted stock ownership guidelines applicable to our
directors. Under the guidelines, each non-management director is
encouraged to maintain ownership of company stock valued at five
times his or her annual retainer, determined by reference to
either the one-year or five-year trailing average monthly stock
price. Shares of common stock currently owned by the directors
are counted for purposes of the stock ownership guidelines, as
are shares held in individual retirement accounts, shares
issuable upon the vesting of outstanding restricted stock units,
shares issuable upon conversion of mandatory convertible
preferred stock and shares held in certain trusts. As of
January 1, 2009, all of our non-management directors had
reached or exceeded their target ownership levels.
of Director Nominees
In evaluating nominees for membership on the board, the
nominating and corporate governance committee applies the board
membership criteria set forth in our corporate governance
guidelines. Under these criteria, the committee will take into
account many factors, including personal and professional
integrity, general understanding of our industry, corporate
finance and other matters relevant to the successful management
of a large publicly traded company in todays business
environment, educational and professional background,
independence, and the ability and willingness to work
cooperatively with other members of the board and with senior
management. The committee evaluates each individual in the
context of the board as a whole, with the objective of
recommending nominees who can best perpetuate the success of the
business, be an effective director in conjunction with the full
board, and represent stockholder interests through the exercise
of sound judgment using their diversity of experience in these
various areas.
Our nominating and corporate governance committee regularly
assesses the appropriate size of the board, and whether any
vacancies on the board are expected due to retirement or
otherwise. In the event that vacancies are anticipated, or
otherwise arise, the committee will consider various potential
candidates who may come to the attention of the committee
through current board members, professional search firms,
stockholders or other persons. Each candidate brought to the
attention of the committee, regardless of who recommended such
candidate, is considered on the basis of the criteria set forth
in our corporate governance guidelines.
As stated above, the nominating and corporate governance
committee will consider candidates proposed for nomination by
our stockholders. Stockholders may propose candidates by
submitting the names and supporting information to: Corporate
Secretary, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., One
North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. Supporting
information should include (a) the name and address of the
candidate and the proposing stockholder, (b) a
comprehensive biography of the candidate and an explanation of
why the candidate is qualified to serve as a director taking
into account the criteria identified in our corporate governance
guidelines, (c) proof of ownership, the class and number of
shares, and the length of time that the shares of our voting
securities have been beneficially owned by each of the candidate
and the proposing stockholder, and (d) a letter signed by
the candidate stating his or her willingness to serve, if
In addition, our by-laws permit stockholders to nominate
candidates directly for consideration at next years annual
stockholder meeting. Any nomination must be in writing and
received by our corporate secretary at our principal executive
office no later than February 11, 2010. If the date of next
years annual meeting is moved to a date more than
90 days after or 30 days before the anniversary of
this years annual meeting, the nomination must be received
no later than 90 days prior to the date of the 2010 annual
meeting or 10 days following the public announcement of the
date of the 2010 annual meeting. Any stockholder submitting a
nomination under our by-law procedures must include (a) all
information relating to the nominee that is
required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for
election of directors pursuant to Regulation 14A under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (including such
nominees written consent to being named in the proxy
statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if elected),
and (b) the name and address (as they appear on the
companys books) of the nominating stockholder and the
class and number of shares beneficially owned by such
stockholder. Nominations should be addressed to: Corporate
Copper & Gold Inc., One North Central Avenue, Phoenix,
Arizona 85004.
with the Board
Stockholders or other interested parties may communicate
directly with one or more members of our board, or the
non-management directors as a group, by writing to the director
or directors at the following address: Freeport-McMoRan
Copper & Gold Inc., Attn: Board of Directors or the
name of the individual director or directors, One North Central
Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. The company will forward the
communication to the appropriate directors.
We use a combination of cash and equity-based incentive
compensation to attract and retain qualified candidates to serve
on the board. In setting director compensation, we consider the
significant amount of time directors expend in fulfilling their
duties to the company as well as the skill-level required by the
company to be an effective member of the board. The form and
amount of director compensation is reviewed by the nominating
and corporate governance committee, which makes recommendations
to the full board.
During 2008, the nominating and corporate governance committee
retained an independent consultant to review non-management
director compensation. In April 2008, based on the independent
consultants findings, the nominating and corporate
governance committee recommended, and the board of directors
approved, changes to non-management director compensation,
including the directors retirement plan, as reflected in
Cash Compensation and Revised Retirement Plan
for Current Non-Management Directors below.
Effective May 1, 2008, each non-management director
receives an annual fee of $70,000. Committee chairs receive an
additional annual fee as follows: audit committee, $20,000;
corporate personnel committee, $15,000; and public policy
committee and nominating and corporate governance committee,
$10,000. Committee members, excluding the committee chairman,
receive an additional annual fee as follows: audit committee,
$10,000; corporate personnel committee, $7,500; and public
policy committee and nominating and corporate governance
committee, $5,000. Each non-management director receives a fee
of $1,500 for attending each board and committee meeting (for
which he or she is a member) and is reimbursed for reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending such meetings. In
addition, until May 2009, each management director also received
a fee of $1,500 for attending each board meeting. The
compensation of each of Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson is
reflected in the Summary Compensation Table below.
Non-management directors also receive equity-based compensation
under the 2004 Director Compensation Plan (the 2004 Plan).
Pursuant to the 2004 Plan, on June 1st of each year,
each non-management director receives a grant of options to
acquire 10,000 shares of our common stock and 2,000
restricted stock units. The options are granted at fair market
value on the grant date, vest ratably over the first four
anniversaries of the grant date and expire on the tenth
anniversary of the grant date. The restricted stock units also
vest ratably over the first four anniversaries of the grant
date. Each restricted stock unit entitles the director to
receive one share of our common stock upon vesting. Dividend
equivalents are accrued on the restricted stock units on the
same basis as dividends are paid on our common stock and include
market rate interest. The dividend equivalents are only paid
upon vesting of the shares of our common stock. The 2004 Plan
also provides for a pro rata grant of options and restricted
stock units to a director upon his initial election to the board
other than at an annual meeting. In accordance with the 2004
Plan, each of
Messrs. Graham, Johnston, Krulak, Lackey, Madonna, McCoy
and Roy elected to defer 100% of his 2008 grant of restricted
stock units to be paid out in one or more installments after
separation from service on our board.
The 2004 Plan provides that participants may elect to exchange
all or a portion of their annual fee for an equivalent number of
shares of our common stock on the payment date, based on the
fair market value of our common stock on the date preceding the
payment date. The 2004 Plan further provides that participants
may elect to defer all or a portion of their annual fee and
meeting fees, and that such deferred amounts will accrue
interest at a rate equal to the prime commercial lending rate
announced from time to time by JPMorgan Chase (compounded
quarterly), and shall be paid out at such time or times as
directed by the participant. See footnote (1) to the
Director Compensation table for details regarding
participation in this program by our directors.
On June 1, 2008, each non-management director was granted
an option to purchase 10,000 shares of our common stock at
a grant price of $115.71, and 2,000 restricted stock units under
the 2004 Plan.
Retirement Plan for Current Non-Management Directors
In April 2008, as part of our review of director compensation,
we revised our retirement plan for non-management directors who
reach age 65 and are entitled to a retirement benefit based
on the annual director fees. We froze the benefit under this
plan for our existing directors and terminated the plan for any
future directors. Under the plan, as revised, an eligible
current director is entitled to an annual benefit up to a
maximum of $40,000 (the prior level of annual director fees),
depending on the number of years the retiree served as a
non-management director for us or our predecessors. The
percentage of the maximum annual benefit, which is at least 50%
but not greater than 100%, will depend on the number of years
the retiree served as a non-management director for us or our
predecessors. The benefit is payable from the date of retirement
until the retirees death. Each eligible director who was
also a director of Freeport-McMoRan Inc., our former parent, and
who did not retire from that board of directors, will receive
upon retirement from our board an additional annual benefit of
$20,000, which is also payable from the date of retirement until
the retirees death.
The chart below identifies the current non-management directors
who would have been eligible to participate in the retirement
plan as of December 31, 2008, and summarizes the projected
benefit to each assuming the director had retired from our board
of directors on such date:
Percent of Annual Benefit
(Maximum $40,000)
Eligible for
to be Paid Annually
Name of Eligible Director
Following Retirement
$20,000 Benefit
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Robert A. Day
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Gabrielle K. McDonald
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
J. Taylor Wharton
(1) |
Mr. Rankin previously retired from the companys
former parent and is currently receiving the additional $20,000
retirement benefit from a successor entity.
Gifts Program
Our foundation (the Foundation) administers a matching gifts
program, which is available to our directors, officers,
employees, full-time consultants and certain retirees. Under the
program, the Foundation
will match a participants gifts to eligible institutions,
including educational institutions, educational associations,
educational funds, cultural institutions, social service
community organizations, hospital organizations and
environmental organizations. The Foundation provides the gifts
directly to the institution. For directors, the Foundation
double matches the first $1,000 of donations per year per
eligible institution. Donations above $1,000 are single matched.
The annual amount of our matching gifts for any director may not
exceed $40,000.
2008 Director
The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or
earned by our non-management directors during 2008. The amounts
represented in the Stock Awards and Option
Awards columns reflect the expense recorded by the company
pursuant to FAS 123(R), and do not necessarily reflect the
income that will ultimately be realized by the director for
these awards.
Change in Pension
Value and
Fees Earned
or Paid
All Other
in Cash
Name of Director
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
Stephen H. Siegele
J. Taylor Wharton
(1) |
In accordance with our 2004 Plan, (a) each of
Messrs. Allison, Ford, Johnston and Siegele elected to
receive an equivalent number of shares of our common stock in
lieu of 100% of his annual fee, and Mr. Roy elected to
receive an equivalent number of shares of our common stock in
lieu of 50% of his annual fee; and (b) Mr. Johnston
elected to defer 100% of his meeting fees and Mr. Roy
elected to defer 50% of his annual fee and 100% of his meeting
fees to be paid out in installments after separation from
service. The amounts reflected include the fees used to purchase
shares of our common stock and fees deferred by the directors. |
(2) |
Amounts reflect the compensation cost recognized for stock
awards (restricted stock units or RSUs) and option awards
(options and stock appreciation rights) in accordance with
FAS 123(R). For 2008, and in accordance with
FAS 123(R), previously expensed portions of stock
appreciation rights granted to our directors that were
outstanding for part or all of 2008 were reversed as a result of
the decrease in our stock price during 2008. In accordance with
SEC guidance, the reversals, which related to expenses
previously included in each of our 2006 and 2007 Director
Summary Compensation Tables, reduced the numbers in the table
above and in some cases resulted in negative amounts for 2008.
Stock awards are valued on the date of grant at the closing sale
price per share of our common stock. For additional |
information relating to the assumptions made by us in valuing
the option awards made to our directors in fiscal years 2004
through 2008, refer to Notes 1 and 13 of our financial
statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008 and Note 1 of our
financial statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006. |
On June 1, 2008, each non-management director was granted
an option to purchase 10,000 shares of our common stock
with a grant date fair value of $44.68 per option and 2,000
restricted stock units with a grant date fair value of $115.71
per unit. The following table sets forth, for each
non-management director, the total number of outstanding
restricted stock units (RSUs), stock options and stock
appreciation rights (SARs) as of December 31, 2008: |
Name of Director
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
Stephen H. Siegele
J. Taylor Wharton
() Reflects SARs awarded under our former director
compensation program.
(3) |
Amounts reflect the aggregate change in the actuarial present
value of each directors accumulated benefit under the
revised retirement plan as calculated in accordance with
Item 402 of
Regulation S-K.
A negative change in actuarial present value of the pension
benefit occurred in 2008 due to changes in the discount rate
and/or decreasing life expectancies when the director continues
to provide services past the normal retirement date age of 65.
The following directors had a negative change in the actuarial
present value of the pension benefit as follows:
Messrs. Johnston $(9,572), Krulak $(2,596), Lackey
$(10,956), Madonna $(2,368), Rankin $(9,920), Wharton $(10,956)
and Ms. McDonald $(5,004). As noted above, the directors
retirement plan has been terminated for any future directors.
For Messrs. Johnston and Roy, amounts also include
above-market or preferential nonqualified deferred compensation
earnings accrued during 2008 on retainer and meeting fee
deferrals as follows: Mr. Johnston $242 and Mr. Roy
$543. For more information about the deferrals see footnote
(1) to the Director Compensation table.
(4) |
Includes (a) the companys match pursuant to the
matching gifts program, (b) consulting fees received in
connection with the consulting arrangements described under
Certain Transactions below, (c) interest
credited on dividend equivalents on unvested RSUs during 2008
and (d) the dollar value of life insurance premiums paid by
the company pursuant to an arrangement assumed by the company in
connection with its acquisition of Phelps Dodge Corporation and
the related tax reimbursement, as follows: |
Credited on
Life Insurance
Premium and
Name of Director
Tax Paid
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
Stephen H. Siegele
J. Taylor Wharton
(5) |
For Mr. Johnston and Ms. McDonald, the $75,000 annual
fee for serving on our board and for serving as a member of our
public policy committee is included in the consulting fees paid
to each of Mr. Johnston and Ms. McDonald, which are
reflected in the All Other Compensation column. |
(6) |
As described under Certain Transactions,
Mr. Roy is Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc.,
which received $200,000 in 2008 from FM Services Company (the
Services Company), one of our wholly owned subsidiaries, for the
provision of consulting services. Because these fees are not
paid directly to Mr. Roy, we have not included them in the
table. |
of Directors
Our board of directors has fixed the number of directors at
sixteen. The terms of all of our directors expire at the 2009
annual meeting of stockholders. Our board has nominated each of
Messrs. Adkerson, Allison, Day, Ford, Graham, Johnston,
Krulak, Lackey, Madonna, McCoy, Moffett, Rankin, Roy, Siegele
and Wharton and Ms. McDonald to serve a one-year term. The
persons named as proxies on the proxy card intend to vote your
proxy for the election of each such director, unless otherwise
directed. If, contrary to our expectations, a nominee should
become unavailable for any reason, your proxy will be voted for
a substitute nominee designated by our board, unless otherwise
Under our by-laws, in uncontested elections, directors are
elected by a majority of the votes cast. In contested elections
where the number of nominees exceeds the number of directors to
be elected, directors are elected by a plurality vote, with the
sixteen director nominees who receive the most votes being
In an uncontested election, any nominee for director who has a
majority of votes cast withheld from his or her
election will be required to promptly tender his or her
resignation to the board. The nominating and corporate
governance committee will recommend to the board whether to
accept or reject the tendered resignation. The board will act on
the committees recommendation and publicly disclose its
decision within 90 days from the date of the annual meeting
of stockholders. Any director who tenders his or her resignation
will not participate in the committees recommendation or
the board action regarding whether to accept or reject the
tendered resignation.
In addition, if each member of the nominating and corporate
governance committee fails to be elected at the same election,
the independent directors who were elected will appoint a
committee to consider the tendered resignations and recommend to
the board whether to accept or reject them. Any vacancies in the
board may be filled by a majority of the directors then in
office. Each director elected in this manner will hold office
until his or her successor is elected and duly qualified.
About Director Nominees
The table below provides certain information as of
April 14, 2009, with respect to each director nominee.
Unless otherwise indicated, each person has been engaged in the
principal occupation shown for the past five years.
Year First
Principal Occupations, Other Public
Elected a
Name of Director
Directorships and Positions with the Company
Richard C. Adkerson
Chief Executive Officer of the Company since December 2003.
President of the Company since January 2008 and from April 1997
to March 2007. Chief Financial Officer of the Company from
October 2000 to December 2003. Director and Executive Vice
President of PT Freeport Indonesia, Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Atlantic Copper, and Co-Chairman of the Board of
McMoRan Exploration Co. (McMoRan). President and Chief Executive
Officer of McMoRan from 1998 to 2004.
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Director and Chairman Emeritus of Anadarko Petroleum
Corporation. Chairman of the Board of Anadarko Petroleum
Corporation from 1986 to 2005. President and Chief Executive
Officer of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation from 1979 to 2002 and
March 2003 to December 2003.
Robert A. Day
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Trust
Company of the West, an investment management company. Chairman
of the Board of TCW Group, a registered investment management
company. Chairman of Oakmont Corporation, a registered
investment advisor. Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of W. M. Keck Foundation, a national philanthropic
organization. Director of Société Générale
and McMoRan.
Gerald J. Ford
Chairman of the Board of Diamond-A Ford Corp. General Partner of
Flexpoint-Ford Fund II, a private equity firm. Former Chairman
of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of California Federal
Bank, a Federal Savings Bank, which merged with Citigroup Inc.
in 2002. Director of McMoRan, First Acceptance Corporation,
Hilltop Holdings Inc. and Scientific Games Corporation.
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
President of R.E. Smith Interests, an asset management company.
Director of McMoRan.
J. Bennett Johnston
Chairman of Johnston & Associates, LLC, a business
consulting firm. Chairman of Johnston Development Co. LLC, a
project development firm. United States Senator from 1972 until
Year First
Principal Occupations, Other Public
Elected a
Name of Director
Directorships and Positions with the Company
Charles C. Krulak
Former Commandant, United States Marine Corps, the Marine
Corps highest-ranking officer. Retired from United States
Marine Corps in 1999 after serving 35 years. Executive Vice
Chairman and Chief Administration Officer of MBNA Corp., a
financial services company, from March 2004 to June 2005. Chief
Executive Officer of MBNA Europe from January 2001 to March
2004, and Senior Vice Chairman of MBNA America from 1999 to
2001. Director of Union Pacific Corporation.
Bobby Lee Lackey
Consultant. President and Chief Executive Officer of
McManus-Wyatt-Hidalgo Produce Marketing Co., shipper of fruits
and vegetables, until 2000.
