OMB Number:
3235-0059 |
January 31, 2008 |
Estimated average burden hours per
response |
14. |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant
þ |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
o |
Check the appropriate box: |
o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ Definitive Proxy Statement |
o Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Continental Airlines,
of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
April 27, 2007
To Our Stockholders:
On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are pleased to invite
you to attend the Continental Airlines, Inc. 2007 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders. As indicated in the attached notice, the
meeting will be held at The Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana
Street, Houston, Texas on Tuesday, June 12, 2007, at
10:00 a.m., local time. At the meeting, we will act on the
matters described in the attached proxy statement and there will
be an opportunity to discuss other matters of interest to you as
a stockholder.
Please authorize your proxy or direct your vote by internet or
telephone as described in the enclosed proxy statement, even if
you plan to attend the meeting in person. Alternatively, you can
date, sign and mail the enclosed proxy card in the envelope
provided. We look forward to seeing you in Houston.
Larry Kellner
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
Jeff Smisek
1600 Smith Street, Dept. HQSEO
Houston, Texas 77002
To Be Held June 12,
The 2007 annual meeting of stockholders of Continental Airlines,
Inc. will be held at The Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana
Street, Houston, Texas on Tuesday, June 12, 2007, at
10:00 a.m., local time, for the following purposes:
1. To elect eleven directors to serve until the next annual
meeting of stockholders;
2. To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent
auditors of the company and its subsidiaries for 2007;
3. To consider and act upon two stockholder
proposals; and
4. To consider and act upon any other matters that may
properly come before the annual meeting or any postponement or
adjournment thereof.
The holders of record of the companys common stock at the
close of business on April 16, 2007 are entitled to notice
of and to vote at the meeting. A list of the stockholders
entitled to vote at the meeting will be available for
examination, during ordinary business hours, for ten days before
the meeting at our principal place of business, 1600 Smith
Street, Houston, Texas.
Jennifer L. Vogel
Houston, Texas
April 27, 2007
Please authorize your proxy or direct your vote by internet
or telephone as described in the enclosed proxy statement, even
if you plan to attend the meeting in person. Alternatively, you
may date and sign the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly
by mail in the envelope provided. If you mail the proxy card, no
postage is required if mailed in the United States. If you do
attend the meeting in person and want to withdraw your proxy,
you may do so as described in the enclosed proxy statement and
vote in person on all matters properly brought before the
1600 Smith Street, Dept. HQSEO
Houston, Texas 77002
To Be Held June 12, 2007
Place, Date and Time
We are providing this proxy statement to you in connection with
the solicitation on behalf of Continentals board of
directors, which we refer to as the board, of
proxies to be voted at the companys 2007 annual meeting of
stockholders or any postponement or adjournment of that meeting.
The meeting will be held at The Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana
Street, Houston, Texas on Tuesday, June 12, 2007, at
10:00 a.m., local time, for the purposes set forth in the
accompanying Notice of 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. This
proxy statement and the accompanying proxy card, together with
our annual report to stockholders, are being first mailed or
otherwise delivered to stockholders on or about April 27,
Date; Stockholders Entitled to Vote
Stockholders of record at the close of business on
April 16, 2007, the record date, are entitled
to notice of and to vote at the meeting and at any postponement
or adjournment of the meeting. At the close of business on the
record date, Continental had outstanding 97,127,746 shares
of Class B common stock, which we refer to as common
stock, and one share of Series B Preferred Stock,
held by Northwest Airlines, Inc. or Northwest.
Subject to certain limitations on voting by
non-U.S. citizens
as described below, each share of our common stock is entitled
to one vote. The share of Series B Preferred Stock held by
Northwest is not entitled to vote with respect to the matters
set forth in the accompanying Notice.
Under U.S. law, no more than 25% of the voting stock of a
U.S. air carrier such as Continental may be owned or
controlled, directly or indirectly, by persons who are not
U.S. citizens, and Continental itself must be a
U.S. citizen. For these purposes, a
U.S. citizen means:
an individual who is a citizen of the United States;
a partnership, each of whose partners is an individual who is a
citizen of the United States; or
a corporation or association organized under the laws of the
United States or a state, the District of Columbia, or a
territory or possession of the United States, of which the
president and at least two-thirds of the board of directors and
other managing officers are citizens of the United States, which
is under the actual control of citizens of the United States,
and in which at least 75% of the voting interest is owned or
controlled by persons who are citizens of the United States.
The U.S. Department of Transportation determines, on a
basis, whether an air carrier is effectively owned and
controlled by citizens of the United States.
In order to comply with these rules, our Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation provides that persons who are not
U.S. citizens may not vote shares of our capital stock
unless the shares are registered on a separate stock record
maintained by us. A foreign holder wishing to register on this
separate stock record should send us a written request for
registration identifying the full name and address of the
holder, the holders citizenship, the total number of
shares held and the nature of such ownership (i.e., record or
beneficial). Such requests should be addressed to our Secretary
at Continental Airlines, Inc., P.O. Box 4607, Houston,
We will not register shares on this record if the amount
registered would cause us to violate the foreign ownership rules
or adversely affect our operating certificates or authorities.
Registration on this record is made in chronological order
based on the date we receive a written request for registration.
As of the record date, shares registered on this record
comprised less than 25% of our voting stock.
A quorum of stockholders is necessary for a valid meeting. The
required quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting
is a majority of the total outstanding shares of stock entitled
to vote at the meeting, either present in person or represented
by proxy.
Abstentions will be included in determining the number of shares
present at the meeting for the purpose of determining the
presence of a quorum, as will broker non-votes. A broker
non-vote occurs under the rules of the New York Stock
Exchange, or NYSE, when a bank, broker or other
nominee holding shares of record is not permitted to vote on a
non-routine matter without instructions from the beneficial
owner of the shares and no instruction is given. Under these
NYSE rules, if you do not provide timely voting instructions to
a bank, broker or other nominee that holds your shares of
record, that institution will be prohibited from voting on the
stockholder proposal related to political activities
(Proposal 3) or on the stockholder proposal related to
performance-based equity compensation for senior officers
(Proposal 4), but will be permitted to vote in its
discretion with respect to the election of directors
(Proposal 1) and the proposal to ratify the
appointment of the independent auditors (Proposal 2).
Required for Proposal 1: Election of Directors
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at
the meeting for directors by the holders of common stock
entitled to vote thereon.
In the vote to elect directors, stockholders may:
vote in favor of all nominees;
withhold votes as to all nominees; or
withhold votes as to specific nominees.
Required for Proposal 2: Ratification of Appointment of
Independent Auditors
The proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP as our independent auditors will require approval by a
majority of the votes cast at the meeting on Proposal 2 by
the holders of common stock entitled to vote thereon.
Abstentions are not treated as votes cast and thus will not
affect the outcome of the proposal.
In the vote on the ratification of the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP as our independent auditors,
stockholders may:
vote in favor of the ratification;
vote against the ratification; or
abstain from voting on the ratification.
Required for Proposal 3: Stockholder Proposal Related
to Political Activities
The stockholder proposal related to political activities
scheduled to be presented at the meeting will require approval
by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting on
Proposal 3 by the holders of common stock entitled to vote
thereon. Neither abstentions nor broker non-votes are treated as
votes cast and thus neither will affect the outcome of the
In the vote on this stockholder proposal, stockholders may:
vote in favor of the proposal;
vote against the proposal; or
abstain from voting on the proposal.
Required for Proposal 4: Stockholder Proposal Related
to Performance-Based Equity Compensation for Senior
The stockholder proposal related to performance-based equity
compensation for senior officers scheduled to be presented at
the meeting will require approval by a majority of the votes
cast at the meeting on Proposal 4 by the holders of common
stock entitled to vote thereon. Neither abstentions nor broker
non-votes are treated as votes cast and thus neither will affect
the outcome of the proposal.
In the vote on this stockholder proposal, stockholders may:
vote in favor of the proposal;
vote against the proposal; or
abstain from voting on the proposal.
Voting of
Although you may vote by properly signing and returning the
proxy card or voting form that accompanies this proxy statement
in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, we ask that you vote
instead by internet or telephone, which saves us money. Please
note that the telephonic voting procedures described below are
not available for shares held by
non-U.S. citizens.
Shares Held of
Record. Stockholders with shares registered
in their names with Mellon Investor Services LLC,
Continentals transfer agent and registrar, may authorize a
proxy by internet at the following internet address: or telephonically by calling Broadridge
Financial Solutions, Inc., which we refer to as
Broadridge, at
Proxies submitted through Broadridge by internet or telephone
must be received by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on
June 11, 2007. The giving of such proxy will not affect
your right to vote in person if you decide to attend the meeting.
Shares Held in a Bank or Brokerage
Account. A number of banks and brokerage
firms participate in a program, separate from that offered by
Broadridge, which also permits stockholders to direct their vote
by internet or telephone. If your shares are held in an account
at such a bank or brokerage firm, you may direct the voting of
those shares by internet or telephone by following the
instructions on their enclosed voting form. Votes directed by
internet or telephone through such a program must be received by
11:59 p.m. eastern time on June 11, 2007. Directing
the voting of your shares will not affect your right to vote in
person if you decide to attend the meeting; however, you must
first request a valid proxy either on the internet or the voting
form that accompanies this proxy statement. Requesting a valid
proxy prior to the deadlines described above will automatically
cancel any voting directions you have previously given by
internet or by telephone to the bank or brokerage firm holding
your shares.
The internet and telephone proxy procedures are designed to
authenticate stockholders identities, to allow
stockholders to give their proxy instructions and to confirm
that those instructions have been properly recorded.