Jon C. Madonna
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of KPMG, an
international accounting and consulting firm. Retired from KPMG
in 1996 having held numerous senior leadership positions
throughout his 28-year career. Chairman of DigitalThink, Inc.
from April 2002 to May 2004 and Chief Executive Officer of
DigitalThink, Inc. from 2001 to 2002. President and Chief
Executive Officer of Carlson Wagonlit Corporate Travel, Inc.
from 1999 to 2000 and Vice Chairman of Travelers Group, Inc.
from 1997 to 1998. Director of AT&T Inc. and Tidewater Inc.
Dustan E. McCoy
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Brunswick Corporation, a
recreation products company, since December 2005. President of
the Brunswick Boat Group from 2000 until 2005. Joined Brunswick
in 1999 as Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate
Secretary. Director of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation.
Gabrielle K. McDonald
Judge, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague, The
Netherlands since November 2001. Special Counsel on Human Rights
to the Company since 1999. Judge, International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia from 1993 until 1999.
Advisory Director of McMoRan.
James R. Moffett
Chairman of the Board of the Company, and President Commissioner
of PT Freeport Indonesia. Chief Executive Officer of the Company
until 2003. Co-Chairman of the Board of McMoRan.
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
Private investor. Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company
since 2001. Vice President Commissioner of PT Freeport Indonesia
since 2001. Vice Chairman of the Board of McMoRan since 2001.
J. Stapleton Roy
Director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the
United States at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars. Senior Adviser and previously Vice Chairman and
Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, Inc., international
consultants and consultants to the Company, having joined
Kissinger Associates, Inc. in 2001. Assistant Secretary of State
for Intelligence and Research from November 1999 until December
2000. United States Ambassador to Indonesia from 1996 until 1999.
Year First
Principal Occupations, Other Public
Elected a
Name of Director
Directorships and Positions with the Company
Stephen H. Siegele
Private investor since 2000. Founder and Chief Executive of
Advanced Delivery and Chemical Systems, Inc. from 1988 to 1997.
Senior Executive and Vice Chairman of the Board of Advanced
Technology Materials, Inc. from 1997 to 2000.
J. Taylor Wharton
Retired Special Assistant to the President for Patient Affairs
and Professor, Gynecologic Oncology, The University of Texas M.
D. Anderson Cancer Center. Advisory Director of McMoRan.
Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
The company believes that it is important for its directors and
executive officers to align their interests with the long-term
interests of stockholders. We encourage stock accumulation
through the grant of equity incentives to our directors and
executive officers and through our stock ownership guidelines
applicable to our directors and executive officers.
Except as otherwise indicated below, the table below shows the
amount of our common stock each of our directors and named
executive officers owned as of April 14, 2009. Unless
otherwise indicated, (a) the persons shown below do not
beneficially own any of our preferred stock, and (b) all
shares shown are held with sole voting and investment power and
include, if applicable, shares held in our Employee Capital
Accumulation Program (ECAP).
Number of
Number of
Total Number
Shares Not
Shares Subject
of Shares
Subject to
to Exercisable
Name of Beneficial Owner
Richard C. Adkerson(4)
Robert J. Allison, Jr.(5)
Michael J. Arnold
Robert A. Day(6)
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
James R. Moffett(7)
Kathleen L. Quirk
B. M. Rankin, Jr.(8)
J. Stapleton Roy
Stephen H. Siegele(9)
J. Taylor Wharton(10)
Directors, named executive officers and executive officers as a
group (18 persons)
* |
Ownership is less than 1% |
(1) |
Our common stock that could be acquired within sixty days of the
record date upon the exercise of options granted pursuant to our
stock incentive plans. |
(2) |
Total number of shares beneficially owned does not include RSUs
for the following: |
Name of Beneficial Owner
Number of RSUs
Richard C. Adkerson
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Michael J. Arnold
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
J. Bennett Johnston
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Jon C. Madonna
Dustan E. McCoy
Gabrielle K. McDonald
James R. Moffett
Kathleen L. Quirk
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
J. Stapleton Roy
Stephen H. Siegele
J. Taylor Wharton
() Mr. Adkerson previously transferred to his
former spouse the right to receive the underlying shares due
upon vesting of 47,173 of these RSUs, net of shares used to pay
any taxes due. Mr. Adkerson disclaims beneficial ownership
of such RSUs.
For more information regarding the RSUs, see the sections titled
Director Compensation, Compensation Discussion
and Analysis and Executive Officer
Compensation Grants of Plan Based Awards. |
(3) |
Based on 411,751,897 shares of our common stock outstanding
as of April 14, 2009. |
(4) |
Includes 8,248 shares of our common stock held in his
individual retirement account (IRA). |
(5) |
Includes 29,622 shares of our common stock held by
Mr. Allison through a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT)
and 29,622 shares of our common stock held by
Mr. Allisons spouse through a GRAT. |
(6) |
Includes 21,000 shares of our common stock held by his
spouse, as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership. |
(7) |
Includes (a) 1,414,671 shares of our common stock held
by a limited liability company with respect to which
Mr. Moffett, as a member, shares voting and investment
power and (b) 7,552 shares of our common stock held by
his spouse, as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership. The
limited liability company through which Mr. Moffett owns
his shares entered into five forward sale contracts with a
securities broker pursuant to which the limited liability
company agreed to sell 300,000 shares of common stock on
October 26, 2009, 150,000 shares of common stock on
August 11, 2010, 300,000 shares on February 15,
2011, 300,000 shares of common stock on September 5,
2012, and 85,799 shares of common stock on March 15,
2013, with the sale price to be determined and paid on the
respective maturity date. Under all five contracts, the limited
liability company may elect to settle the contract in cash and
retain ownership of the shares. The limited liability company
has pledged a total of 1,135,799 shares to secure its
obligations under these contracts but continues to hold
beneficial ownership, voting power and the right to receive
quarterly dividend payments of $0.25 per share with |
respect to 750,000 of the shares, and quarterly dividend
payments of $0.3125 per share with respect to 385,799 of the
shares. |
(8) |
Of the shares shown, 500,000 are held by a limited partnership
in which Mr. Rankin is the sole shareholder of the sole
general partner. The limited partnership through which
Mr. Rankin owns his shares entered into a prepaid forward
sale contract with a securities broker relating to
200,000 shares pursuant to which the limited partnership
received a payment of $6,157,595 upon execution of the
agreement. The exact number of shares to be delivered on the
settlement date, August 11, 2010, will be determined by the
closing price on such date. The limited partnership has pledged
a total of 200,000 shares to secure its obligations under
this contract but continues to hold beneficial ownership, voting
power and the right to receive quarterly dividend payments and
certain special dividends with respect to the
(9) |
Includes 40,815 shares issuable upon conversion of
30,000 shares of our
Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock. |
(10) |
Includes (a) 26,937 shares of our common stock held by
Mr. Whartons spouse, (b) 160 shares of our
common stock held in an IRA for Mr. Whartons spouse,
(c) 420 shares of our common stock held in his IRA,
and (d) 5,089 shares of our common stock held by
Mr. Wharton as custodian for his daughter. |
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, requires our directors and executive officers and
persons who own more than 10% of our common stock to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC.
Based solely upon our review of the Forms 3, 4 and 5 filed
during 2008, and written representations from certain reporting
persons that no Forms 5 were required, we believe that all
required reports were timely filed.
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
This table shows the owner of more than 5% of our outstanding
common stock as of December 31, 2008 based on filings with
the SEC. Unless otherwise indicated, all information is
presented as of December 31, 2008, and all shares
beneficially owned are held with sole voting and investment
Number of
Percent of
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Edward C. Johnson, III
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
(1) |
Based on 384,445,945 shares of our common stock outstanding
as of December 31, 2008. |
(2) |
Based on Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13G jointly filed
with the SEC on February 17, 2009 by FMR LLC
(FMR) and Edward C. Johnson, III, Chairman of
FMR (Johnson). According to the Schedule 13G,
(a) Fidelity Management & Research Company, a
wholly owned subsidiary of FMR (Fidelity), is the
beneficial owner of 22,452,758 shares, including
4,847,307 shares of our common stock resulting from the
assumed conversion of 3,550,100 shares of our 6.75%
mandatory convertible preferred stock and 462,303 shares of
our common stock resulting from the assumed conversion of
21,472 shares of our
convertible perpetual preferred stock, and Johnson and FMR each
have sole investment power with respect to all of the shares
beneficially owned by Fidelity and voting power with respect to
none of the shares beneficially owned by Fidelity,
(b) Strategic Advisors, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
FMR (Strategic), is the beneficial owner of
28,991 shares, and Johnson and FMR each have sole voting
and investment power with respect to all of the shares
beneficially owned by Strategic, (c) Pyramis Global
Advisors, LLC, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of FMR
(PGA), is the beneficial owner of
136,724 shares, and Johnson and FMR each have sole voting
and investment power with respect to all of the shares
beneficially owned by PGA, and (d) Pyramis Global Advisors
Trust Company, an indirect |
wholly owned subsidiary of FMR (PGATC), is the
beneficial owner of 551,357 shares, and Johnson and FMR
each have sole voting power with respect to 507,517 of the
shares beneficially owned by PGATC and sole investment power
with respect to all of the shares beneficially owned by PGATC. |
Officer Compensation
Discussion and Analysis
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis is designed to provide
our stockholders with an understanding of our compensation
philosophy and objectives, as well as the analysis that we
performed in setting executive compensation. It discusses the
corporate personnel committees (the committees)
determination of how and why, in addition to what, compensation
actions were taken for the executive officers who are identified
in the Summary Compensation Table below (the named
executive officers).
The committee determines the compensation of our executive
officers and administers our annual incentive, long-term
incentive and stock incentive plans. Our companys
executive compensation philosophy is to:
pay for performance by emphasizing performance-based
compensation that balances rewards for both short- and long-term
results and provides our executives with high reward
opportunities for high corporate performance,
tie compensation to the interests of stockholders, and
provide a competitive level of compensation that will attract
and retain talented executives.
Since August 2007, the committee has retained Towers Perrin as
its executive compensation consultant. As a condition of its
engagement, Towers Perrin agreed that it will not provide any
services to the companys management. Since its initial
engagement, Towers Perrin has performed three significant
projects at the request of the committee. First, Towers Perrin
provided information and advice to the committee in connection
with the preparation and execution of new employment agreements
with Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk executed in January
2008. Second, Towers Perrin provided information and advice in
connection with the committees determination of the award
pool under our annual incentive plan for 2007 to account for the
impact of the Phelps Dodge acquisition. Third, during 2008 and
continuing into 2009, Towers Perrin has provided information and
advice regarding the restructuring of the companys
executive compensation program as discussed below.
The committee also consults with the executive chairman and our
chief executive officer regarding compensation decisions
affecting our other executive officers.
of 2008 Compensation
The total compensation for our executive officers for 2008
decreased significantly compared to compensation attributable to
2007 as a result of the global economic downturn and the drastic
fall of commodity prices. As discussed in more detail below,
this reduction in compensation is primarily because (1) our
executive chairman and our chief executive officer declined to
receive any payments under our annual incentive plan (AIP) for
2008, (2) there were no payouts on performance units
granted under our long-term performance incentive plan (LTPIP)
for 2008, and (3) our other executive officers received
lower payments under the AIP for 2008. The committee did not
grant the executive officers any stock options or other
stock-based incentives in 2008, other than (a) the
restricted stock units, or RSUs, granted in connection with the
awards under the AIP for 2007, and (b) the special grants
of RSUs to two of our executives in connection with their
execution of employment agreements in January 2008. These awards
are reflected in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards
table. As part of our restructured executive compensation
program, the committee granted stock options to our executive
officers in February 2009, which are discussed below.
The committee believes that our senior management performed well
in executing the companys strategy into the third quarter
of 2008, increasing production volumes and pursuing expansion
opportunities. Subsequently, our executives responded quickly
and effectively to the economic downturn that occurred in the
fourth quarter of 2008, positioning our company to weather the
adverse economic environment and to preserve our mineral
resources and growth opportunities for what we expect to be a
long-term positive market for commodities. In light of these
efforts, the committee believes that the total compensation
packages for 2008 of our executive officers are appropriate.
For 2008, the components of our executive officer compensation
program were base salary, the AIP, the LTPIP and various
perquisites and post-employment benefits. As noted above, the
committee also made a special grant of RSUs to Mr. Adkerson
and Ms. Quirk in January 2008 in connection with the
execution of their employment agreements. The committee views
total direct compensation for a given year as the
sum of the executives base salary, payments under the AIP,
payouts under the LTPIP, and the value of long-term incentives
granted. Our executive officers also receive additional
compensation in the form of certain perquisites and personal
benefits, as well as commitments for post-employment
compensation, which the committee considers separately from
total direct compensation. Accordingly, the committee views our
executive officer total direct compensation for 2008 as follows:
Total Direct
Value of
Base Salary
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Kathleen L. Quirk
Michael J. Arnold
(1) |
Does not include the value of perquisites and personal benefits,
as well as commitments for post-employment compensation, which
amounts are included in the Summary Compensation Table and
supplementary tables below. |
(2) |
As discussed in more detail below, in January 2008 the committee
granted each executive officer performance units under the
LTPIP. However, following the end of 2008, all outstanding
performance units, including the January 2008 grants, had no
value and, accordingly, there were no payouts for 2008. The
LTPIP was terminated in February 2009. |
(3) |
Except for the special grants described below, all RSUs received
by our executives in 2008 related to our 2007 AIP and are viewed
as 2007 compensation by the committee. In January 2008, each of
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk received a special grant of
performance-based restricted stock units in connection with
execution of employment agreements. Mr. Adkerson received
200,000 RSUs, with a grant date value of $17,250,000, and
Ms. Quirk received 75,000 RSUs, with a grant date value of
$6,468,750, with the value determined by reference to the
closing price of our common stock. At December 31, 2008,
the value of Mr. Adkersons award was $4,888,000 and
Ms. Quirks award was $1,833,000. See the description
of these restricted stock units under Executive
Compensation Program Long-Term Incentive
Awards. No stock options were granted to our executive
officers in 2008, although the executives did receive stock
option grants in February 2009. See Executive Compensation
Program Long-Term Incentive Awards Stock
Options. |
The values of base salary and non-equity incentive plan
compensation for 2008 in the Summary Compensation Table are
equivalent to the amounts reflected above for base salary and
the AIP payments. However, whereas the table above does not
include any value for long-term incentives granted in 2008, the
Summary Compensation Table includes significant values for stock
and option awards during 2008 to each officer. This is primarily
because the Summary Compensation Table, prepared in accordance
with SEC regulations, includes equity awarded in prior years and
values those equity awards for 2008 based on the amount of the
related compensation expense in the companys 2008 income
statement in accordance with FAS 123(R).
of Executive Compensation Program
Throughout 2008 and continuing into 2009, the committee worked
extensively with Towers Perrin to evaluate our executive
compensation program in light of internal and external
developments. Our acquisition of Phelps Dodge in March 2007
expanded our company in scope and size and transformed our
company into a global leader in the copper industry. The
committee recognized that the companys increased
production capabilities following the transaction could result
in significantly larger funding pools under our AIP. As a
result, the committee decided to revise the AIP as part of the
companys restructured executive compensation program. In
addition to these internal changes, the weak global economic
conditions and the sharp decline in commodity prices during the
second half of 2008 have caused our company to undertake a
series of actions designed to be responsive to the weak economic
environment while preserving resources and growth opportunities
for the longer term. These actions included the following:
Significant reductions in capital spending;
Adjustments to operating plans to reduce production of marginal
high cost volumes resulting in lower unit costs;
Significant reductions in operating, exploration and
administrative costs; and
Revisions to our financial policy to conserve cash and protect
liquidity through suspension of our common stock dividend and
our share repurchase program, raising proceeds through the sale
of common stock and effectively managing working capital.
In response to these internal and external developments, during
2008 and early 2009, the committee took the following actions in
restructuring the companys executive compensation program:
Proposed a redesigned annual incentive plan, which was approved
by the board and is being presented to stockholders for approval
at this meeting (see Proposal to Adopt the 2009 Annual
Incentive Plan for a more detailed description of this new
plan). Following are the most significant aspects of this new
Establishes a plan pool of 0.625% of operating cash flow,
compared to 2.5% of operating cash flow under our current plan;
Includes a cap on payments under the plan equal to eight times
the executives base salary, compared to no cap under our
current plan; and
Provides an equity component under which any payments over four
times the executives base salary will be made in
restricted stock units having an equivalent value, the vesting
of which will be subject to our continued achievement of the 6%
return on investment threshold.
Eliminated the elective restricted stock unit program.
Revised our option grant policy for executives to provide
smaller, annual grants at the committees discretion rather
than larger, three-year option grants.
Terminated our long-term performance incentive plan (LTPIP).
Adopted a policy whereby the company will no longer provide
excise tax
protections in change of control arrangements adopted, renewed
or extended after December 2, 2008. This policy does not
affect the excise tax
protections currently included in the employment agreements with
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk; however, in accordance
with this policy, the agreements with Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk will not be extended, renewed or continued beyond
January 1, 2012, with these
protections in place.
Revised its executive perquisite program to eliminate club dues
and all tax
gross-ups on
perquisites. In addition, the company will no longer pay
director fees to executive officers serving on the board
effective May 1, 2009.
Although objective criteria are reviewed, the committee does not
apply hard metrics to decisions regarding executive
compensation. We have a small group of executive officers, and
the committees decisions regarding salary levels and grant
amounts (in the form of stock options and percentage allocations
under the annual incentive plan) reflect the committees
views as to the broad scope of responsibilities of our executive
officers and the committees subjective assessment of their
individual impact on the companys overall success.
Executive Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer. We recognize that the level of
compensation paid to our chairman and our chief executive
officer is significantly greater than that paid to our other
executive officers. The compensation levels of
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson reflect our view that their
management of the organization provides the basis for the
company to achieve success and reflects the value that we place
on the quality of their leadership and capabilities. This
disparity also has some basis in seniority. Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson each impart extraordinary value to our company,
each bringing to their partnership a set of
complementary skills. We believe their respective compensation
arrangements recognize those skills and their contributions to
the success of our company.