Stockholders authorizing proxies or directing the voting of
shares by internet should understand that there may be costs
associated with electronic access, such as usage charges from
internet access providers and telephone companies, which must be
borne by the stockholder.
of Proxies
If you are the record holder of your shares, you may revoke your
proxy before it is exercised at the meeting in any of three ways:
by submitting written notice to our Secretary before the meeting
that you have revoked your proxy;
by timely submitting another proxy via the internet, by
telephone or by mail that is later dated and, if by mail, that
is properly signed; or
by voting in person at the meeting.
If you are not the record holder of your shares, you may revoke
your proxy before it is exercised at the meeting by voting in
person at the meeting, provided you have a valid proxy from the
holder of record.
of Solicitation
Continental will bear the costs of the solicitation of proxies.
In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail, we may also
solicit proxies by internet, telephone, fax or in person. None
of our regular employees or directors who engage in solicitation
will receive additional compensation for that solicitation. In
addition, we have retained Georgeson Inc. to assist in the
solicitation of proxies for a fee estimated not to exceed $7,500
plus reasonable
expenses. Arrangements will be made with brokerage houses and
with other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward proxy
soliciting materials to beneficial owners, and we will reimburse
them for their reasonable
expenses incurred in doing so.
Sharing the Same Last Name and Address
We are sending only one copy of our proxy statement to
stockholders who share the same last name and address, unless
they have notified us that they want to continue receiving
multiple copies. This practice, known as
householding, is designed to reduce duplicate
mailings and save significant printing and postage costs.
If you received a householded mailing this year and you would
like to have additional copies of our proxy statement mailed to
you or you would like to opt out of this practice for future
mailings, please submit your request to our Secretary in writing
at Continental Airlines, Inc., P.O. Box 4607, Houston,
You may also contact us if you received multiple copies of the
annual meeting materials and would prefer to receive a single
copy in the future.
Matters To Be Acted on at the Annual Meeting
We will not act on any matters at the meeting other than those
indicated on the accompanying Notice and procedural matters
related to the meeting.
We have one class of securities outstanding that is entitled to
vote on the matters to be considered at the meeting,
Class B common stock, which is entitled to one vote per
share, subject to the limitations on voting by
non-U.S. citizens
described above. The following table sets forth, as of the dates
indicated below, information with respect to persons owning
beneficially (to our knowledge) more than five percent of any
class of our voting securities.
of Class B
Name and Address of Beneficial Holder
Common Stock
of Class
Barclays Global Investors, NA
45 Fremont Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Susquehanna Investment Group
401 City Avenue, Suite 220
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
BlackRock, Inc.
40 East
52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
Capital Research and Management
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(1) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
on March 9, 2007, Barclays Global Investors, NA.
(Barclays), Barclays Global Fund Advisors
(BGI Fund), Barclays Global Investors, LTD
(BGI LTD), Barclays Global Investors Japan Trust and
Banking Company Limited (BGI Trust) and Barclays
Global Investors Japan Limited (BGI Japan) reported
beneficial ownership of the shares reported in the table.
Barclays reported sole voting power with respect to
8,510,548 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
9,588,478 shares, BGI Fund reported sole voting and
dispositive power with respect to 862,593 shares, BGI LTD
reported sole voting and dispositive power with respect to
915,977 shares, BGI Trust reported no beneficial ownership
of shares and BGI Japan reported sole voting and dispositive
power with respect to 178,920 shares. The address for BGI
Fund is 45 Fremont Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, the
address for BGI LTD is Murray House, 1 Royal Mint Court, London,
England EC3N 4HH, and the address for BGI Trust and BGI Japan is
Ebisu Prime Square Tower,
8th Floor,
1-1-39 Hiroo Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
150-0012. |
(2) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 13, 2007, Susquehanna Investment Group
(SIG), Susquehanna Capital Group (SGC)
and Susquehanna Securities (SS) reported that they
are affiliated independent broker-dealers that may be deemed to
beneficially own, as a group, all of the shares reported in the
table. SIG reported sole voting and dispositive power with
respect to 5,722,108 shares, SGC reported sole voting and
dispositive power with respect to 864,752 shares, and SS
reported sole voting and dispositive power with respect to
55,400 shares. Each of SIG, SGC and SS reported shared
voting and dispositive power with respect to all
6,642,260 shares and disclaimed beneficial ownership of all
shares directly held by the other two entities. |
(3) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 13, 2007, BlackRock, Inc. (BlackRock),
a registered investment adviser, reported that it may be deemed
to be the beneficial owner of the shares reflected in the table
as a result of acting as an investment adviser and parent
holding company for a number of investment management
subsidiaries. BlackRock reported that it has shared voting and
dispositive power with respect to all 5,267,556 shares,
does not have sole voting or dispositive power with respect to
any of such shares, and that such shares are held by the
following investment advisor subsidiaries: BlackRock Advisors
LLC, BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., BlackRock Investment
Management LLC, BlackRock (Channel Islands) Ltd, BlackRock
(Netherlands) B.V., BlackRock Fund Managers Ltd, BlackRock
Investment Management UK Ltd and State Street
Research & Management Co. |
(4) |
According to an amendment to Schedule 13G filed with the
SEC on February 12, 2007, Capital Research and Management
Company, a registered investment adviser, reported that it may
be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the shares reflected in
the table as a result of acting as investment adviser to various
investment companies and disclaimed beneficial ownership of all
such shares. It reported that it has sole voting power with
respect to 1,250,000 shares and sole dispositive power with
respect to 4,650,000 shares, and that no shares are subject
to shared voting or dispositive power. |
Ownership of Common Stock by Directors and Executive
The following table shows, as of April 15, 2007, the number
of shares of common stock beneficially owned by our current
directors, the executive officers named below in the Summary
Compensation Table, and all executive officers and directors as
a group.