Mr. Moffett has been at the helm of our company since its
formation and has guided our growth through significant
discoveries of metal reserves using his skill as a geologist. He
also led the development of our Grasberg mine, milling
facilities and infrastructure. As executive chairman,
Mr. Moffett continues to further our business strategy by
applying his exceptional talents, which has created substantial
value for our company. He directs our exploration programs and
also continues to be instrumental in fostering our relationship
with the government of Indonesia, the location of our Grasberg
Mr. Adkerson, as president and chief executive officer, is
responsible for the executive management of our company.
Mr. Adkerson has demonstrated considerable leadership
abilities in developing and executing a business and financial
strategy that is positive for our stockholders, and in building
an operational, financial and administrative organization that
efficiently supports our business through various economic
cycles. Mr. Adkerson has provided strong leadership and
sound judgment in our efforts to respond aggressively to the
economic downturn.
Stock Ownership. We believe that it is
important for our executive officers to align their interests
with the long-term interests of our stockholders. With that
philosophy in mind, we have structured our current and past
compensation programs to ensure that a portion of our executive
officers compensation is delivered in a form of equity,
such as stock options and restricted stock units. In January
2008, all of our executive officers received restricted stock
units in connection with their 2007 annual incentive awards, and
our chief executive officer elected to receive all of his annual
incentive award in restricted stock units, which he has done for
the last five years. By the end of the year, these awards had
lost over 70% of their value, which mirrored the decline in our
stock price over the year. As reflected in Stock Ownership
of Directors and Executive Officers, each of
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson currently holds a significant
ownership stake in the company, which provides an incentive to
maximize the value of our stock over the long term.
In 2006, the committee adopted stock ownership guidelines
applicable to our executive officers. For purposes of the
guidelines, the stock value is calculated annually, determined
by reference to either the one-year or five-year trailing
average monthly stock price. Shares of common stock currently
owned by the executive officers are counted for purposes of the
stock ownership guidelines, as are shares held in employee
benefit plans, individual retirement accounts, shares issuable
upon the vesting of outstanding restricted stock units, shares
issuable upon conversion of mandatory convertible preferred
stock and shares held in certain trusts. Under the guidelines,
each of Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson is required to
maintain ownership of company stock valued at five times his
base salary, and our other executive officers are required to
maintain ownership of company stock valued at three times their
base salaries. As of December 31, 2008, all of our
executive officers had exceeded their target ownership level. In
particular, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson each owned shares
valued at more than 35 times his base salary, or more than seven
times his target ownership level, reflecting their individual
commitments to aligning their interests with those of the
stockholders. For
more information regarding the current stock holdings of our
executive officers, please see Stock Ownership of
Directors and Executive Officers.
Consideration of Stock Option Exercises and RSU
Vestings. The committee does not factor into
its decisions regarding executive compensation the gains
received by our executive officers in connection with the
vesting of restricted stock units or the exercise of stock
options. The committee believes that to do so would be
double counting compensation (i.e., first, when
issued and second, when vested or exercised). For example, many
of Mr. Adkersons outstanding restricted stock units
were voluntarily received in lieu of cash compensation
previously earned in connection with our former elective
restricted stock program. Because he undertook a risk when
electing to participate in the program, we believe it would be
inappropriate to allow the value of the award at vesting to
impact future compensation decisions. With respect to the stock
option grants, the committees position has been similar.
The value of the stock options upon exercise is directly related
to the appreciation in value of our common stock, which in turn
is directly impacted by the efforts of our executive officers in
managing our company. Further, a key purpose behind granting
stock options to executives is to provide an incentive for them
to increase stockholder value over time. Accordingly, the
committee has not taken realized option gains into account when
making decisions regarding future compensation, nor did it
revise its compensation or grant practices during years when our
executives did not exercise any stock options.
of Components of Executive Compensation
Executive officer compensation for 2008 included base salaries,
annual incentive awards, long-term incentive awards, and
personal benefits and perquisites. The following chart
summarizes our reasons for paying each element of compensation:
Component of Compensation
Summary and Purpose of the Component
Base Salaries
Base salaries provide fixed compensation to our executives.
Each executive officers base salary is based on his or her
level of responsibility. Pursuant to their employment
agreements, the base salary of Mr. Moffett is contractually set
through December 31, 2009, and the base salaries of Mr. Adkerson
and Ms. Quirk are contractually set through January 1, 2012.
Annual Incentive Awards
Annual cash incentives payable under our annual incentive plan
(AIP) are a variable component of compensation designed to
reward our executives for maximizing annual operating
performance, including safety performance. The aggregate plan
funding amount for the annual cash awards is based on our net
cash provided by operating activities, which we believe is a
significant measure of our companys success. As noted
below, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson recommended to the committee
that they not receive any annual cash incentive payment for
Component of Compensation
Summary and Purpose of the Component
Long-Term Incentive Awards
Long-term incentives are also a variable component of compensation intended to reward our executives for the companys success in achieving sustained, long-term profitability and increases in stock value. Through 2008, we provided long-term incentive awards in the form of:
stock options, which through 2008 were granted every three years and which provide a focus on stock price performance and encourage executive ownership of our stock; and
performance units granted under our long-term performance incentive plan (LTPIP), which, until the LTPIP was terminated in 2009, were granted annually and provided a focus on sustained profit performance.
The number of stock options and performance units granted to each executive officer has historically been based on the executive officers responsibilities. These programs were substantially altered in 2009 in connection with the committees redesign of the executive compensation program and are further described below. In addition, each of Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk received performance-based restricted stock units in January 2008 in connection with the execution of their employment agreements.
Personal Benefits and Perquisites
Our purpose in providing personal benefits and perquisites to
our executive officers is to aid in the retention of executive
talent and to recognize the high degree of integration between
the personal and professional lives of our executive officers.
This program was also revised in 2009 and is further described
Compensation Program
Set forth below is an explanation of each component of our
executive compensation program. The discussion includes both a
description of the committees compensation decisions for
2008 and a description of changes under our redesigned executive
compensation program.
Our philosophy is that base salaries should meet the objective
of attracting and retaining the executive officers needed to
manage our business successfully. Actual individual salary
amounts reflect the committees judgment with respect to
each executive officers responsibility, performance, work
experience and the individuals historical salary level.
Our goal is to allocate more compensation to the
performance-dependent elements of the total compensation
package, and we do not routinely provide base salary increases.
Consequently, we have not increased the base salaries of our
executive officers since May 2007, when increases to the base
salaries of certain executive officers were approved to address
the increased responsibilities of these executives following our
acquisition of Phelps Dodge. The base salaries of
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk are
contractually set pursuant to their employment agreements.
Incentive Awards
Our annual incentive plan, or AIP, is designed to provide
performance-based awards to our executive officers, each of
whose performance has a significant impact on our financial
stability, profitability and future growth. All of our named
executive officers were eligible to receive awards under the AIP
for 2008. As discussed further below, Mr. Moffett and
Mr. Adkerson recommended that they not receive any award
under the AIP for 2008.
2008 Awards under Current AIP. Under the
current AIP, if our five-year return on investment is 6% or
greater, our executive officers share in a plan funding amount
equal to 2.5% of our operating cash flow, subject to adjustment
based on our safety performance. The terms of the AIP permit the
committee to exercise discretion to determine the award pool,
provided that the aggregate awards do not exceed the plan
amount. The committee exercised this discretion in establishing
the award pool for 2007, and also exercised this discretion in
awarding payments for 2008, as described below.
In January 2008, we assigned 45% of the aggregate plan funding
amount to each of Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, and 5% to
each of Ms. Quirk and Mr. Arnold. During the five-year
period ending in 2008, the average return on investment was
16.2%. For 2008, the level of operating cash flow produced a
maximum plan funding amount of $84.3 million based on the
formula above. After evaluating the applicable safety
performance measures in connection with the proposed 2008
awards, the committee determined that no adjustment to this
amount was warranted. The company achieved a number of important
objectives during 2008, including record copper production and
significant reserve additions. The stock price reached an all
time high of over $125 in May 2008. However, because of the
significant downturn in economic conditions that occurred in
late 2008 and the impact on the companys cash flows and
share price, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson recommended that
the committee not grant them any award under the AIP for 2008,
and the committee accepted that recommendation. With respect to
Ms. Quirk and Mr. Arnold, the committee considered the
significant efforts of these officers throughout 2008, and the
recommendation of Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson. The
committee concluded that these officers deserved recognition and
approved a payment of $1 million for each of Ms. Quirk
and Mr. Arnold, an amount significantly lower than the
maximum each could have received under the plan formula.
Elective Restricted Stock Unit Program. In
1999, as part of our efforts to align the interests of the
executives with those of the stockholders, the committee
approved a program that gave executive officers and certain
other officers the ability to elect to receive a grant of
restricted stock units (RSUs) with respect to shares of our
common stock in lieu of all or part of their cash incentive
bonus for a given year. To encourage participation, given the
additional risk of forfeiture of the award, these elective RSUs
were granted at a 50% premium to the market value on the grant
date. The RSUs granted under this program vest ratably over a
three-year period, and are paid in an equivalent number of
shares of common stock upon vesting. For the RSUs granted to our
executive officers, the units will not vest and are forfeited
unless the average return on investment for the five calendar
years prior to the year of vesting is at least 6%.
As part of our review of our executive compensation program, we
reviewed this program with the committees executive
compensation consultant. Although the program has historically
been received positively by employees and investors, the
committee believed the premium should be re-evaluated based in
part on advice from the committees compensation
consultant. The committee considered modifying the program but
concluded that a reduced premium would not be attractive to
participants. Accordingly, in December 2008, the committee
terminated this program, and all elections applicable to the
incentive awards payable for 2008 incentive payouts were
rendered null. The RSUs granted to our executives under this
program in January 2008 in connection with the 2007 annual
incentive plan payments, however, are reflected in the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
Proposed 2009 Annual Incentive Plan. Our
stockholders approved the current AIP in 2005. We acquired
Phelps Dodge in 2007, which resulted in additional operating
cash flow for our company. Following the acquisition, the
committee re-evaluated the design of the AIP in light of our
substantial growth, and concluded that the overall design of the
AIP is appropriate for the following reasons:
its design supports the entrepreneurial spirit of the
focusing on operating cash flow, the underlying metric of the
plan, reflects our goal to maximize cash flows and long-term
values for our stockholders; and
our view that the variability of cash flows associated with
commodity prices, changes in production volumes, cost management
and other changes in business conditions closely aligns
management and stockholder interests.
The committee recognized, however, that the current design could
generate large funding pools and corresponding large payouts to
our executives because of the companys increased
production capabilities, especially during years when commodity
prices are high, as was the case in 2007. To address these
the committee, working with its compensation consultant,
proposed a new annual incentive plan, which is being presented
to our stockholders for approval at this meeting.
A key objective of restructuring the executive compensation
program, including revising the AIP, was to establish
compensation opportunities that reflect the performance of the
business, which may vary significantly from year to year, and
that are consistent with observed market pay levels. In
developing the proposed AIP, the committee retained the use of
operating cash flow as the financial measure used to fund the
AIP pool. This decision reflects our belief that operating cash
flow is a meaningful indicator of overall company performance.
In establishing the funding level for the restructured AIP, the
committee considered the reported 25th and
90th percentile statistics from Towers Perrins
general industry compensation survey as indicative of the
observed range of market pay levels for total direct
compensation (salary + target annual incentives + grant value of
long-term incentives). This information was a consideration in
determining the proposed AIP funding level but was not the sole
factor used to determine that level. Instead, the committee
applied its judgment in evaluating the proposed AIP funding
level by considering various operating cash flow scenarios and
comparing potential payouts to the observed range of market
practice. In conjunction with evaluating the proposed AIP
funding level, the committee also considered the level and forms
of long-term incentives that would be used in our restructured
executive compensation program, and established a new philosophy
regarding stock option grants. See Long-Term Incentive
Awards Stock Options below.
The new AIP is similar in design to the current AIP, but
contains the following provisions designed to limit potential
payments under the plan in order to ensure that the compensation
opportunities are consistent with observed market practice:
the plan funding pool will be 0.625% of operating cash flow
instead of 2.5%;
payments to executives under the plan may not exceed eight times
the executives base salary; and
any payments over four times the executives base salary
will be made in restricted stock units having an equivalent
value, the vesting of which will be subject to our continued
achievement of the 6% return on investment threshold, thus
converting a portion of the annual award to a long-term
incentive dependent upon the companys continued
As with the current plan, the new plan is designed to meet the
requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
by setting an objective performance target and a maximum funding
amount. Under the AIP, once the performance target has been
achieved, the committee retains the discretion to reduce or
eliminate the award pool and the awards to specific officers.
Accordingly, this plan design preserves the companys tax
treatment of these awards as performance-based under
Section 162(m), but gives the committee flexibility in
operating the plan.
Unlike the current plan, however, the new plan specifically
enumerates qualitative factors that the committee may consider
in exercising this discretion, including total shareholder
return and safety performance. The committee intends to continue
to exercise its discretion under the new plan to reduce awards
paid under the plan if it determines that awarding the entire
plan funding amount would not be appropriate in a given year, as
it did in 2007 and 2008. See Proposal to Adopt the 2009
Annual Incentive Plan for more information regarding the
proposed plan.
Incentive Awards
Through 2008, long-term incentives granted by the company
included performance units under our long-term performance
incentive plan (the LTPIP) and stock options (which were granted
to executives every three years). In 2008, the committee also
awarded special grants of restricted stock units described
below. In early 2009, as part of the redesign of our executive
compensation program, we substantially revised our long-term
incentive programs as described below.
Long-Term Performance Incentive Plan. In the
past, the committee also compensated officers for long-term
performance with annual grants of performance units under the
LTPIP. Performance units were designed to link a portion of
executive compensation to cumulative adjusted earnings per share
over a four-
year performance period. The LTPIP was approved by our
stockholders in 1999. In January 2008, each of our executive
officers received a grant of performance units under the LTPIP,
the amount of which was based on historical grant levels for his
or her level of responsibility. These grants are reflected in
the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
Under the LTPIP, the performance units were valued over a
four-year performance period based on the cumulative earnings
(or loss) per share, and that value was paid in cash after the
end of the four-year period. The payout value was determined by
multiplying the cumulative earnings per share or
net loss per share (as those terms were defined in
the plan) for the period by the number of performance units
granted for that period. After the end of each year, the
committee certified the adjusted annual earnings (or loss) per
share for that year and the payout amount was determined for
performance units vesting at the end of that year.
In the fourth quarter of 2008, we were required to record
significant impairment charges in connection with certain
long-lived assets, including goodwill. As a result of these
impairment charges, we had a net loss per share for 2008, which
eliminated all earnings (approximately $50 million) that
had accumulated on outstanding performance units through 2007
and would have been paid out over the next four years. Of this
$50 million, approximately $32 million represented
amounts accumulated on outstanding units held by our executive
officers. The committee considered adjusting or otherwise
modifying the LTPIP to exclude or reduce the effect of the
impairment charges, but decided against any modification. After
confirming that the performance units vesting on
December 31, 2008 had no value and concluding that the
outstanding performance units would likely have no value in
future years, the committee recommended, and the board of
directors approved, termination of the plan in February 2009.
Stock Options. Stock options are intended to
reinforce the importance of creating stockholder value.
Beginning in 1996 for Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, and in
2005 for our other executive officers, the committees
practice was to grant larger, multi-year stock option awards
rather than smaller, annual awards. The recent economic crisis
and significant drop in commodity prices have resulted in a
significant decrease in our companys stock price, which
went from an all-time high of over $125 in May 2008 to $24.44 at
year-end. As a result of this decline, all of the outstanding
stock options held by our executives at the end of 2008 were
some significantly so. We have a longstanding commitment not to
reprice stock options and do not intend to amend or exchange any
of our outstanding options. In light of the termination of the
LTPIP, the lack of current value in the outstanding option
awards has substantially reduced the value of the long-term
incentives currently held by our executives.
The committee continues to believe that stock options are an
effective and appropriate long-term incentive for our executives
in that their value is dependent on an increase in our share
price and aligns the executives interests with those of
our stockholders. In an effort to lessen the impact of
significant price variations from year to year, the committee
determined that going forward it would grant annual, smaller
equity-based awards to the executives in the form of stock
options, but may also grant RSUs. These annual awards will have
grant date Black-Scholes values targeted between one and three
times (as determined by the committee) the executives base
salary, with a long-term average grant level targeted at two
times each executives base salary. This approach regarding
equity-based incentives is one component of total direct
compensation, which includes base salary, the annual incentive
plan and long-term incentives (stock options or RSUs), in our
restructured executive compensation program. See Annual
Incentive Awards Proposed 2009 Annual Incentive
Pursuant to this new philosophy regarding annual equity-based
grants, the committee granted the executive officers stock
options in February 2009. The number of options awarded to each
of our executive officers is set forth below and was determined
based on grant date Black-Scholes values of approximately three
times the executives base salary. These stock options have
an exercise price of $24.59.
Number of Options
Granted in February
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Kathleen L. Quirk
Michael J. Arnold
Special Grant of Restricted Stock Units. In
January 2008, in connection with the execution of new employment
agreements, the committee made a special grant of restricted
stock units to each of Mr. Adkerson (200,000 RSUs) and
Ms. Quirk (75,000 RSUs), which units are paid in an
equivalent number of shares of common stock upon vesting.
One-fifth of the units vested immediately upon grant, and the
remainder will vest in equal annual increments beginning
January 1, 2009, to correspond with the term of each
executives employment agreement. These units will not
vest, however, and are forfeited unless the average return on
investment for the five calendar years prior to the year of
vesting is at least 6%. In addition, any unvested restricted
stock units will be forfeited in the event of the
executives retirement.
Benefits and Perquisites
We provide certain personal benefits and perquisites to our
executive officers. In early 2009, as part of the restructuring
of our executive compensation program, the committee evaluated
the personal benefits and perquisites that we provide to our
executives, and revised this program. Accordingly, for fiscal
year 2009 and beyond, we will provide the following benefits for
the reasons noted below:
Personal use of company aircraft this benefit
is only provided to our chairman of the board and our chief
executive officer and is designed to provide an added level of
security to these executives and increase travel efficiencies,
thus ensuring the executives ready availability on short
notice and enabling the executives to focus more time and energy
on company matters. Our provision of this benefit also
recognizes the high degree of integration between the personal
and professional lives of these executive officers, and ensures
the security of the companys proprietary information by
enabling our officers to conduct business while traveling
without concern that company information will be compromised.
Personal use of company vehicles, and the provision of
security services and personnel these benefits
are also designed to provide added levels of security to our
executives and increase travel efficiencies, thus ensuring the
executives ready availability on short notice and enabling
the executives to focus more time and energy on company matters.
Financial and tax advice and personal use of company
facilities and personnel these benefits are in
place to provide executives with increased efficiencies in
handling personal matters, which we believe also promotes the
executives focus on company business. These benefits also
recognize the high degree of integration between the personal
and professional lives of our executive officers.
Charitable matching contributions this
program is part of our overall contribution program, and is
designed to encourage all employees, including our executives,
to contribute to hospitals, community, educational and cultural
institutions, and social service and environmental
organizations, by providing that we will match such
contributions up to certain limits.
Certain benefits will no longer be provided to our executive
officers, although these benefits were provided during 2008 and
are reflected in the Summary Compensation Table
below. These include dues for certain club memberships, tax
payments on perquisites, and the payment of meeting fees to
management members of our board of directors.
The amounts reflected in the Summary Compensation
Table represent our incremental cost of providing the
benefit, and not the value of the benefit to the recipient. With
respect to personal use of fractionally owned company aircraft,
the aggregate incremental cost includes the hourly operating
rate, fuel costs, and excise taxes. With respect to personal use
of vehicles and the provision of security services, the
aggregate cost of providing a car and driver is determined on an
annual basis and includes annual driver compensation and annual
car lease and insurance costs. Although the cars and drivers are
available for both business and personal use, the amounts
reflected in the Summary Compensation Table reflect
the aggregate cost to us without deducting costs attributable to
business use.
In addition to the compensation received by the executive
officers during 2008 and benefits under the companys
401(k) plan, which we provide to all qualified employees, we
also provide certain post-employment benefits to our executive
officers, including a nonqualified defined contribution plan, a
supplemental executive retirement plan, a defined benefit
program (although this program has been discontinued), as well
as certain severance and change of control benefits.
Nonqualified Defined Contribution Plan
This plan was put in place in 1996 and permits those employees
who are considered highly compensated under
applicable IRS rules, including our executive officers, to defer
up to 20% of their base salary. A participant may only defer
under this plan after the participant defers the maximum amount
permitted under the qualified plan in accordance with Internal
Revenue Code limits. The company makes a contribution equal to
5% of the participants base salary above the qualified
plan limit, and an additional contribution as described below.
We do not take into account income associated with option
exercises or the vesting of restricted stock units when
determining the companys contributions. The 5% company
contribution to the nonqualified plan noted above is based on
the companys contributions to its 401(k) plan (the
qualified plan), which provides that participants will receive a
company contribution equal to 100% of the participants
contributions to the plan not to exceed 5% of the
participants basic compensation. The purpose of the 5%
company contribution in our nonqualified plan is to continue the
5% contribution found in the 401(k) plan on a participants
basic compensation in excess of the qualified plan limits. The
nonqualified defined contribution plan is unfunded.
We had a defined benefit program in place until June 30,
2000. To compensate for the discontinuance of benefit accruals
under the defined benefit plan, we decided that we prospectively
would make an additional company contribution to our 401(k) plan
participants equal to 4% of each participants pensionable
compensation up to the applicable IRS limits, and also an
additional company contribution of 4% of compensation in excess
of such limits to participants in our nonqualified plan.
Further, because participants in a pension plan accrue most of
their benefits in the last 10 years of service, we decided
that employees who met certain age and service requirements as
of June 30, 2000, would receive an additional 6% company
contribution, for a total of 10%, to both the qualified and
nonqualified plans. As of June 30, 2000, the only two named
executive officers who met the applicable age and service
requirements were Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, thus
resulting in the 10% contribution for each. The purpose of the
nonqualified plan is to make total retirement benefits for our
employees who earn over the qualified plan limits commensurate
with those available to other employees as a percentage of pay.
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
We established an unfunded supplemental executive retirement
plan (SERP) for Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson in February
2004. The committee, advised by Mercer, its independent
compensation consultant at the time, approved the SERP, which
was then recommended to and approved by our board. The SERP
provides for benefits payable in the form of a 100% joint and
survivor annuity or an equivalent lump sum. The annuity will
equal a percentage of the executives highest base pay for
any three of the five years immediately preceding the
executives retirement, plus his average bonus for those
years, provided that the average bonus cannot exceed 200% of
average base pay. The percentage used in this calculation is
equal to 2% for each year of credited service up to
25 years, or a maximum of 50%. Income associated with
option exercises or the vesting of restricted stock units is not
a factor in determining the benefits payable under the SERP.
The SERP benefit will be reduced by the value of all benefits
received under the cash-balance program and all other retirement
plans (qualified and nonqualified), sponsored by the company, by
FM Services Company, one of our wholly owned subsidiaries, or by
any predecessor employer (including our former parent company,
Freeport-McMoRan Inc.), except for benefits produced by accounts
funded exclusively by
deductions from the participants pay. In addition, the
SERP benefit will be reduced by 3% per year if retirement
precedes age 65. Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson are both
100% vested under the SERP.
Change of Control and Severance Benefits
In January 2008, we entered into a new
employment agreement with Mr. Adkerson, which replaced his
prior employment and change of control agreements, and entered
into an employment agreement with Ms. Quirk, which replaced
her change of control agreement. In December 2008, we amended
and restated these agreements as well as Mr. Moffetts
employment and change of control agreements and entered into a
new change of control agreement with Mr. Arnold. The
committee, advised by Towers Perrin, established the terms of
these new agreements and the amendments thereto, which were then
approved by our board. Under these agreements, all of our named
executive officers are entitled to certain benefits in the event
of a change of control of the company and Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk are also entitled to certain
severance benefits under their employment agreements. We believe
that severance protections, particularly in the context of a
change of control transaction, can play a valuable role in
attracting and retaining key executive officers by providing
protections commonly provided in the market. In addition, we
believe these benefits also serve the companys interest by
promoting a continuity of management in the context of an actual
or threatened change of control transaction. The existence of
these arrangements does not impact our decisions regarding other
components of our executive compensation program, although we
consider these severance protections an important part of our
executives compensation packages.
We also believe that the occurrence, or potential occurrence, of
a change of control transaction will create uncertainty
regarding the continued employment of our executive officers.
This uncertainty results from the fact that many change of
control transactions result in significant organizational
changes, particularly at the senior executive level. In order to
encourage certain of our executive officers to remain employed
with the company during an important time when their prospects
for continued employment following the transaction are often
uncertain, we provide our executive officers with enhanced
severance benefits if their employment is terminated by the
company without cause or, in certain cases, by the executive in
connection with a change of control. Because we believe that a
termination by the executive for good reason may be conceptually
the same as a termination by the company without cause, and
because we believe that in the context of a change of control,
potential acquirors would otherwise have an incentive to
constructively terminate the executives employment to
avoid paying severance, we believe it is appropriate to provide
severance benefits in these circumstances. In December 2008, the
committee adopted a policy whereby the company will no longer
provide excise tax
protections in change of control arrangements adopted, renewed
or extended after December 2, 2008. This policy does not
affect the excise tax
protections currently included in the employment agreements with
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk; however, in accordance
with this policy, the agreements with Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk will not be extended, renewed or continued beyond
January 1, 2012, with these
protections in place.
We do not believe that our executive officers should be entitled
to receive cash severance benefits merely because a change of
control transaction occurs. The payment of cash severance
benefits is only triggered by an actual or constructive
termination of employment following a change of control (i.e.
a double trigger). Under their respective
incentive agreements, however, our executive officers would be
entitled to accelerated vesting of their outstanding equity
awards automatically upon a change of control of the company,
whether or not the officers employment is terminated. This
treatment of the equity awards in connection with a change of
control applies to all award recipients.
As described in more detail below under Potential Payments
Upon Termination or Change in Control,
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk would also
be entitled under their employment agreements to severance
benefits in the event of a termination of employment by the
company without cause or by the executive for good reason. The
committee has determined that it is appropriate to provide these
executives with severance benefits under these circumstances in
light of their positions with the company and as part of their
overall compensation package.
Section 162(m). Section 162(m)
of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) limits to
$1 million a public companys annual tax deduction for
compensation paid to each of its most highly compensated
executive officers. Qualified performance-based compensation is
excluded from this deduction limitation if certain requirements
are met. The committees policy is to structure
compensation awards that will be deductible where doing so will
further the purposes of our executive compensation programs. The
committee also considers it important to retain flexibility to
design compensation programs that recognize a full range of
criteria important to our success, even where compensation
payable under the programs may not be fully deductible. As such,
the committee may implement revised or additional compensation
programs in the future as it deems appropriate or necessary to
adequately compensate our executive team.
The committee believes that the stock options, a portion of the
performance-based restricted stock units, and awards under our
AIP qualify for the exclusion from the deduction limitation
under Section 162(m). With the exception of a portion of
the salary paid to our executive chairman and our chief
executive officer, the committee anticipates that the remaining
components of individual executive compensation that do not
qualify for an exclusion from Section 162(m) should not
exceed $1 million in any given year and therefore will
qualify for deductibility.
Sections 280G and 4999. Code
Section 4999 imposes a 20% excise tax on the recipient of
an excess parachute payment and Code
Section 280G disallows the tax deduction to the payor of
any amount of an excess parachute payment that is contingent on
a change of control. In order to be subject to the excise tax,
payments as a result of a change of control must exceed three
times the executives base amount as determined under
Section 280G, but once this threshold is achieved the
excise tax is imposed on the payments that exceed one time the
executives base amount. Pursuant to the employment
agreements with Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk, we have
agreed to provide each of them with a
payment to reimburse the executive for the excise tax under Code
Section 4999 as well as any additional income and excise
taxes resulting from such reimbursement, but such payment will
only be triggered if their change of control benefits exceed
110% of the Section 280G limit. The intent of the tax
gross-up is
to provide a benefit without a tax penalty to those executives
who are displaced in the event of a change of control, and to
avoid disparate treatment of individuals as a result of
imposition of the tax, which can have arbitrary results in
application. As noted above, in December 2008, the committee
adopted a policy whereby the company will no longer provide
excise tax
protections in change of control arrangements adopted, renewed
or extended after December 2, 2008. This policy does not
affect the excise tax
protections currently included in the employment agreements with
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk; however, in accordance
with this policy, the agreements with Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk will not be extended, renewed or continued beyond
January 1, 2012, with these
protections in place.
Personnel Committee Report
The corporate personnel committee of our board of directors has
reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis required by Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K,
and based on such review and discussion, the corporate personnel
committee recommended to the board that the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy statement.
Submitted by the Corporate Personnel Committee as of
April 20, 2009:
H. Devon Graham, Jr., Chairman
Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Charles C. Krulak
Bobby Lee Lackey
Compensation Tables
The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or
earned by our chief executive officer, our chief financial
officer, and our executive officers other than the chief
executive officer and chief financial
officer (collectively, the named executive officers). The
amounts represented in the Stock Awards and
Option Awards columns reflect the expense recorded
by the company pursuant to FAS 123(R), and do not
necessarily reflect the income that will ultimately be realized
by the named executive officers for these awards. For a
description of the employment agreements between the company and
each of Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk,
see Compensation Discussion and Analysis above and
Potential Payments upon Termination or Change of
Control below.
Summary Compensation Table
Change in
Value and
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and
Principal Position
James R. Moffett
Chairman of the
Richard C. Adkerson
President & Chief
Executive Officer
Kathleen L. Quirk
Executive Vice
President, Chief
Financial Officer & Treasurer
Michael J. Arnold
Executive Vice
President & Chief
Administrative Officer
(1) |
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk also
provide services to and receive compensation from McMoRan
Exploration Co. (McMoRan). Until February 1, 2007,
Ms. Quirks compensation was paid through an
allocation arrangement under a services agreement with one of
our subsidiaries, FM Services Company (the Services Company),
under which 75% of Ms. Quirks salary was allocated to
us and 25% of Ms. Quirks salary was allocated to
McMoRan. Accordingly, the amounts reflected in the Summary
Compensation Table in 2007 and 2006 represent only the
portion allocated to us. Effective February 1, 2007, 100%
of Ms. Quirks salary was allocated to us. |
(2) |
The amounts reported in the Stock Awards column
reflect, for each named executive officer, the compensation cost
recognized for performance-based RSUs in accordance with
FAS 123(R). RSU awards are valued on the date of grant at
the closing sale price per share of our common stock. See
Compensation Discussion and Analysis for information
regarding our RSU grants. |
(3) |
The amounts reported in the Option Awards column
reflect the compensation cost recognized for stock options
granted to our named executive officers in 2007, 2005 and 2004
in accordance with FAS 123(R). For additional information
relating to the assumptions made by us in calculating these
amounts for awards made in 2007, refer to Notes 1 and 13 of
our financial statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008. For additional
information relating to the assumptions made by us in
calculating these amounts for awards made in 2005 and 2004,
refer to Note 1 of our financial statements in our Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006. |
(4) |
The amounts reported in the Non-Equity Incentive
Plan column reflect, for each named executive officer, the
annual cash incentive payments received under our annual
incentive plan for fiscal years 2008, 2007 and 2006, and the
cash payout of units granted under our long-term performance
incentive plan that vested on December 31, 2008, 2007 and
2006, as follows: |
Incentive Plan
Incentive Plan
Cash Payment
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Ms. Quirk
Mr. Arnold
For 2007 and 2006, amounts reported under Annual Incentive Plan
Cash Payment do not include the performance-based RSUs that
certain executive officers elected to receive in lieu of cash
payments. The expenses related to these awards are reflected in
the Stock Awards column. This elective RSU program
was cancelled in 2008. For 2008, Messrs. Moffett and
Adkerson recommended to the corporate personnel committee that
they not receive an annual cash incentive payment under our
annual incentive plan. Awards under our Long-Term Performance
Incentive Plan that vested December 31, 2008 had no value.
As a result, no payout was provided to our named executive
officers under the plan for 2008. For further information
regarding our annual incentive plan, elective restricted stock
unit program and long-term performance incentive plan, see
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. |
(5) |
The amounts reported in the Change in Pension Value and
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column include
(a) the change in actuarial value of our defined benefit
program, (b) the change in actuarial value of our
supplemental executive retirement plan for Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson, and (c) above-market or preferential
nonqualified deferred compensation earnings, as set forth in the
table below. See the Retirement Benefit Programs
section for more information. |
Benefit Plan
Retirement Plan
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Ms. Quirk
Mr. Arnold
(6) |
The amounts reported in the All Other Compensation
column for 2008 reflect, for each named executive officer as
applicable, the sum of the incremental cost to the company of
all perquisites and other personal benefits and additional all
other compensation required by the SEC rules to be separately
quantified, including the amount of any tax reimbursements (no
longer provided effective in 2009), amounts contributed by the
company to defined contribution plans, the dollar value of life
insurance premiums paid by the company and the dollar value of
interest credited on dividend equivalents on unvested RSUs
during 2008. The amounts reported include (a) matching
gifts under the matching gifts program, (b) personal |
financial and tax advice under the companys program,
(c) the aggregate incremental cost to the company of the
executives personal use of fractionally owned company
aircraft, which includes the hourly operating rate, fuel costs
and excise taxes, (d) personal use of company facilities
and personnel, (e) club memberships (no longer provided
effective in 2009) and (f) personal use of company
cars and security services, as reflected in the table below. The
aggregate incremental cost to the company of
Messrs. Moffett and Adkersons personal use of
fractionally owned company aircraft does not include the lost
tax deduction for expenses that exceeded the amounts reported as
income for each executive, which for fiscal year 2008 was
approximately $143,000 for Mr. Moffett and $133,000 for
Mr. Adkerson. For Mr. Arnold, the amounts reported
also include annual leave reimbursements under our compensation
program for expatriate employees living overseas, relocation
expenses in accordance with the companys policy and travel
expenses incurred by the executives spouse. |
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits
Additional All Other Compensation
and Tax
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Ms. Quirk
Mr. Arnold
For further information regarding how we calculate the
incremental cost of the perquisites, see the section titled
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
in Fiscal Year 2008
No. of Units
Payouts Under
Payouts Under
Grant Date
Value of
Equity Incentive
Fair Value
Stock Awards
Incentive Plan
Incentive Plan
Plan Awards
of Stock
as of
Awards Target
James R. Moffett
AIP- Cash Award
RSUs Performance
Richard C. Adkerson
AIP- Cash Award
RSUs Performance
Kathleen L. Quirk
AIP- Cash Award
RSUs Performance
Michael J. Arnold
AIP- Cash Award
RSUs Performance
(1) |
Represents the number of performance units granted in January
2008 under our Long-Term Performance Incentive Plan (LTPIP),
which units were scheduled to vest as of December 31, 2011.
Under the LTPIP, as of December 31 of each year in the
performance cycle, each officers performance award account
was credited with an amount equal to the annual earnings
per share or net loss per share (as defined in
the |
LTPIP) for that year multiplied by the number of performance
units then credited to such performance award account. As
described in Compensation Discussion and Analysis,
after crediting the outstanding performance award accounts with
the net loss per share for 2008, the accounts had no value. In
February 2009, the board terminated the LTPIP and all
outstanding units were cancelled, including the units reflected
in the table above. |
(2) |
Represents the possible annual cash incentive payment pursuant
to the annual incentive plan for fiscal year 2008. The estimated
amounts were calculated by multiplying the percentage of the
award pool under the plan allocated to each officer for 2008 by
the award pool used for the 2007 awards under the plan
(including adjustments made to the 2007 pool by the committee).