Amount and
Nature of
Name of Beneficial Owners
of Class
Thomas J. Barrack, Jr.
Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
James E. Compton
Lawrence W. Kellner
Douglas H. McCorkindale
Henry L. Meyer III
Jeffrey J. Misner
Mark J. Moran
Oscar Munoz
George G. C. Parker
Jeffery A. Smisek
Karen Hastie Williams
Ronald B. Woodard
Charles A. Yamarone
All executive officers and
directors as a group (15 persons)
* |
Less than 1% |
(1) |
The persons listed have the sole power to vote and dispose of
the shares beneficially owned by them except as otherwise
indicated. Each member of our board is required to beneficially
hold at least 1,000 shares of our common stock, including
shares the director can acquire within 60 days through the
exercise of stock options. All of our directors are in
compliance with this requirement as of April 15, 2007, as
indicated in the table above. For discussion of the minimum
ownership guidelines for our senior officers, please see
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance
Enhancements below. |
(2) |
Represents shares subject to stock options that are exercisable
within 60 days of April 15, 2007 (Exercisable
Options). |
(3) |
Includes 15,000 Exercisable Options. |
(4) |
Includes 200 shares owned by a relative of
Mr. Kellner, as to which shares Mr. Kellner shares
dispositive power but disclaims beneficial ownership. |
(5) |
Includes 45,000 Exercisable Options. |
(6) |
Includes 15,000 Exercisable Options. |
(7) |
Includes 4,875 Exercisable Options. |
(8) |
Includes 35,000 Exercisable Options. |
(9) |
Includes 270,500 Exercisable Options. |
We are committed to high standards of corporate governance and
to conducting our business ethically and with integrity and
professionalism. In furtherance of these commitments, our board
has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines developed and
recommended by the Corporate Governance Committee of our board
and we have enhanced our Ethics and Compliance Program through
the adoption of Ethics and Compliance Guidelines that replace
our Principles of Conduct for our employees and directors. The
Corporate Governance Guidelines, together with the charters of
each of our board committees, the Ethics and Compliance
Guidelines and the Directors Code of Ethics, provide the
framework for the corporate governance at Continental. We
monitor developments in the laws, regulations and best practices
relating to governance, compliance and our business, and
evaluate our own policies and principles in light of those
A complete copy of these documents can be found under
Corporate Governance in the Investor Relations
section of our web site at, and we
will furnish copies of these documents to interested security
holders without charge, upon request. Written requests for such
copies should be addressed to:
Continental Airlines, Inc.
Attention: Secretary
P.O. Box 4607
Houston, Texas
Governance Enhancements
Since the beginning of 2006, upon the recommendation of the
Corporate Governance Committee, our board has implemented the
following enhancements to our corporate governance practices:
Limitation on Board Service. In
February 2006, our board adopted an amendment to our Corporate
Governance Guidelines that limits the number of boards of
directors on which any of our directors may serve. Following the
transition period which expires in February 2008, none of our
directors will be permitted to serve on the board of directors
of more than two other public companies if the director is
employed on a full-time basis, or four other public companies if
the director is employed on less than a full-time basis. For
determining the number of boards of directors on which a
director serves, the guidelines exclude service on the board of
directors of a charitable, philanthropic or non-profit
organization, as well as service on the board of the
directors principal employer. Further, a directors
service on the board of directors of two or more affiliated
companies that hold joint or concurrent board meetings will be
considered service on only one other board.
Occupational Changes. Also in February
2006, our board adopted an amendment to our Corporate Governance
Guidelines requiring our directors to offer to resign upon a
qualifying job change. If a director experiences either a
termination of his or her principal employment or position, or a
material decrease in responsibilities with respect to that
employment or position, the director is required to submit his
or her offer to resign to the chair of the Corporate Governance
Committee. The committee will then review the circumstances
surrounding the employment change and such other matters as it
deems appropriate and make a recommendation to our board
concerning acceptance or rejection of the directors offer
to resign. Our board will then make the final determination
concerning whether to accept or reject the directors offer
to resign.