The actual amounts paid in early 2009 to Ms. Quirk and
Mr. Arnold pursuant to the annual incentive plan for 2008
are reflected in the Summary Compensation Table.
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson recommended to the committee
that they not receive an annual cash incentive payment under our
annual incentive plan for 2008. See the discussion regarding our
annual incentive plan in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis for more information. |
(3) |
Represents the estimated future payout of the performance units,
which was calculated using the 2004 through 2007 annual earnings
per share (as defined in the LTPIP). As noted in footnote
(1) above, the performance units reflected in the table
were cancelled in February 2009 when the board terminated the
LTPIP, thus there will be no future payout of these units. |
(4) |
Represents the number of performance-based restricted stock
units (RSUs) granted in 2008 as part of each executives
annual incentive bonus for 2007. The RSUs will ratably convert
into shares of our common stock over a three-year period on each
grant date anniversary, provided the average of the return on
investment for the five calendar years preceding the year of
vesting is at least 6%. Dividend equivalents are accrued on the
RSUs on the same basis as dividends are paid on our common stock
and include market rate interest. The dividend equivalents are
only paid upon vesting of the shares of our common stock. |
(5) |
Represents the number of performance-based RSUs received in 2008
at the election of the applicable named executive officers in
lieu of all or a portion of their cash incentive bonus for
fiscal year 2007 payable pursuant to our annual incentive plan.
The RSUs will ratably convert into shares of our common stock
over a three-year period on each grant date anniversary,
provided the average of the return on investment for the five
calendar years preceding the year of vesting is at least 6%.
These RSUs were awarded at a 50% premium to the market value of
the grant date in order to compensate for risk. Dividend
equivalents are accrued on the RSUs on the same basis as
dividends are paid on our common stock and include market rate
interest. The dividend equivalents are only paid upon vesting of
the shares of our common stock. Each of Messrs. Adkerson
and Arnold and Ms. Quirk elected to participate in the
program with respect to 100%, 25% and 50% of their respective
2007 cash bonus awards payable under the annual incentive plan,
which were paid on January 28, 2008. As discussed in
Compensation Discussion and Analysis, this elective
RSU program was terminated in December 2008. |
(6) |
Represents the number of performance-based RSUs granted to the
executive in connection with the execution of an employment
agreement with one-fifth vesting upon grant. The remaining RSUs
will ratably convert into shares of our common stock over the
four-year term of the executives employment agreement,
provided the average of the return on investment for the five
calendar years preceding the year of vesting is at least 6%. In
addition, unlike the other RSUs granted by the company in
connection with the AIP, the unvested portion of these RSUs will
be forfeited in the event of the executives retirement.
Dividend equivalents are accrued on the RSUs on the same basis
as dividends are paid on our common stock and include market
rate interest. The dividend equivalents are only paid upon
vesting of the shares of our common stock. |
Equity Awards at December 31, 2008
Option Awards(1)
Stock Awards(2)
Equity Incentive
Incentive Plan
Plan Awards:
Market or
Number of
Value of
Number of
Number of
Units or
Units or
Rights That
Have Not
Rights That Have
Expiration Date
Not Vested(4)
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Kathleen L. Quirk
Michael J. Arnold
(1) |
The stock options become exercisable in 25% increments over a
four-year period and have a term of 10 years, as reflected
in the table below. The stock options will become immediately
exercisable in their entirety if, under certain circumstances
(a) any person or group of persons acquires beneficial
ownership of shares in excess of certain thresholds, or
(b) the composition of the board of directors is changed
after a tender offer, exchange offer, merger, consolidation,
sale of assets or contested election or any combination of these
transactions. |
Vesting Date
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Ms. Quirk
Mr. Arnold
(2) |
The restricted stock units held by the named executive officers
will vest and be paid out in shares of our common stock as
follows, provided the average return on investment for the five
calendar years preceding the year of vesting is at least 6%: |
Vesting Date
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Ms. Quirk
Mr. Arnold
(3) |
Effective January 30, 2007, the corporate personnel
committee of our board of directors amended its policies to
provide that the exercise price of an option shall not be less
than the closing quoted per share sale price on the Composite
Tape for New York Stock Exchange-Listed Stocks on the grant date
or, if there are no reported sales on such date, on the last
preceding date on which any reported sale occurred. Thus, the
exercise price of the stock options expiring in 2017 and
thereafter was determined by reference to the closing price of
our common stock. Prior to that time, the exercise price of each
outstanding stock option reflected in this table was determined
by reference to the average of the high and low quoted per share
sale price on the Composite Tape for New York Stock
Exchange-Listed Stocks on the grant date or, if there are no
reported sales on such date, on the last preceding date on which
any reported sale occurred. |
(4) |
The market value of the unvested restricted stock units
reflected in this table was based on the $24.44 closing market
price per share of our common stock on December 31, 2008. |
(5) |
Mr. Adkerson previously transferred to his former spouse
the right to receive the underlying shares due upon exercise of
125,000 of these outstanding options, net of shares used to pay
the exercise price and taxes. |
(6) |
Mr. Adkerson previously transferred to his former spouse
the right to receive the underlying shares due upon vesting of
47,173 of these unvested restricted stock units, net of shares
used to pay any taxes due. |
Exercises and Stock Vested
During 2008
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Value Realized
Number of Shares
Value Realized
Acquired on Exercise
on Exercise(1)
Acquired on Vesting
on Vesting(1)
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Kathleen L. Quirk
Michael J. Arnold
(1) |
For option awards, amount realized is based on the difference
between the closing sale price on the date of exercise and the
exercise price of each option. For stock awards, the amount
realized is based on the closing sale price on the date of
vesting of the restricted stock units or, if there were no
reported sales on such date, on the last preceding date on which
any reported sale occurred. |
(2) |
Of the 250,000 options that were exercised on March 6,
2008, Mr. Adkerson transferred to his former spouse
one-half of the economic value of the shares acquired following
payment of the exercise price and resulting taxes. |
Benefit Programs
Nonqualified Defined Contribution
Plan. We maintain an unfunded nonqualified
defined contribution plan for the benefit of our executive
officers, as well as others. We amended the plan effective
January 1, 2009, however the following describes the
plans operations during 2008. Under the plan, certain
highly compensated employees may elect to make contributions of
up to 20% of their base salary. A participant may only defer
under this plan after the participant defers the maximum amount
permitted under the qualified plan in accordance with Internal
Revenue Code limits. The company makes a contribution equal to
5% of the participants base salary above the qualified
plan limit. In addition, the company also makes enhanced
contributions equal to a minimum of 4% of eligible compensation
(base salary plus 50% of bonus) in excess of qualified plan
limits for each eligible employee, with employees who met
certain age and service requirements in 2000 (only
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson) receiving an additional 6%
contribution. Distribution is made in a lump sum as soon as
practicable following separation from service or, if timely
elected by the participant, on January 1 of the year following
retirement; however, if a participant is a specified employee,
as defined under Internal Revenue Code Section 409A,
payment is not made earlier than the first business day that is
six months after the participants separation from service
or, if earlier, the date of death of the participant. The table
below sets forth the unfunded balances under our nonqualified
defined contribution plan as of December 31, 2008 for each
named executive officer listed below.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
Contributions in
Contributions in
Earnings in Last
Balance at
Last Fiscal Year(1)
Last Fiscal Year(2)
Fiscal Year(3)
Last Fiscal Year End(4)
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Kathleen L. Quirk
Michael J. Arnold
(1) |
The amounts reflected in this column are included in the
Salary column for each named executive officer for
2008 reported in the Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
The amounts reflected in this column are included in the
All Other Compensation column for each named
executive officer for 2008 in the Summary Compensation
Table, although the plan contributions
reflected in footnote 6 to that table also include contributions
to the companys 401(k) plan. |
(3) |
The aggregate earnings under the plan were determined as
follows: the participant and company contributions, other than
enhanced contributions, are treated as if invested in the
Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust, which had an annual rate of
return of 4.28% in 2008, certain contributions made prior to
2004 are treated as if invested in company common stock, and the
company enhanced contributions are treated as if invested to
provide a rate of interest equal to the rate for ten-year
Treasury Notes, plus a percentage to be determined annually. The
rate of interest on the enhanced contributions was set in July
2000 to yield 10% each year, however monthly compounding is
taken into consideration. At the time the rate of interest was
set, 120% of the applicable federal long-term rate with monthly
compounding was 7.44%. The difference between the actual
earnings on the company enhanced contributions and 7.44% is
considered preferential earnings. The portion of the 2008
aggregate earnings that are considered preferential earnings for
each named executive officer are included in the change in
pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation
earnings column in the Summary Compensation
Table as follows: Mr. Moffett $386,099,
Mr. Adkerson $191,501,
Ms. Quirk $8,095 and
Mr. Arnold $24,578. |
(4) |
The following amounts reflected in this column for each named
executive officer were included in the 2007 total
compensation for each named executive officer in the
Summary Compensation Table:
Mr. Moffett $2,204,762,
Mr. Adkerson $1,664,379,
Ms. Quirk $89,655 and
Mr. Arnold $182,158. The following amounts
reflected in this column for each named executive officer were
included in the 2006 total compensation for each
named executive officer in the Summary Compensation
Table: Mr. Moffett $1,878,879,
Mr. Adkerson $1,164,023,
Ms. Quirk $63,230 and
Mr. Arnold $136,730. |
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson. In
February 2004, we established an unfunded Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan (SERP) for Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson.
The corporate personnel committee, advised by its independent
compensation consultant at that time, approved the SERP, which
was then recommended to and approved by our board. The SERP
provides for benefits payable in the form of a 100% joint and
survivor annuity, life annuity or an equivalent lump sum. If a
participant retires prior to attaining 25 years of credited
service, the annuity will equal a percentage of the
executives highest average base pay for any three of the
five calendar years immediately preceding the executives
retirement, plus his average bonus for the same three years;
provided that the average bonus can not exceed 200% of the
average base pay. The percentage used in this calculation is 2%
for each year of credited service for the company and its
predecessor beginning in 1981, but capped at 25 years. For
Mr. Moffett, who has attained 25 years of credited
service, the annuity was fixed as of January 1 following his
completion of 25 years of credited service, and will only
increase at retirement as a result of mortality and interest
The SERP benefit will be reduced by the value of all benefits
received under the defined benefit program (as discussed below)
and all other retirement plans (qualified and nonqualified),
sponsored by the company, by FM Services Company, one of our
wholly owned subsidiaries, or by any predecessor employer
(including our former parent company, Freeport-McMoRan Inc.),
except for benefits produced by accounts funded exclusively by
deductions from the participants pay. In addition, the
SERP benefit will be reduced by 3% per year if retirement
precedes age 65. Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson are both
100% vested under the SERP.
Discontinued Defined Benefit
Program. The company formerly maintained a
defined benefit program, consisting of a funded qualified plan
and an unfunded nonqualified plan. Benefit accruals under the
program ceased as of June 30, 2000. The present value of
the benefit earned by each participant under the nonqualified
plan was transferred as of June 30, 2000, to our unfunded
nonqualified defined contribution plan. The qualified defined
benefit plan, the Employee Retirement Plan, was formally
terminated as of November 30, 2000. Final distribution of
the qualified plans assets was delayed pending Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) approval of the termination. An IRS letter
dated April 14, 2008, approved the termination, and all
plan assets were subsequently distributed in 2008 as reflected
in the table below. Upon distribution, each participant was able
to elect to receive his or her benefit under the plan in the
form of either an annuity contract issued by an insurance
company, or in a single lump sum that could be transferred into
another qualified plan (such as our ECAP) or an IRA, or received
in cash subject to applicable tax withholdings.
Pension Benefits
Present Value of
Number of Years
Payments During
Plan Name
Credited Service(1)
Last Fiscal Year(3)
James R. Moffett
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Employee Retirement Plan
Richard C. Adkerson
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Employee Retirement Plan
Kathleen L. Quirk
Employee Retirement Plan
Michael J. Arnold
Employee Retirement Plan
(1) |
The years of credited service under the SERP is the
participants years of service with the company and its
predecessor beginning in 1981, but capped at 25 years. |
(2) |
The present value of the accumulated benefit at the normal
retirement date is calculated using the following assumptions:
the mortality table described in Revenue Ruling
2001-62 of
the IRS, and a 6% interest rate. For Mr. Adkerson, who had
not reached his normal retirement date as of the end of the
year, the present value at normal retirement date is then
discounted to December 31, 2008 using a 4% interest rate
with no mortality. |
(3) |
Upon distribution of plan assets as described above, each of
Messrs. Adkerson and Arnold and Ms. Quirk elected to
receive his or her benefit under the plan in a single lump sum
that was transferred into his or her employee capital
accumulation plan, which is the companys 401(k) plan, and
Mr. Moffett elected to receive his benefit under the plan
in the form of an annuity contract issued by an insurance
company. For Mr. Adkerson, the amount excludes the portion
previously transferred to his former spouse. |
Payments upon Termination or Change of Control
Employment Agreements Messrs. Moffett and
Adkerson and Ms. Quirk. Our current
compensation arrangements with Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson
and Ms. Quirk are set forth in their employment agreements.
In January 2008, we entered into a new employment agreement with
Mr. Adkerson and entered into an employment agreement with
Ms. Quirk. In December 2008, we amended and restated
Mr. Moffetts employment and change of control
agreements. The committee, advised by Towers Perrin, established
the terms of these new agreements and the amendments thereto,
which were then approved by our board.
Mr. Moffett. Effective December 2,
2008, we amended and restated Mr. Moffetts prior
employment agreement. The employment agreement with
Mr. Moffett provides for a base salary of $2,500,000 per
year and eligibility to participate in our annual incentive
plan. Mr. Moffett continues to be eligible for all other
benefits and compensation, including stock options, generally
provided to our most senior executives. The amended term of the
agreement will continue through December 31, 2009, with
automatic one-year extensions unless a change of control occurs
or prior written notice is given by the committee that it does
not wish to extend the agreement. In the event of a change of
control during the employment term, Mr. Moffetts
employment will continue for an additional three years following
the change of control pursuant to his change of control
agreement. Mr. Moffetts agreement also contains
non-competition, nondisclosure and other provisions intended to
protect our interests in the event that he ceases to be employed.
Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk. Effective January 29, 2008,
we entered into a new employment agreement with
Mr. Adkerson, which replaced his prior employment and
change of control agreements, and entered into an employment
agreement with Ms. Quirk, which replaced her change of
control agreement. These agreements were subsequently amended
and restated effective December 2, 2008 primarily to comply
with the new tax laws. The agreements reflect the current base
salary for each executive officer, $2,500,000 for
Mr. Adkerson and $650,000 for Ms. Quirk, and provide
that each executive officer is eligible to participate in our
annual incentive plan. Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk
continue to be eligible for all other benefits and compensation,
including stock options, generally provided to our most senior
executives. The original term of
each agreement expires January 1, 2012, but will
automatically extend for additional one-year terms unless prior
written notice is given by the committee that it does not wish
to extend the agreement. In the event of a change of control,
the agreements will expire on the later of January 1, 2012
or three years following the change of control. These agreements
also contain non-competition, nondisclosure and other provisions
intended to protect our interests in the event that the
executive officer ceases to be employed.
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk also received a grant of
restricted stock units on the effective date of the new
employment agreements. Mr. Adkerson received 200,000
restricted stock units and Ms. Quirk received 75,000
restricted stock units. One-fifth of the units vested
immediately upon grant, and the remainder will vest in equal
annual increments beginning January 1, 2009, to correspond
with the term of the employment agreement. The restricted stock
units will also vest upon a change of control, or upon the
executives termination of employment as a result of death
or disability only.
In addition to the post-employment benefits provided under the
companys retirement benefit programs described above, as
of December 31, 2008, we provided the following additional
benefits to our named executive officers.
Severance Benefits Messrs. Moffett and
Adkerson and Ms. Quirk. As of
December 31, 2008, the employment agreements for
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk provide
that if we terminate the executives employment without
cause or the executive terminates employment for good reason, we
will make certain payments and provide certain benefits to the
executive, including:
payment of a pro rata bonus for the year in which the
termination of employment occurs,
a cash payment equal to three times the sum of (a) the
executives base salary plus (b) the average of the
bonuses paid to the executive for the immediately preceding
three years,
continuation of insurance and welfare benefits for three years
or until the executive accepts new employment, if
earlier, and
acceleration of the vesting and payout of all stock options,
restricted stock units and long-term performance incentive plan
Under the employment agreements, cause is generally
defined as the executives (a) failure to perform
substantially the executives duties with the company,
(b) breach of the agreement, (c) felony conviction,
(d) unauthorized acts resulting in harm to the company or
(e) falsification of financial records. Good
reason is generally defined as (a) any failure by the
company to materially comply with any of the provisions of the
agreement or (b) the assignment to the executive of any
duties inconsistent in any material respect with the
executives position, authority, duties or responsibilities
under the agreement.
If the executives employment terminates as a result of
death, disability or retirement, benefits to the executive or
the executives estate include the payment of a pro rata
bonus for the year of termination and, in the case of
retirement, the continuation of insurance and welfare benefits
for three years or until the executive accepts new employment,
if earlier. The executive will also receive an additional
years vesting on unvested stock options, vesting of
certain outstanding restricted stock units, and payment of
outstanding long-term performance incentive plan units (if any),
all as described in footnotes (1) (3) to the
table below.
As a condition to receipt of these severance benefits, the
executive must retain in confidence all confidential information
known to him concerning our business and us so long as the
information is not otherwise publicly disclosed. Further,
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson have each agreed not to
compete with us for a period of two years after termination of
employment. Ms. Quirk has agreed not to compete with us for
a period of six months after termination of employment.
Change of Control Benefits
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk. As of December 31, 2008,
the change of control agreement for Mr. Moffett provides
generally that the executives terms and conditions of
employment (including position, compensation and benefits) will
not be adversely changed until the third anniversary of the
change of control. The employment agreements for
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk provide generally that the
executives terms and conditions of employment (including
position, compensation
and benefits) will not be adversely changed until the later of
the third anniversary of the change of control or
January 1, 2012.
If any of Messrs. Moffett or Adkerson or Ms. Quirk is
terminated without cause, as generally defined
above, or if the executive terminates for good
reason during the covered period after a change of
control, the executive is generally entitled to receive the same
payments and benefits that he would receive in the event of a
similar termination under the employment agreements, described
above, except the executive will receive a cash payment equal to
three times the sum of the executives base salary plus the
highest bonus paid to the executive (rather than the average
bonus paid to the executive) for the immediately preceding three
fiscal years. This is a double trigger agreement
meaning that they do not receive benefits unless (1) a
change of control occurs and (2) employment is terminated.
The term good reason includes the failure of the
acquiror to provide the executive with substantially the same
position, authority, duties and responsibilities in the ultimate
parent company of the entity resulting from the transaction, in
addition to the reasons generally provided above.
If employment terminates as a result of death, disability or
retirement following a change of control, the executive will
receive the same benefits described above under Severance
Benefits Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk in the event of death, disability or
retirement. In addition, Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirks employment agreements provide that if the
executive is subject to excise tax on amounts payable under the
agreements that are considered to be excess parachute payments
under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, the
executive is entitled to receive a
payment in an amount sufficient to cover any excise taxes due if
the payments related to the change of control exceed 110% of the
Internal Revenue Code Section 280G limit. If the benefits
received are equal to or less than 110% of the 280G limit, such
benefit will be reduced to avoid imposition of the excise tax.
In December 2008, the committee adopted a policy whereby the
company will no longer provide excise tax
protections in change of control arrangements adopted, revised
or extended after December 2, 2008, although such
protections in place on such date will continue through the term
of the relevant agreement. As a result, Mr. Moffetts
change of control agreement does not provide an excise tax
gross-up. If
any part of the payments or benefits received by
Mr. Moffett in connection with a termination following a
change of control constitutes an excess parachute payment under
Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, he will receive
the greater of (a) the amount of such payments and benefits
reduced so that none of the amount constitutes an excess
parachute payment, net of income taxes, or (b) the amount
of such payments and benefits, net of income taxes and net of
excise taxes under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue
Code. This policy does not affect the excise tax
protections currently included in the employment agreements with
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk; however, in accordance
with this policy, the agreements with Mr. Adkerson and
Ms. Quirk will not be extended, renewed or continued beyond
January 1, 2012, with these
protections in place.
The confidentiality and non-competition provisions of the
executives employment agreements continue to apply after a
change of control.
Change of Control Benefits
Mr. Arnold. In December 2008, we entered
into an amended and restated change of control agreement with
Mr. Arnold, which was approved by our corporate personnel
committee, and our board. If a change of control (as defined in
the change of control agreement) occurs prior to
December 31, 2011, the agreement provides generally that
the executives terms and conditions of employment
(including position, location, compensation and benefits) will
not be adversely changed until the later of the third
anniversary of the change of control or December 31, 2011.
If the executive is terminated without cause or if the executive
terminates for good reason during the covered period
after a change of control (a double trigger), the
executive is generally entitled to receive the following:
payment of a pro rata bonus for the year in which the
termination of employment occurs,
a cash payment equal to three times the sum of (a) the
executives base salary plus (b) the highest bonus
paid to the executive for any of the preceding three years,
continuation of insurance and welfare benefits for three years
or until the executive accepts new employment, if
earlier, and
acceleration of the vesting and payout of all stock options,
restricted stock units and long-term performance incentive plan
The term good reason includes the failure of the
acquiror to provide the executive with substantially the same
position, authority, duties and responsibilities in the ultimate
parent company of the entity resulting from the transaction. If
any part of the payments or benefits received by Mr. Arnold
in connection with a termination following a change of control
constitutes an excess parachute payment under Section 4999
of the Internal Revenue Code, he will receive the greater of
(a) the amount of such payments and benefits reduced so
that none of the amount constitutes an excess parachute payment,
net of income taxes, or (b) the amount of such payments and
benefits, net of income taxes and net of excise taxes under
Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The following table quantifies the potential payments to our
named executive officers under the contracts, arrangements or
plans discussed above, for various scenarios involving a change
of control or termination of employment of each of our named
executive officers, assuming a December 31, 2008
termination date, and where applicable, using the closing price
of our common stock of $24.44 (as reported on the NYSE as of
December 31, 2008). In addition to these benefits, our
named executive officers would be entitled to receive the
retirement and pension benefits described above under
Retirement Benefit Programs.
Stock Units
(Unvested and
Lump Sum
James R. Moffett
Termination-Good Reason/No Cause
Termination after Change of Control(4)(5)
Richard C. Adkerson
Termination-Good Reason/No Cause
Termination after Change of Control(4)
Kathleen L. Quirk
Termination-Good Reason/ No Cause
Termination after Change of Control(4)
Michael J. Arnold
Termination-No Cause(6)
Termination after Change of Control(4)(5)
(1) |
Generally, pursuant to the terms of the stock option agreements,
upon termination of the executives employment as a result
of death, disability or retirement, the unvested portion of any
outstanding stock option that would have vested within one year
of the date of termination will vest. The value of the
accelerated options is determined by multiplying (a) the
difference between the December 31, 2008 closing price of
our common stock and the applicable exercise price of each
option, by (b) the number of unvested and accelerated
options. As of December 31, 2008, none of the unvested
stock options held by the named executive officers were
in-the-money, and thus there is no value reported in the table
above. |
(2) |
Pursuant to the terms of the restricted stock unit agreements
outstanding as of December 31, 2008, termination of the
executives employment as a result of death, disability or
retirement will result in acceleration of vesting of certain
outstanding restricted stock units and the related amounts
credited to the participants dividend equivalent account
and all property distributions deposited in such account. In
particular, (a) the restricted stock units granted to the
executives in connection with the elective restrictive |
stock unit program will fully vest upon the executives
termination of employment as a result of death, disability or
retirement, (b) the restricted stock units granted to the
executives in January 2008 in connection with the 2007 annual
incentive awards will partially vest upon the executives
termination of employment as a result of death, disability or
retirement, and (c) the restricted stock units granted to
Mr. Adkerson and Ms. Quirk in connection with their
employment agreements in January 2008 will fully vest upon the
executives termination of employment as a result of death
or disability, but not retirement. In addition, upon a
termination by the company without cause, the corporate
personnel committee, in its discretion, may elect to accelerate
the vesting of the outstanding restricted stock units. The
values of the accelerated restricted stock units were determined
by multiplying the year-end closing price of our common stock by
the number of unvested and accelerated restricted stock units
under each scenario. |
(3) |
In February 2009, the Long-Term Performance Incentive Plan
(LTPIP) was terminated, thus there are no longer any outstanding
units under this plan. Prior to its termination, the LTPIP
provided that if the executives employment terminates
prior to the end of the applicable performance period as a
result of retirement, death or disability, the performance
period applicable to any outstanding units will end as of
December 31st of the year of such termination of
employment. As described in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis, after crediting the outstanding performance
award accounts with the net loss per share for 2008, the
outstanding performance award accounts had no value. |
(4) |
Certain of the benefits described in the table would be achieved
in the event of a change of control alone, and would not require
a termination of the executives employment. In particular,
pursuant to the terms of our stock incentive plans and the
individual award agreements, upon a change of control as defined
in the plans, (a) all outstanding stock options would
immediately vest and (b) all restrictions on outstanding
restricted stock units would lapse. |
(5) |
Pursuant to the terms of the executives change of control
agreement, the total payments may be subject to reduction if
such payments result in the imposition of an excise tax under
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code. |
(6) |
Mr. Arnold is entitled to certain severance benefits in the
event of his termination without cause under the companys
Severance Plan, which is generally available to all eligible
employees. |
Committee Report
The audit committee is currently comprised of five directors,
all of whom are independent, as defined by SEC rules and in the
NYSEs listing standards. We operate under a written
charter approved by our committee and adopted by the board of
directors. Our primary function is to assist the board of
directors in fulfilling the boards oversight
responsibilities by monitoring (1) the companys
continuing development and performance of its system of
financial reporting, auditing, internal controls and legal and
regulatory compliance, (2) the operation and integrity of
the system, (3) performance and qualifications of the
companys external and internal auditor and (4) the
independence of the companys external auditor.
We review the companys financial reporting process on
behalf of our board. The audit committees responsibility
is to monitor this process, but the audit committee is not
responsible for preparing the companys financial
statements or auditing those financial statements. Those are the
responsibilities of management and the companys
independent auditor, respectively.
During 2008, management assessed the effectiveness of the
companys system of internal control over financial
reporting in connection with the companys compliance with
Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The audit
committee reviewed and discussed with management, the internal
auditor and Ernst & Young managements report on
internal control over financial reporting and Ernst &
Youngs report on their audit of the companys
internal control over financial reporting, both of which are
included in the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008.
of Independent Auditor; Financial Statement Review
In January 2008, in accordance with our charter, our committee
appointed Ernst & Young LLP as the companys
independent auditor for 2008. We have reviewed and discussed the
companys audited financial
statements for the year 2008 with management and
Ernst & Young. Management represented to us that the
audited financial statements fairly present, in all material
respects, the financial condition, results of operations and
cash flows of the company as of and for the periods presented in
the financial statements in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States, and
Ernst & Young provided an audit opinion to the same
We have received from Ernst & Young the written
disclosures and the letter required by applicable requirements
of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the
independent accountants communications with the audit
committee concerning independence, and we have discussed with
them their independence from the company and management. We have
also discussed with Ernst & Young the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61,
Communication with Audit Committees, as amended, and
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standard
No. 5, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial
Reporting that is Integrated with an Audit of Financial
In addition, we have discussed with Ernst & Young the
overall scope and plans for their audit, and have met with them
and management to discuss the results of their examination,
their understanding and evaluation of the companys
internal controls as they considered necessary to support their
opinion on the financial statements for the year 2008, and
various factors affecting the overall quality of accounting
principles applied in the companys financial reporting.
Ernst & Young also met with us without management
being present to discuss these matters.
In reliance on these reviews and discussions, we recommended to
the board of directors, and the board of directors approved, the
inclusion of the audited financial statements referred to above
in the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year 2008.
We also review the companys internal audit function,
including the selection and compensation of the companys
internal auditor. In January 2008, in accordance with our
charter, our committee appointed Deloitte & Touche LLP
as the companys internal auditor for 2008. We have
discussed with Deloitte & Touche the scope of their
audit plan, and have met with them to discuss the results of
their reviews, their review of managements documentation,
testing and evaluation of the companys system of internal
control over financial reporting, any difficulties or disputes
with management encountered during the course of their reviews
and other matters relating to the internal audit process. The
internal auditor also met with us without management being
present to discuss these matters.
Dated: April 20, 2009
Robert A. Day, Chairman
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
Jon C. Madonna
Stephen H. Siegele
Fees and
Related Disclosures for Accounting Services
The following table discloses the fees for professional services
provided by Ernst & Young LLP in each of the last two
fiscal years:
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees(1)
Tax Fees(2)
All Other Fees
(1) |
Relates to services rendered in connection with (a) audits
of stand-alone statutory and benefit plan financial statements
and (b) compliance with financial, accounting and
regulatory reporting matters. |
(2) |
Relates to services rendered in connection with advice on
transfer pricing and international tax matters. |
The audit committee has determined that the provision of the
services described above is compatible with maintaining the
independence of the independent auditor.
Policies and Procedures
The audit committees policy is to pre-approve all audit
services, audit-related services and other services permitted by
law provided by the external auditor. In accordance with that
policy, the committee annually pre-approves a list of specific
services and categories of services, including audit,
audit-related and other services, for the upcoming or current
fiscal year, subject to specified cost levels. Any service that
is not included in the approved list of services must be
separately pre-approved by the audit committee. In addition, if
fees for any service exceed the amount that has been
pre-approved, then payment of additional fees for such service
must be specifically pre-approved by the audit committee;
however, any proposed service that has an anticipated or
additional cost of no more than $30,000 may be pre-approved by
the Chairperson of the audit committee, provided that the total
anticipated costs of all such projects pre-approved by the
Chairperson during any fiscal quarter does not exceed $60,000.
At each regularly-scheduled audit committee meeting, management
updates the committee on the scope and anticipated cost of
(a) any service pre-approved by the Chairperson since the
last meeting of the committee and (b) the projected fees
for each service or group of services being provided by the
independent auditor. Since the 2003 effective date of the SEC
rules stating that an auditor is not independent of an audit
client if the services it provides to the client are not
appropriately approved, each service provided by our independent
auditor has been approved in advance by the audit committee.
During 2008 none of those services required use of the
de minimus exception to pre-approval contained in the
SECs rules.
and Ratification of the Independent Auditor
In January 2009, our audit committee appointed Ernst &
Young LLP as our independent auditor for 2009. Our audit
committee and board of directors seek stockholder ratification
of the audit committees appointment of Ernst &
Young to act as the independent auditor of our and our
subsidiaries financial statements for the year 2009. If
the stockholders do not ratify the appointment of
Ernst & Young, our audit committee will reconsider
this appointment. Representatives of Ernst & Young are
expected to be present at the meeting to respond to appropriate
questions, and those representatives will also have an
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so.
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that any transaction
that would require disclosure under Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K
of the rules and regulations of the SEC, with respect to a
director or executive officer, must be reviewed and approved, or
ratified, annually by the board of directors. Any such related
party transactions will only be approved or ratified if the
board determines that such transaction will not impair the
involved persons service to, and exercise of judgment on
behalf of, the company, or otherwise create a conflict of
interest that would be detrimental to the company. All of the
transactions relating to our directors described below have been
reviewed and approved or ratified by our board.
We are parties to a services agreement with our wholly owned
subsidiary, FM Services Company (the Services Company), under
which the Services Company provides us with executive,
technical, administrative, accounting, financial, tax and other
services on a cost-reimbursement basis. The Services Company
also provides these services to McMoRan Exploration Co.
(McMoRan). Several of our directors and executive officers also
serve as directors or executive officers of McMoRan.
Messrs. Moffett, Adkerson, Rankin, Day, Ford and Graham,
each of whom is a director of our company, also serve as
directors of McMoRan.
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk, each of
whom is an executive officer of our company, also serve as
executive officers of McMoRan. For services rendered to McMoRan,
in January 2008, Mr. Moffett received options to purchase
450,000 shares of McMoRans common stock,
Mr. Adkerson received options to purchase
300,000 shares of McMoRans common stock, and
Ms. Quirk received options to purchase 75,000 shares
of McMoRans common stock, all at a grant price of $15.04.
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Quirk received
similar stock option grants in February 2009. In addition, our
directors and executive officers own more than 10% of
McMoRans common stock. In 2008, McMoRan incurred
approximately $7.5 million of costs under its services
agreement, and we expect McMoRans costs under its services
agreement to approximate $7.3 million in 2009.
B. M. Rankin, Jr. and the Services Company are parties
to an agreement, renewable annually, under which Mr. Rankin
renders services to us and McMoRan relating to finance,
accounting and business development. The Services Company
provides Mr. Rankin compensation, medical coverage and
reimbursement for taxes in connection with those medical
benefits. In 2008, the Services Company paid Mr. Rankin
$490,000 ($389,991 of which was allocated to us) pursuant to
this agreement. During 2008, the cost to the company for
Mr. Rankins personal use of company facilities was
$11,700, medical expenses and tax
was $11,153 and reimbursement for a portion of his office rent
and for the services of an executive secretary employed by the
Services Company was $53,013. In addition, during 2008 the
aggregate incremental cost to the company of
Mr. Rankins personal use of fractionally owned
company aircraft, which includes the hourly operating rate, fuel
costs and excise taxes, was $425,144 (all of which was allocated
to us). The aggregate incremental cost does not include the lost
tax deduction for expenses that exceeded the amounts reported as
income for Mr. Rankin, which for fiscal year 2008 was
approximately $183,000. Accordingly, the total received by
Mr. Rankin during 2008 pursuant to this agreement was
$991,010, of which $891,001 was allocated to us.
J. Bennett Johnston and the Services Company are parties to
an agreement, renewable annually, under which Mr. Johnston
provides consulting services to us relating to international
relations and commercial matters. Under this agreement,
Mr. Johnston receives an annual consulting fee of $300,000
and reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred
in connection with providing services. The annual consulting fee
includes Mr. Johnstons $75,000 annual fee for serving
on our board and as a member of our public policy committee. In
addition, David Norriss, an employee of the company, is married
to Mr. Johnstons daughter. As the
of a director of the company, Mr. Norriss is deemed to be a
related person under Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K.
The aggregate value of salary, bonus, and other benefits paid by
us to Mr. Norriss for the year ended December 31,
2008, was less than $350,000.
Gabrielle K. McDonald and the Services Company are parties to an
agreement, renewable annually, under which Ms. McDonald
renders consulting services to us in connection with her role as
Special Counsel on Human Rights to our company. Under this
agreement, Ms. McDonald receives an annual fee of $300,000,
plus reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred
in connection with rendering consulting services. The annual
consulting fee includes Ms. McDonalds $75,000 annual
fee for serving on our board and for serving as a member of our
public policy committee.
J. Stapleton Roy is Senior Advisor of Kissinger Associates,
Inc. Kissinger Associates and the Services Company are parties
to agreements, renewable annually, under which Kissinger
Associates provides to us advice and consultation on specified
world political, economic, strategic and social developments
affecting our affairs. Under these agreements, Kissinger
Associates receives an annual fee of $200,000, additional
consulting fees based on the services rendered, and
reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with providing such services. In addition,
Mr. Roy is Director of the Kissinger Institute on China and
the United States at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars. In 2008, our company agreed to contribute $150,000 to
the Institute to be paid in three equal installments in each of
2008, 2009 and 2010.