Minimum Stock Ownership. In February
2006, our board also amended our Corporate Governance Guidelines
to establish minimum stock ownership requirements for our
directors, chief executive officer, or CEO,
president and executive vice presidents. Subject to a one year
transition period for newly-elected directors, each of our
directors is required to beneficially own at least
1,000 shares of our common stock, our CEO and our president
are each required to beneficially own at least
5,000 shares, and our executive vice presidents are each
required to beneficially own at least 2,000 shares. A
directors or officers holdings of restricted stock
or stock options exercisable within 60 days are included
when determining whether the individual beneficially owns a
sufficient number of shares.
Presiding Director. In November 2006,
our board amended our Corporate Governance Guidelines to provide
that the presiding director for executive sessions of our
non-management directors will be the chair of
the Executive Committee of our board, who will at all times be a
non-management member of our board. Prior to this amendment, the
presiding director for each such meeting was selected on a
rotating basis by seniority. This enhancement provides greater
continuity and stability to the position, allowing stockholders
or other interested parties the opportunity to communicate with
the non-management directors through correspondence directed to
the presiding director. Please see
Communications with the Board below for
instructions concerning how to contact the presiding director.
Director Resignation Policy. In
November 2006, our board amended our Corporate Governance
Guidelines and bylaws in connection with the adoption of a
director resignation policy. Under this policy, each of our
incumbent directors must submit a conditional, irrevocable
resignation letter in the form approved by our board before our
board will nominate the director for re-election. The current
form of resignation letter approved by our board provides that
the resignation will only be effective if:
the director receives more withhold votes than votes
for his or her re-election in an uncontested
election of directors; and
our board (or a designated committee) accepts the resignation.
In accordance with our bylaws, Delaware corporate law and the
form resignation letter approved by our board, the resignation
letter cannot be revoked or withdrawn while this director
resignation policy is in effect.
Each of the nominated directors has submitted his or her
conditional, irrevocable letter of resignation as required by
the policy. The conditional, irrevocable resignation approved by
our board for Larry Kellner, our Chairman of the Board and CEO,
includes an acknowledgement that our boards acceptance of
his resignation under the circumstances described above would
trigger Mr. Kellners right under his employment
agreement with us to resign for Good Reason and
receive certain severance benefits. For a discussion of
Mr. Kellners severance benefits following his
resignation for Good Reason, please see Executive
Compensation Potential Payments Upon Termination or
Change in Control below.
Our board has the authority to amend
restate the Corporate Governance Guidelines, including any or
all of these governance enhancements, from time to time in its
sole discretion without stockholder approval.
and Compliance Program
In January 2007, we implemented several enhancements to our
Ethics and Compliance Program, including the adoption of the
Ethics and Compliance Guidelines. These guidelines, which
replace the Principles of Conduct and apply to all of our
directors, officers and employees, serve as the centerpiece for
our Ethics and Compliance Program by promoting ethical conduct,
good judgment and compliance with laws as well as our policies.
We also established an Ethics and Compliance Committee of our
executive officers led by our General Counsel and Chief
Compliance Officer. This committee promotes awareness and
understanding of, and adherence to, our Ethics and Compliance
Program and periodically reviews and evaluates the program and
the guidelines to ensure that they continue to meet our
corporate obligations and standards.
Our board determines the independence of each director through
application of the director independence tests required by
Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual and, for
members of the audit committee, the additional independence
tests required by
Rule 10A-3(b)(1)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Our board
has applied these independence tests to our eleven nominees and
determined that each of the nominees for our board other than
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek (nine of the eleven total
nominees) is independent under the applicable
standards and qualifies for service on each board committee on
which such director currently serves. Please see
Proposal 1: Election of Directors
Director Biographical Summaries below for a list of all
eleven nominees for our board, together with biographical
summaries including each nominees current committee
memberships and business experience.
In making these independence determinations, the board
considered the transactions and relationships between the
directors (or their immediate family) and the company and its
subsidiaries described below:
Mr. McCorkindale. Mr. McCorkindale
served as Chairman, President and CEO of Gannett Co., Inc., a
leading international news and information company and the
publisher of USA TODAY, from February 2001 until July 2005, and
continued to serve as Chairman and an employee of Gannett until
his retirement in June 2006. We purchase USA TODAY newspapers
for our flights and Presidents Club facilities and retain
Gannetts services as our agent for procuring newspapers
from other publishers. We also have advertised in various
newspapers owned by Gannett and its subsidiaries from time to
time. Our aggregate payments to Gannett and its subsidiaries in
connection with these arrangements, during each of the past
three years, represented less than
1/100th of
1% of our total operating expenses and less than
1/10th of
1% of Gannetts disclosed consolidated gross revenues. Our
board has reviewed these arrangements and determined that they
are not material to Mr. McCorkindale and do not impair his
Mr. Meyer. Mr. Meyer has
served as the Chairman, President and CEO of KeyCorp, a
financial services company and the parent company of KeyBank,
one of the largest banks in the United States, since May 2001.
We are the preferred air carrier of KeyCorp, and receive
payments from KeyCorp in exchange for providing routine air
transportation services to its employees. We also receive
payments from KeyBank in connection with its debit card program,
launched in 2003, which is co-branded with us. Further, we lease
certain ground equipment from KeyBanks leasing division.