J. Taylor Wharton and the Services Company are parties to
an agreement, renewable annually, under which Mr. Wharton
renders consulting services in connection with all medical and
health affairs affecting our
directors, officers and employees. Under this agreement,
Mr. Wharton receives an annual fee of $400,000, plus
reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with rendering consulting services.
to Adopt the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan
Our board of directors unanimously proposes that our
stockholders approve the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan (the
AIP), which is summarized below and attached as
Annex A to this proxy statement. This summary of the
proposed AIP may not contain all the information that is
important to you and you should read Annex A carefully
before you decide how to vote.
Our company currently has an annual incentive plan in place that
was approved by our stockholders in 2005, prior to our
acquisition of Phelps Dodge. Like the current plan, the purpose
of the proposed AIP is to provide annual cash incentive bonuses
for our senior executives whose performance in fulfilling the
responsibilities of their positions can have a major impact on
our companys profitability and future growth. However, as
discussed in Compensation Discussion and Analysis
above, as a result of our acquisition of Phelps Dodge, the
design of the current plan may generate large funding pools and
corresponding large payouts to our executives considering the
companys increased production capabilities, especially
during years when commodity prices are high. Our corporate
personnel committee addressed this issue in 2007 and 2008 by
exercising its discretion under the current AIP in reducing
awards from the funding pool available. In order to address
these concerns going forward, the board of directors, at the
recommendation of the corporate personnel committee, has
proposed this new AIP, which is similar in design to our current
plan. The primary differences between the proposed AIP and the
current plan are as follows:
the award pool of the proposed AIP will be funded by 0.625% of
operating cash flow, compared to 2.5% (or up to 2.75% under
certain circumstances) of operating cash flow under the current
the proposed AIP limits the dollar value of the annual award to
any participant to a maximum of eight times his or her base
salary, whereas the current plan only limits a
participants share of the plan pool (which the proposed
AIP also maintains);
the proposed AIP requires that any award amount exceeding four
times the executives base salary be made in an equivalent
dollar amount of restricted stock units, and eliminates the
provisions in the current plan allowing participants to elect to
receive their award wholly or partly in restricted stock units,
including a 50% premium to compensate for the additional
restrictions and risk of forfeiture;
the proposed AIP eliminates the use of a quantifiable safety
performance measure as a factor that may marginally increase or
decrease the award funding pool, although safety performance is
one of several enumerated qualitative factors that the committee
may consider in connection with discretionary reductions of the
award pool under the proposed AIP;
the proposed AIP provides for the forfeiture of any outstanding
award if the participants employment is terminated for
cause; and
the proposed AIP revises certain definitions in the current
plan, including the definitions of operating cash flow (to
specifically exclude working capital changes) and managed net
income (to provide for additional mandatory adjustments).
We are submitting the proposed AIP to our stockholders for
approval in order to protect our tax deductions under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the
Code) for amounts paid under the plan, as described
below. If the proposed AIP is approved by our stockholders, it
will replace the current plan for annual awards granted for
fiscal year 2010 and beyond. If the proposed AIP is not approved
by our stockholders, our company will continue to use the
current plan for annual cash incentives to our most senior
executives, at least until such time as the Section 162(m)
deductions are no longer protected under that plan. The
corporate personnel committee, as it deems appropriate, will
utilize the discretionary authority under that plan to reduce
the large funding pools that could be generated under that plan.
of the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan
Awards will be made by the corporate personnel committee of our
board of directors, which currently consists of four members,
each of whom qualifies as an outside director under
Section 162(m) of the Code.
Officers of the company or any of its subsidiaries (including
officers who are also directors), and persons agreeing in
writing to become such an officer within 30 days are
eligible to receive awards. Although all officers are eligible
to receive awards, we anticipate that only a small number of our
officers will actually participate in the AIP. For example, only
four officers are participating in the current plan for fiscal
year 2009.
Return on Investment Threshold. No awards may
be made under the proposed AIP with respect to any calendar year
if the average of the return on investment for such
year and each of the four preceding calendar years is less than
6%. This threshold performance measure also exists in the
current plan. Return on investment is generally the
companys consolidated net income plus net interest expense
less tax on net interest expense divided by average consolidated
stockholders equity and debt, less cash. The net income
amount used in this calculation is subject to certain mandatory
adjustments specified in the plan, including but not limited to
the following: the cumulative effect of changes in accounting
principles; extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring items; the
effect of discontinued operations; non-cash gain or loss
attributable to hedging agreements relating to commodity prices
and changes in accounting principles; non-cash impairment
charges; and changes in costs of goods sold attributable to
inventories resulting from the acquisition method of accounting.
In addition, the committee may also specify other adjustments to
the financial measures underlying return on investment, provided
those adjustments are specified within the first 90 days of
the award year.
Cash Provided by Operating Activities. As in
the current plan, if the return on investment threshold is
satisfied for a given year, awards under the proposed AIP will
be paid from a plan funding amount. This pool is
funded by a percentage of our net cash provided by
operating activities for the year with respect to which
the awards are made. Net cash provided by operating activities
with respect to any year is equal to the net cash provided by
operating activities excluding working capital changes of the
company and its consolidated subsidiaries for such year reviewed
by our independent registered public accounting firm, released
by us to the public and approved by our board. The committee may
specify adjustments to the plan funding amount, provided those
adjustments are specified within the first 90 days of the
award year. Under the proposed AIP, the plan funding amount may
not exceed 0.625% of net cash provided by operating activities,
which percentage is lower than the current plan funding amount
of 2.5% of net cash provided by operating activities. The
current plan permits the committee to increase the plan funding
amount to 2.75% of net cash provided by operating activities if
certain safety performance measures are met. This ability to
increase the base plan funding amount has been eliminated in the
proposed plan.
Like our current plan, the proposed AIP provides that the
committee may award less than the plan funding amount for a
given year and gives the committee discretion to reduce or
eliminate the amount of a participants award. In the
exercise of this discretion, the committee may consider the
following factors, as well as any other factors the committee
deems appropriate: safety performance; total shareholder return;
operating performance and financial results; implementation of
business strategy and execution of business plans; exploration
activities and reserve additions; responsiveness to changing
market conditions; development of growth projects and
opportunities; capital management; management of major projects;
achievement of sustainable development programs, including
environmental management and social programs. Any such reduction
or elimination of a participants award will not accrue to
the benefit of any other participant in the plan. Further, if
the plan funding amount exceeds the aggregate amount awarded in
a given year, the excess will not be available for awards with
respect to future years.
As with the current AIP, the proposed AIP grants the committee
discretion to assign participation percentages among the
participants who are subject to Section 162(m) within the
first 90 days of the award year. The proposed AIP retains
the current AIPs requirement that no individual
participant receive an annual award in excess of 60% of the plan
funding amount, but provides further that no participant may
receive an annual award exceeding eight times his or her base
salary as of the beginning of the award year, as discussed below.
of Awards
Awards are to be paid to the participants no later than
February 28th of the year following the award year.
Under the proposed plan, any award amount up to four times the
participants base salary will be paid in cash, and any
award amount between four and eight times base salary will be
paid in restricted stock units. No participant may receive an
award amount under the plan for a given year, including payments
made in cash and restricted stock units, that exceeds eight
times his or her base salary. For purposes of the plan, base
salary is determined as of the first day of the award year.
Any restricted stock units granted under the proposed plan will
be granted as of the date the committee determines the amount of
the award, with the number of units determined by reference to
the closing price of our common stock on that date. The
restricted stock units will vest annually in equal installments
over a three-year period, provided the 6% return on threshold
requirement (as discussed above) continues to be met on each
vesting date. The restricted stock units will be awarded from
one of our existing equity compensation plans, and will be
subject to such additional terms and conditions as contained in
the applicable equity compensation plan and accompanying notice
of grant.
The proposed AIP eliminates the ability of participants under
the current plan to elect to receive their award in restricted
stock units at a 50% premium to the market value on the grant
date. The proposed AIP also includes a provision which mandates
the forfeiture of any outstanding award should the
participants employment be terminated for cause, as
determined by the corporate personnel committee.
or Amendment of the AIP
The proposed AIP may be terminated at any time, in whole or in
part, and may be amended from time to time by our board of
directors or, upon delegation, by the committee. However, no
amendment or termination may adversely affect any awards
previously made to a participant. Finally, certain amendments to
the proposed AIP will require stockholder approval in order for
awards under the AIP to continue to qualify as performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m).
Federal Income Tax Consequences
Amounts received by participants are required to be recognized
as ordinary income by such participants (subject to
withholding), and our company is generally entitled to a
corresponding deduction at that time; however,
Section 162(m) of the Code limits tax deductions for
executive compensation under certain circumstances. The
deduction restrictions relate to the compensation of
covered employees as defined in Section 162(m).
Under Section 162(m), certain performance-based
compensation will be tax deductible without regard to the
limitation imposed by Section 162(m) if the compensation is
paid upon the achievement of pre-established performance goals
and the material terms of the arrangements are approved by
stockholders of the taxpaying corporation. Our board of
directors believes that the proposed AIP is structured such that
amounts paid thereunder should qualify as performance-based
compensation for purposes of Section 162(m) and thus will
be fully deductible.
Compensation Plan Information
The company has six equity compensation plans pursuant to which
our common stock may be issued to employees and non-employees as
compensation, including two plans that were assumed in
connection with our acquisition of Phelps Dodge (although we did
not reserve the right to make new grants under these plans).
Only the following four plans, all of which were previously
approved by our stockholders, have shares
available for grant: the 1999 Stock Incentive Plan (the
1999 Plan), the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan (the
2003 Plan), the 2004 Director Compensation Plan
(the 2004 Plan), and the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan,
which was amended and restated in 2007 (the 2006
Plan). The following table presents information as of
December 31, 2008, regarding these equity compensation
Number of Securities
Remaining Available
for Future Issuance
Number of Securities to be
Under Equity
Issued Upon Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Compensation Plans
Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Reflected in Column (a))
Plan Category
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
(1) |
The number of securities to be issued upon the exercise of
outstanding options, warrants and rights includes shares
issuable upon (a) the vesting of 1,756,962 restricted stock
units, and (b) the termination of deferrals with respect to
19,500 restricted stock units that were vested as of
December 31, 2008. These awards are not reflected in column
(b) as they do not have an exercise price. |
(2) |
As of December 31, 2008, there were 28,816,951 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 2006 Plan,
(a) all of which could be issued under the terms of the
plan upon the exercise of stock options or stock appreciation
rights, and (b) only 9,656,085 of which could be issued
under the terms of the plan in the form of restricted stock or
other stock-based awards, which awards are valued in
whole or in part on the value of the shares of common stock.
There were 130,848 shares remaining available for future
issuance under the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan, all of which could
be issued under the terms of the plan (a) upon the exercise
of stock options or stock appreciation rights, or (b) in
the form of restricted stock or other stock-based
awards. In addition, there were 5,693 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 1999 Plan, all
of which could be issued (a) upon the exercise of stock
options or stock appreciation rights, or (b) in the form of
restricted stock or other stock-based awards.
Finally, there were 147,600 shares remaining available for
future issuance under the 2004 Plan, which shares are issuable
under the terms of the plan (a) only to eligible directors,
and (b) upon the exercise of stock options or in the form
of common stock and restricted stock units, as specifically set
forth in the plan. |
Required for Approval of the 2009 Annual Incentive
Approval of the 2009 Annual Incentive Plan requires the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
our common stock present in person or by proxy at the meeting
and entitled to vote thereon.
Our board of directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR this
We have received a stockholder proposal and supporting statement
set forth below in accordance with applicable proxy regulations.
Approval of the proposal would require the affirmative vote of a
majority of the shares of our common stock present in person or
by proxy and entitled to vote thereon.
The stockholder proposal has been submitted on behalf of
Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP (Netherlands), the Swedish national
pension funds AP2, AP3 and AP4, the New York City Pension Funds,
and the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of the
United Methodist Church. Upon request, we will provide the
addresses of the proponents of the proposal and the number of
shares of our common stock that the proponents hold. Requests
may be sent to the Corporate Secretary, Freeport-McMoRan
Copper & Gold Inc., One North Central Avenue, Phoenix,
Arizona 85004 or submitted by calling
(602) 366-8100.
RESOLVED, that the shareholders request that, as the terms in
office of elected directors expire, at least one candidate shall
be selected and recommended for election to the companys
board who:
has a high level of expertise and experience in environmental
matters relevant to mining and is widely recognized in the
business and environmental communities as an authority in such
field, in each case as reasonably determined by the
companys board, and
will qualify, subject to limited exceptions in extraordinary
circumstances explicitly specified by the board, as an
independent director under the standards applicable to the
company as a New York Stock Exchange listed company, in order
that the companys board includes at least one director
satisfying the foregoing criteria, which director shall have
designated responsibility on the board for environmental matters.
Environmental expertise is critical to the success of mining
companies in the twenty-first century because of the significant
environmental impacts mining can have. Shareholders, lenders,
host country governments and regulators, as well as affected
communities, are focused on the environmental impact of mining
operations. A companys inability to demonstrate that its
environmental performance matches internationally accepted
standards can lead to difficulties in accessing capital for new
projects and obtaining the necessary regulatory licenses.
The company continues to receive sharp criticism regarding its
environmental policies and practices, notably over the impact of
riverine tailings disposal at its Grasberg operation (see e.g.,
Norway Sells $853 Million Rio Stake on Ethics
We believe that this controversy damages shareholder value and
that the company must respond to its environmental challenges in
an effective, strategic and transparent manner in order to
restore trust in the company and minimize the adverse
environmental impact of its operations.
Freeport does not currently have an independent director with
environmental expertise and designated responsibility for
environmental matters yet environmental management
is critical to the companys future success. We believe it
would benefit the company to address the environmental impact of
its business at the most strategic level in a similar manner to
the way it has addressed human rights by appointing
a specialist to the board. An authoritative figure with
acknowledged environmental expertise and standing who is
respected in the environmental community could perform a
valuable and strategic role for the company. Such leadership
would enable the company more effectively to address the
environmental issues inherent in its business, including the
environmental and health impacts of riverine tailings disposal
and the feasibility of long-term rehabilitation of the tailings
deposition area at Grasberg. It would also help ensure that the
highest levels of attention are devoted to environmental
standards at new developments. Such a board role would
strengthen the companys ability to demonstrate the
seriousness with which it is addressing environmental issues.
Board of
Directors Statement in Opposition to Stockholder
Our board of directors opposes the proposal because it believes
the current process for the nomination, selection and election
of directors is effective. As a corporate governance matter, our
board does not believe that it is in our shareholders best
interests to require a particular type of specialist on our
board. As provided in more detail under Consideration of
Director Nominees, our nominating and corporate governance
committee considers a variety of factors in evaluating nominees
for membership on the board. We believe that our board of
directors represents a diverse group of individuals with broad
experience in geology, business, finance, international
relations and public affairs. Our board of directors believes
that the sole standard suggested by the proponents is too narrow
and would limit the boards ability to identify and recruit
the most qualified candidates to serve on the board.
Our existing commitment to environmental sustainability is
evidenced by our established policies, practices and procedures.
Our board of directors appreciates the importance of
environmental sustainability and recognizes our companys
responsibility to minimize the environmental impact of our
operations. Relevant issues are reviewed and discussed at the
highest levels of our organization. Over 12 years ago, our
board of directors established a public policy committee, which
oversees our companys environmental programs. Our board of
directors, our public policy committee and our senior management
routinely review our companys environmental policies and
practices, including any potential impacts that our
companys operations could have on the environment. In
addition, our Chief Executive Officer currently serves as
Chairman of the International Council of Mining and Metals, a
CEO-led organization that represents many of the worlds
leading mining and metals companies. Our involvement with ICMM
exemplifies our commitment to working with industry experts on
improving our performance based on sustainable development
We have consistently met internationally acceptable standards
for environmental management. Our Grasberg operation has
undergone triennial external audits by recognized experts in the
industry, the results of which have been made publicly
available. We completed independent audits in 1996, 1999, 2002,
2005 and 2008. The results of the 2005 audit are posted on our
web site, and the results of the 2008 audit will be placed on
the web site once the final report is complete. All of these
audits have concluded that we are in compliance with Indonesian
laws and that we meet international standards. The audits have
also concluded that our tailings management system at the
Grasberg Mine utilizing a river to transport the
tailings to the lowlands for capture in an engineered deposition
area that will ultimately be reclaimed is the only
appropriate management system considering the applicable
geotechnical, topographic, climatological, seismic, and rainfall
conditions. We also were one of the first companies in Indonesia
to receive ISO 14001 certification of our Environmental
Management System in 2001 from the International Certification
Services Division of Société Générale de
Surveillance (SGS). We have retained ISO 14001 certification
following annual surveillance audits each year since that date.
We are committed to sound and sustainable environmental
practices in managing our tailings deposition in Papua,
Indonesia. We have prepared a special riverine tailings report,
available on our web site at This
report explains the extensive studies, planning, permitting, and
ongoing management and monitoring of tailings that occurs,
including our efforts for reclaiming affected land as soon as
feasible. In addition, our Annual Working Toward Sustainable
Development Report, available on our website at, details our environmental
management programs and compliance with relevant environmental
laws and regulations and describes our procedures to ensure
future compliance with these laws. Our reclamation programs have
demonstrated that tailings can be reclaimed with native
vegetation or used for agricultural purposes. We have also shown
that tailings can be used in cement for infrastructure
construction. We have signed an agreement with the provincial
government to establish cement facilities that will utilize
tailings as a resource in the construction of roads, bridges,
building bricks and other similar uses, helping to provide
necessary infrastructure that will aid in the development of the
province, as well as employment for Papuans. This development
will proceed in conjunction with our other efforts to plant
trees and use available tailings land for agricultural and other
sustainable uses.
Our companys existing governance framework has produced a
strong commitment to environmental sustainability and progress
that is evident in our established policies, practices and
procedures, which continue to evolve. Thus, we believe this
proposal suggests action that is unnecessary in light of our
existing commitment to environmental sustainability, and
adopting the proposed resolution would be contrary to the
interests of our company and its stockholders.