During each of the past three years, our aggregate payments to
KeyCorp and KeyBank, as well as their aggregate payments to us,
in each case represented less than
1/4th of
1% of the consolidated gross revenues of the payee, and less
1/4th of
1% of the total expenses of the payor. Our board has reviewed
these arrangements and determined that they are not material to
Mr. Meyer and do not impair his independence.
Ms. Williams. In 2005,
Ms. Williams retired as a partner of Crowell &
Moring LLP, a law firm that has provided services to us and our
subsidiaries for many years. Ms. Williams continues to work
on a part-time basis for Crowell & Moring LLP as Senior
Counsel. Ms. Williams does not personally provide any legal
services to Continental or its subsidiaries and has no
individual interest in the fees we pay to Crowell &
Moring LLP. Our fee arrangement with Crowell & Moring
LLP is negotiated on the same basis as our arrangements with
other outside legal counsel and is subject to the same terms and
conditions. The fees we pay to Crowell & Moring LLP are
comparable to those we pay to other law firms for similar
services. During each of the past three years, our aggregate
payments to Crowell & Moring LLP represented less than
1/100th of
1% of our total operating expenses and did not exceed
of 1% of Crowell & Moring LLPs gross revenues.
Our board has reviewed this arrangement and determined that it
is not material to Ms. Williams and does not impair her
Mr. Woodard. Mr. Woodard
serves on the board of directors of AAR Corp., a leading
supplier of products and services to the global
aviation/aerospace industry. AAR Corp. is a supplier of parts
and repair services to us, is the owner participant on an
aircraft leased by us, and during 2006 held an indirect interest
in the owner participant on another aircraft leased by us.
During each of the past three years, our lease payments relating
to aircraft and equipment leased from AAR Corp., together with
amounts paid in consideration of parts and repairs, amounted to
less than
1/10th of
1% of our total operating expenses and less than
of 1% of AAR Corp.s consolidated gross revenues. Our board
has reviewed these arrangements and determined that they are not
material to Mr. Woodard and do not impair his independence.
The purpose of this review was to determine whether any such
relationships or transactions were material and, therefore,
inconsistent with a determination that the director is
independent. As a result of this review, the board affirmatively
determined, based on its understanding of such transactions and
relationships, that, with the exception of Messrs. Kellner
and Smisek, none of the directors nominated for election at the
meeting has any material relationships with the company or its
subsidiaries, and that all such directors are independent of the
company under the applicable standards set forth by the NYSE and
SEC. Messrs. Kellner and Smisek are not independent because
of their employment as executives of the company.
Board of
Directors Meetings
Regular meetings of our board are generally held four times per
year, and special meetings are scheduled when required. The
board held five meetings in 2006. During 2006, each director
attended at least 75% of the sum of the total number of meetings
of the board and each committee of which he or she was a member.
Last year, all eleven of our directors attended the annual
meeting of stockholders.
Under our Corporate Governance Guidelines, directors are
expected to diligently fulfill their fiduciary duties to
stockholders, which duties include preparing for, attending and
participating in meetings of the board and the committees of
which the directors are a member. We do not have a formal policy
regarding director attendance at annual meetings. However, when
considering a directors renomination to the board, the
Corporate Governance Committee must consider the directors
history of attendance at annual meetings of stockholders and at
board and committee meetings as well as the directors
preparation for and participation in such meetings.
Our non-management directors regularly meet separately in
executive session without any members of management present.
During 2006, our non-management directors met in such executive
sessions on four occasions. Our Corporate Governance Guidelines
provide that the chairperson of the Executive Committee, who at
all times shall be a non-management director, shall serve as the
presiding director for these executive sessions. Currently, all
of our non-management directors are independent within the
meaning of the NYSEs criteria for independence. See
Director Independence above. If any of
our non-management directors were to fail to meet the
NYSEs criteria for independence, then our independent
directors would meet separately at least once a year in
accordance with the rules of the NYSE.
Committees of the Board of Directors
Our board has established the committees described below, each
of which operates under a written charter adopted by the board
and available on our website as indicated above under
Corporate Governance.
Audit Committee. The Audit Committee
has the authority and power to act on behalf of the board with
respect to the appointment of our independent auditors and with
respect to authorizing all audit and other activities performed
for us by our internal and independent auditors. The committee,
among other matters, reviews with management and the
companys independent auditors the effectiveness of the
accounting and financial controls of the company and its
subsidiaries, and reviews and discusses the companys
audited financial statements with management and the independent
auditors. It is the responsibility of the committee to evaluate
the qualifications, performance and independence of the
independent auditors and to maintain free and open communication
among the committee, the independent auditors, the internal
auditors and management of the company. See
Report of the Audit Committee below. The
committee may form and delegate its authority to subcommittees
or the chairperson when appropriate. All members of the Audit
Committee are independent directors as required by the
applicable rules of the NYSE and SEC, and Mr. McCorkindale,
Mr. Munoz and Mr. Parker each qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert under the applicable rules
promulgated pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, which we refer to as the Exchange Act.