Our board of directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST
the adoption of this proposal.
Purpose of Plan
Section 1.1. The purpose of the 2009 Annual
Incentive Plan of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.
(the Plan) is to provide incentives for senior
executives whose performance in fulfilling the responsibilities
of their positions can have a major impact on the profitability
and future growth of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
Inc. (the Company) and its subsidiaries.
Administration of the Plan
Section 2.1. Subject to the authority and powers
of the Board of Directors in relation to the Plan as hereinafter
provided, the Plan shall be administered by a Committee
designated by the Board of Directors consisting of two or more
members of the Board each of whom is a non-employee
director within the meaning of
Rule 16b-3
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
SEC) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The
Committee shall have full authority to interpret the Plan and
from time to time to adopt such rules and regulations for
carrying out the Plan as it may deem best; provided, however,
that except for adjustments made pursuant to
Section 3.3(c), the Committee may not exercise any
authority otherwise granted to it hereunder if such action would
have the effect of increasing the amount of an Award to any
Covered Officer. All determinations by the Committee shall be
made by the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, but
any determination reduced to writing and signed by a majority of
the members shall be fully as effective as if it had been made
by a majority vote at a meeting duly called and held. All
decisions by the Committee pursuant to the provisions of the
Plan and all orders or resolutions of the Board of Directors
pursuant thereto shall be final, conclusive and binding on all
persons, including the Participants, the Company and its
subsidiaries and their respective equity holders.
Eligibility for and Payment of Awards
Section 3.1. Subject to the provisions of the
Plan, in each calendar year the Committee may select any of the
following to receive Awards under the Plan with respect to such
year and determine the amounts of such Awards: (a) any
person providing services as an officer of the Company or a
Subsidiary, whether or not employed by such entity, including
any person who is also a director of the Company, and
(b) any person who has agreed in writing to become a person
described in clause (a) within not more than 30 days
following the date of grant of such persons first Award
under the Plan.
Section 3.2. (a) Subject to the provisions
of the Plan, Awards with respect to any year shall be paid to
each Participant in the following form: (i) in cash, for
any Award amount up to four times such Participants Base
Salary; and (ii) in restricted stock units, or RSUs, for
any Award amount exceeding four times such Participants
Base Salary, up to a maximum of eight times such
Participants Base Salary. No Participant shall receive an
Award amount under the Plan for a given year, including payments
made in cash and RSUs, that exceeds eight times his or her Base
(b) The cash portion of each Award shall be paid at such
time established by the Committee following the determination of
the amounts of such Awards, which payment shall in no event be
later than February 28th of the year following such
Award Year.
(c) Any RSUs granted as part of an Award under the Plan
shall be granted as of the date that the Committee determines
the amount of the Awards, and the number of RSUs granted shall
be based on the
closing price of the Companys common stock on the date of
grant. The RSUs shall vest in three equal annual installments on
such dates determined by the Committee, provided that the
average of the Return on Investment for the five calendar years
preceding each year of vesting is at least 6% and, if required
or deemed necessary to satisfy the requirements to qualify such
RSU as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m), the appropriate members of the Committee
shall have certified that such condition has been met. The RSUs
authorized under this Plan shall be granted pursuant to the
terms of any of the Companys stock-based incentive plans
that provide for the grant of stock-based awards and shall be
subject to all other applicable terms, conditions, and
limitations contained in the stock-based incentive plan, and
such additional terms, conditions, and limitations as may
determined by the Committee and set forth in a notice of grant
of restricted stock units.
Section 3.3. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 4.2(a), and 4.2(b) hereof, any Award to
any Covered Officer shall be granted in accordance with the
provisions of this Section 3.3.
(a) All Awards to Covered Officers under the Plan will be
made and administered by two or more members of the Committee
who are also outside directors within the meaning of
Section 162(m).
(b) Within the first 90 days of each Award Year, the
Committee shall assign Participant Shares of the Plan Funding
Amount to those Covered Officers whom the Committee designates
as Participants for that Award Year (which Participant Shares in
the aggregate may not exceed 100% of the Plan Funding Amount).
The maximum annual Award that may be made to any Covered Officer
for an Award Year is 60% of the Plan Funding Amount.
(c) Within the first 90 days of each Award Year, the
Committee may specify adjustments that will be made to the Plan
Funding Amount, Managed Net Income or Total Investment of
Capital with respect to that Award Year, including without
limitation, adjustments related to asset write-downs;
acquisition-related charges; litigation or claim judgments or
settlements; the effects of changes in tax law or other laws or
provisions affecting reported results; accruals for
reorganization and restructuring programs; and unrealized gains
or losses on investments.
(d) Any provision of the Plan to the contrary
notwithstanding, no Covered Officer shall be entitled to any
payment of an Award with respect to a calendar year unless the
members of the Committee referred to in Section 3.3(b)
hereof shall have certified the Participant Share for each
Covered Officer, the Plan Funding Amount for such year, and that
the condition of Section 4.1 hereof has been met for such
General Provisions
Section 4.1. Any provision of the Plan to the
contrary notwithstanding, no Award shall be made pursuant to
Article III with respect to any calendar year if the
average of the Return on Investment for such calendar year and
each of the four preceding calendar years would be less than 6%.
Section 4.2. (a) The aggregate amount of
all Awards granted with respect to any calendar year shall not
exceed 0.625% of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities for
such year.
(b) If Managed Net Income or Total Investment of Capital
for any year shall have been affected by special factors that in
the Committees judgment should or should not be taken into
account, in whole or in part, in the equitable administration of
the Plan, the Committee may, for any purpose of the Plan, adjust
Managed Net Income or Total Investment of Capital and make
payments and reductions accordingly under the Plan; provided
that, except for adjustments specified in advance as provided in
Section 3.3(c) hereof, the Committee shall not take any
such adjustment into account in calculating Awards to Covered
Officers if the effect of such adjustment (i) would be to
increase the Plan Funding Amount or (ii) would result in
payments to Covered Officers hereunder that would otherwise not
be made because of failure to meet the Return on Investment
level specified on Section 4.1.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs
(a) and (b) above, the amount available for the grant
of Awards under the Plan to Covered Officers with respect to a
calendar year shall be equal to the
Plan Funding Amount for such year and, except for adjustments
specified in advance under Section 3.3(c), any adjustments
made in accordance with or for the purpose of subparagraph
(b) that would have the effect of increasing the Plan
Funding Amount shall be disregarded for purposes of calculating
Awards to Covered Officers. The Committee may, in the exercise
of its discretion, determine that the aggregate amount of all
Awards granted to Covered Officers with respect to a calendar
year shall be less than the Plan Funding Amount for such year,
but the excess of such Plan Funding Amount over such aggregate
amount of Awards granted to Covered Officers shall not be
available for any Awards to Covered Officers with respect to
future years. In addition, the Committee may, in the exercise of
its discretion, reduce or eliminate the amount of an Award to a
Covered Officer otherwise calculated in accordance with the
provisions of Section 3.3 prior to payment thereof. Any
reduction of an Award shall not accrue to the benefit of any
other Covered Officer. In the exercise of its discretion under
this Section 4.2(c), the Committee may consider the
following factors, as well as any other factors the Committee
deems appropriate: safety performance; total shareholder return;
operating performance and financial results; implementation of
business strategy and execution of business plans; exploration
activities and reserve additions; responsiveness to changing
market conditions; development of growth projects and
opportunities; capital management; management of major projects;
and achievement of sustainable development programs, including
environmental management and social programs.
Section 4.3. A Participant may designate in
writing a beneficiary (including the trustee or trustees of a
trust) who shall upon the death of such Participant be entitled
to receive all benefits that would have been payable hereunder
to such Participant. A Participant may rescind or change any
such designation at any time. Except as provided in this
Section 4.3, none of the benefits that may be payable under
the Plan may be assigned or transferred otherwise than by will
or by the laws of descent and distribution.
Section 4.4. All payments made pursuant to the
Plan shall be subject to withholding in respect of income and
other taxes required by law to be withheld, in accordance with
procedures to be established by the Committee.
Section 4.5. The selection of an individual for
participation in the Plan shall not give such Participant any
right to be retained in the employ of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries, and the right of the Company or any such
subsidiary to dismiss or discharge any such Participant, or to
terminate any arrangement pursuant to which any such Participant
provides services to the Company, is specifically reserved. The
benefits provided for Participants under the Plan shall be in
addition to, and shall in no way preclude, other forms of
compensation to or in respect of such Participants.
Section 4.6. The Board of Directors and the
Committee shall be entitled to rely on the advice of counsel and
other experts, including the independent registered public
accounting firm for the Company regarding accounting matters. No
member of the Board of Directors or of the Committee or any
officers of the Company or its subsidiaries shall be liable for
any act or failure to act under the Plan, except in
circumstances involving bad faith on the part of such member or
Section 4.7. Except as provided below, at no
time before the actual payout of an Award under the Plan shall
any Participant accrue any vested interest or right whatsoever
under the terms of the Plan, and the Company has no obligation
to treat Participants identically under the Plan. If any portion
of an Award is paid out in RSUs as provided for in
Section 3.2, then the Participant shall have the rights set
forth in the notice of grant of restricted stock units
pertaining to such RSUs.
Section 4.8. In order to be eligible to receive
an Award for a given year, a Participant must be an employee of
the Company at the end of the Award Year, unless this
requirement is waived by the Committee in the case of death,
disability or retirement or under such special circumstances as
may be determined by the Committee. Any payment of an Award to a
Participant, or the conditions thereof, upon termination of
employment that deviate from the terms and conditions otherwise
specified herein must be approved by the Committee and will only
be considered for approval if such deviation would not, in the
opinion of counsel to the Company, limit the Companys
federal income tax deduction for such payment under
Section 162(m).
Section 4.9. In the event a Participant is
discharged by the Company for cause, including, without
limitation, fraud, embezzlement, theft, commission of a felony,
proven dishonesty or other unethical behavior,
or disclosure of trade secrets of the Company, then any Award to
which the Participant would otherwise be entitled shall be
forfeited. The decision of the Committee as to the cause of a
former Participants discharge shall be final.
Amendment or Termination of the Plan
The Board of Directors may at any time terminate, in whole or in
part, or from time to time amend the Plan, provided that, except
as otherwise provided in the Plan, no such amendment or
termination shall adversely affect any Awards previously made to
a Participant and provided that any such amendment or
termination shall comply with the requirements of
Section 409A to the extent that it governs this Plan. The
Board may at any time and from time to time delegate to the
Committee any or all of its authority under this Article V.
Section 6.1. For the purposes of the Plan, the
following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
(a) Award: The grant of an award by the Committee to a
Participant pursuant to Article III.
(b) Award Year: Any calendar year or portion thereof
with respect to which an Award may be granted.
(c) Base Salary: For any given Participant, Base
Salary is the amount of his or her annual base salary, as
determined on the first day of the applicable Award Year.
(d) Board or Board of Directors: The Board of
Directors of the Company.
(e) Committee: The Committee designated pursuant to
Section 2.1. Until otherwise determined by the Board of
Directors, the Corporate Personnel Committee designated by such
Board shall be the Committee under the Plan.
(f) Covered Officer: At any date, (i) any
individual who, with respect to the previous taxable year of the
Company, was a covered employee of the Company
within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the rules promulgated
thereunder by the Internal Revenue Service of the Department of
the Treasury, provided, however, the term Covered
Officer shall not include any such individual who is
designated by the Committee, in its discretion, at the time of
any grant or at any subsequent time, as reasonably expected not
to be such a covered employee with respect to the
current taxable year of the Company and (ii) any individual
who is designated by the Committee, in its discretion, at the
time of any grant or at any subsequent time, as reasonably
expected to be such a covered employee with respect
to the current taxable year of the Company or with respect to
the taxable year of the Company in which any Award will be paid
to such individual.
(g) Managed Net Income: As reviewed by the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm,
released by the Company to the public and approved by the Board,
the net income (or net loss) of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries with respect to any year, plus (or minus) the
following items if included in such net income (or net loss)
(i) the non-controlling interests share in the net
income (or net loss) of the Companys consolidated
subsidiaries for such year;
(ii) the cumulative effect of changes in accounting
principles of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries for
such year plus (or minus) the non-controlling interests
share in such changes in accounting principles;
(iii) any extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring items for
such year plus (or minus) the non-controlling interests
share in such extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring items;
(iv) the effect of discontinued operations for such year
plus (or minus) the non-controlling interests share in
such discontinued operations;
(v) any non-cash gain or loss attributable to any hedging
agreement relating to commodity prices for such year plus (or
minus) the non-controlling interests share in such
non-cash gain or loss; until such time as it is settled, at
which time the net gain or loss shall be included plus (or
minus) the non-controlling interests share in such
non-cash gain or loss;
(vi) any non-cash gain or loss attributable to any changes
in accounting principles or policies (including adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards) for such year plus
(or minus) the non-controlling interests share in such
non-cash gain or loss;
(vii) any non-cash asset impairment charges (including any
goodwill impairment) and any amortization of intangible assets
or liabilities for such year following approval of the Plan plus
(or minus) the non-controlling interests share in such
non-cash charges or amortization;
(viii) any change in cost of goods sold attributable to
inventories resulting from the acquisition method of accounting
in connection with any acquisition for such year following
approval of the Plan plus (or minus) the non-controlling
interests share in such increase or decrease; and
(ix) any adjustments specified by the Committee within the
first 90 days of each Award Year pursuant to
Section 3.3(c).
(h) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities: With
respect to any year, the net cash provided by operating
activities excluding working capital changes of the Company and
its consolidated subsidiaries for such year as reviewed by the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm,
released by the Company to the public and approved by the Board.
(i) Net Interest Expense: With respect to any year,
the net interest expense of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries for such year as reviewed by the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm, released by the
Company to the public and approved by the Board.
(j) Participant: An individual who has been selected
by the Committee to receive an Award.
(k) Participant Share: The percentage of the Plan
Funding Amount assigned to a Covered Officer by the Committee.
(l) Plan Funding Amount: With respect to any year,
0.625% of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities for such
(m) Return on Investment: With respect to any year,
the result (expressed as a percentage) calculated according to
the following formula:
in which a equals Managed Net Income for such year,
b equals Net Interest Expense for such year,
c equals Tax on Net Interest Expense for such year,
and d equals Total Investment of Capital for such
(n) Section 162(m): Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and rules promulgated
by the Internal Revenue Service thereunder (together, the
(o) Section 409A: Section 409A of the Code.
(p) Subsidiary: (i) Any corporation or other
entity in which the Company possesses directly or indirectly
equity interests representing at least 50% of the total ordinary
voting power or at least 50% of the total value of all classes
of equity interests of such corporation or other entity and
(ii) any other entity in which the Company has a direct or
indirect economic interest that is designated as a Subsidiary by
the Committee.
(q) Tax on Net Interest Expense: With respect to any
year, the tax on the net interest expense of the Company and its
consolidated subsidiaries for such year calculated at the
appropriate income tax rate for such year as reviewed by the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm.
(r) Total Investment of Capital: With respect to any
year, (i) the sum of (A) the average of total equity
in the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries for such year,
(B) the average of temporary equity of the Company for such
year, and (C) the average of debt of the Company and its
consolidated subsidiaries for such year, all as shown in the
quarterly balance sheets of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries for such year, (ii) minus the average of cash
and cash equivalents of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries for such year as shown in the quarterly balance
sheets of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries for such
year. If the Company is required to adopt International
Financial Reporting Standards, the foregoing calculation will
exclude any impact resulting from such adoption.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. |
Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors for
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, June 11, 2009 |
The undersigned hereby appoints James R. Moffett, Richard C. Adkerson and Kathleen L. Quirk or any of them, as proxies, with full power
of substitution, to vote the shares of the undersigned in Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on Thursday,
June 11, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., and at any adjournment thereof, on all matters coming before the meeting.
The proxies will vote: (1) as you specify on the back of this card, (2) as the Board of Directors recommends where you do not specify
your vote on a matter listed on the back of this card, and (3) as the proxies decide on any other matter.
If you wish to vote on all matters as the Board of Directors recommends, please sign, date and
return this card. If you wish to vote on items individually, please also mark the appropriate boxes
on the back of this card. |
(continued on reverse side)
Please mark
your votes as
indicated in
this example
x |
You may specify your votes by marking the appropriate boxes on this side. You need not mark any boxes, however, if you wish to vote all items in
accordance with the Board of Directors recommendation. If your votes are not specified, this proxy will be voted FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 and against Item 4.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 below. |
1. |
Election of sixteen directors. Nominees are:
Richard C. Adkerson, Robert J. Allison, Jr., Robert A. Day, Gerald J. Ford, H. Devon Graham, Jr., J. Bennett Johnston, Charles C. Krulak, Bobby Lee Lackey, Jon C. Madonna,
Dustan E. McCoy, Gabrielle K. McDonald, James R. Moffett, B. M. Rankin, Jr., J. Stapleton Roy, Stephen H. Siegele, J. Taylor Wharton.
FOR, except withhold vote from following nominee(s): |
Ratification of appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as independent auditor.
Approval of the proposed 2009 Annual Incentive Plan.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Item 4 below.
4. |
Stockholder proposal regarding the selection of a candidate with environmental expertise to
be recommended for election to the companys Board of Directors.
Your Internet
vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you
had returned your proxy card. We encourage you to use this cost effective and convenient way of
voting, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |
Visit the Internet voting website at Have
this proxy card ready and follow the
instructions on your screen. You will incur
only your usual Internet charges. Available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week until 11:59 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time on June 10, 2009.
Simply sign and date your proxy card and
return it in the postage-paid envelope to
Secretary, Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
Gold Inc., P.O. Box 17149, Wilmington,
Delaware 19885-9808. If you are voting by
Internet, please do not mail your proxy card.
This proxy statement and the 2008 annual report are available at