Corporate Governance Committee. The
Corporate Governance Committee identifies individuals qualified
to become members of the board, consistent with criteria
approved by the board, and recommends to the board the slate of
directors to be nominated by the board at each annual meeting of
stockholders and any director to fill a vacancy on the board.
The committee will consider recommendations for nominees for
directorships submitted by stockholders. Stockholders desiring
the committee to consider their recommendations for nominees
should submit their recommendations, together with appropriate
biographical information and qualifications, in writing to the
committee, care of the Secretary of the company at our principal
executive offices. The committee also recommends directors to be
appointed to committees of the board, including in the event of
vacancies, and oversees the evaluation of the board and
management. The committee also developed and recommended to the
board the companys Corporate Governance Guidelines and is
responsible for overseeing the companys Directors Code of
Ethics, including determining the appropriate course of action
with respect to any potential or actual conflicts of interest
involving a director brought to the attention of the chair of
the committee. The committee may form and delegate its authority
to subcommittees or the chairperson when appropriate. All
members of the Corporate Governance Committee are independent
directors as required under the applicable rules of the NYSE.
Additionally, the committee periodically reviews the
compensation and benefits of non-employee members of the board
and its committees. At the direction of the committee,
management compiles available marketplace director compensation
data for peer U.S. airlines and certain non-airline
companies with comparable revenue and other characteristics and
provides such information to the committee. The committee
considers this peer company director compensation data, as well
as the performance of the non-employee directors as measured by
the board and committee evaluations and other factors, and then
recommends to the board any changes to non-employee director
compensation. The board considers such recommendation and other
factors it deems relevant and makes the final determination.
Neither the Human Resources Committee nor any compensation
consultant participates in reviewing or approving changes to
non-employee director compensation. For further discussion of
our non-employee director compensation, please see
Compensation of Non-Employee Directors
Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee has the authority to exercise certain powers of the
board between board meetings. The chair of the Executive
Committee serves as the boards presiding director for
executive sessions of non-management directors.
Finance Committee. The Finance
Committee reviews our annual financial budget, including the
capital expenditure plan, and makes recommendations to the board
regarding adoption of the budget as the committee deems
Human Resources Committee. The Human
Resources Committee reviews and approves corporate goals and
objectives relevant to the compensation of our CEO, evaluates
our CEOs performance in light of those goals and
objectives, and determines and approves our CEOs
compensation based on its evaluation. The committee also reviews
and approves the compensation of our other Section 16
Officers and incentive compensation plans and programs
applicable to them. Our current Section 16
Officers are our Chairman of the Board and CEO; our
President; each of our Executive Vice Presidents; our Senior
Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Compliance
Officer; and our Vice President and Controller. The committee
also administers our equity-based plans and other incentive and
employee benefit plans and programs. The committee may form and
delegate its authority to subcommittees or the chairperson when
appropriate. All members of the Human Resources Committee are
independent directors as required by the applicable rules of the
To assist the committee in discharging its responsibilities with
respect to executive compensation, the committee has retained
since 2004 the services of Mercer Human Resource Consulting, or
Mercer, an independent compensation consultant that
reports exclusively to the committee. To ensure Mercers
objectivity and to avoid conflicts of interest, we adopted
conflict of interest guidelines governing our relationship with
Mercer. These guidelines establish our managements
obligation to report quarterly to the committee the scope and
amount of work being performed by Mercer or its affiliates for
us, Mercers direct access to the committee through its
chairperson, and the requirement that Mercer develop procedures
to prevent any Mercer employees advising the committee on
executive compensation from discussing their services with other
Mercer employees. Pursuant to the committees charter, it
has the sole authority to retain and terminate Mercer and any
other consultants engaged by the committee.
From time to time and in connection with the setting of
incentive compensation targets, Mercer makes executive
compensation recommendations to the committee based on available
marketplace compensation data for U.S. airlines of
comparable size and certain non-airline companies with
comparable revenue and other characteristics. Management also
makes independent recommendations to the committee concerning
the form and amount of executive compensation. The committee
then reviews and considers Mercers and managements
recommendations, marketplace compensation data, individual
officer performance and other factors, and makes its
determinations concerning the compensation of the CEO and other
Section 16 Officers. During 2006, these compensation
decisions and determinations were made during six meetings, one
of which was held without management present and two of which
included executive sessions at which management was not present.
For further discussion of our processes and procedures for the
consideration and determination of executive compensation,
please see Executive Compensation Compensation
Discussion and Analysis below.
Membership on Board Committees. The
following table lists our five board committees, the directors
who currently serve on them and the number of committee meetings
held in 2006.
Mr. Barrack
Mr. Caldwell
Mr. Kellner
Mr. McCorkindale
Mr. Meyer
Mr. Munoz
Mr. Parker
Mr. Smisek
Ms. Williams
Mr. Woodard
Mr. Yamarone
2006 Meetings
with the Board of Directors
Stockholders or other interested parties can contact any
director (including Mr. Barrack, the current presiding
director for executive sessions of non-management directors),
any committee of the board, or our non-management directors as a
group, by writing to them c/o Secretary, Continental
Airlines, Inc., P.O. Box 4607, Houston, Texas
Comments or complaints relating to the companys
accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters
will also be referred to members of the Audit Committee. All
such communications will be forwarded to the appropriate
member(s) of the board, except that the board has instructed the
company to direct communications that do not relate to the
companys accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters, to the chair of the Corporate Governance
Committee and not to forward to the board or the chair of the
Corporate Governance Committee certain categories of
of Directors
When identifying director nominees, the Corporate Governance
Committee will consider the following:
The persons reputation, integrity and, for non-management
director nominees, such persons independence from
management and the company;
The persons skills and business, government or other
professional experience and acumen, bearing in mind the
composition of the board and the current state of the company
and the airline industry generally at the time of determination;
The number of other public companies for which the person serves
as a director (subject to the specific limitations described
under Corporate Governance Enhancements
above) and the availability of the persons time and
commitment to the company;
The persons knowledge of a major geographical area in
which the company operates (such as a hub) or another area of
the companys operational environment;
The persons age; and
Whether the person has a material, non-ordinary course (direct
or indirect) investment in a direct competitor of the company.
The Corporate Governance Committee also confirms that nominees
are in compliance with stock ownership requirements and board
service limitations. In the case of current directors being
considered for renomination, the committee also will take into
account the directors tenure as a member of the board, the
directors responses to the annual director performance
self-assessment, the directors history of attendance at
annual meetings of stockholders and at board and committee
meetings and the directors preparation for and
participation in such meetings. Moreover, each incumbent
director is required to submit an irrevocable, conditional
resignation letter pursuant to our director resignation policy
prior to his or her nomination for re-election. Please see
Corporate Governance Enhancements above
for a discussion of this requirement.
Nomination Process
Our director nomination process for new board members is as
The Corporate Governance Committee, the Chairman of the Board
and CEO, or other board member identifies a need to add a new
board member who meets specific criteria or to fill a vacancy on
the board.
The Corporate Governance Committee initiates a search by seeking
input from board members and senior management and hiring a
search firm, if necessary.
The Corporate Governance Committee also considers
recommendations for nominees for directorships submitted by
The initial slate of candidates that will satisfy specific
criteria, and otherwise qualify for membership on the board, are
identified and presented to the Corporate Governance Committee,
which ranks the candidates.
The Chairman of the Board and CEO and at least one member of the
Corporate Governance Committee interviews prospective
The full board is kept informed of progress.
The Corporate Governance Committee offers other board members
the opportunity to interview the
candidate(s) and then meets to
consider and approve the final candidate(s).
The Corporate Governance Committee seeks full board endorsement
of the final candidate(s).
The final candidate(s) are nominated by the board or elected to
fill a vacancy.
As provided in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our newly
elected directors participate in an orientation program
following their election or appointment to the board. This
orientation includes presentations by our senior management and
independent auditors to familiarize new directors with our
strategic plans, financial statements and key policies and
practices. We also provide our directors with opportunities to
visit our facilities, to participate in training concerning our
Ethics and Compliance Program and to attend strategic sessions
presented by our management during our regularly scheduled board
meetings. We provide our directors with information concerning
director education programs sponsored by various educational
institutions, and we reimburse their expenses incurred to attend
such programs. In addition, all of our directors are provided
flight benefits, including airport lounge access, enabling them
to monitor the quality of our services and to interact with
employees and customers.
of Non-Employee Directors
The table below provides information relating to the
compensation of the non-employee members of our board in 2006.
The compensation elements are described in the narrative
following the table.
Compensation Table
Change in
Value and
Fees Earned
or Paid
Incentive Plan
All Other
in Cash
Thomas J. Barrack, Jr.
Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
Douglas H. McCorkindale
Henry L. Meyer III
Oscar Munoz
George G. C. Parker
Karen Hastie Williams
Ronald B. Woodard
Charles A. Yamarone
(1) |
This represents cash fees earned in 2006, including the annual
fees, meeting fees and orientation fees described below. |
(2) |
This represents the dollar amount of compensation cost
recognized by the company in 2006, in accordance with the
Financial Accounting Standards Boards Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123R,
Share-Based Payment (SFAS 123R), of
5,000 stock options granted to each of our non-employee
directors on June 6, 2006, the date of our 2006 annual
meeting of stockholders. These options became exercisable
immediately upon grant, have an exercise price of
$23.62 per share (the NYSE closing price of our common
stock on the grant date) and have a ten year term. The
recognized compensation cost reflected in the table is the same
as the grant date fair value under SFAS 123R because all of
the options vested immediately upon grant. The value of these
options is based on assumptions which are set forth in
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Critical
Accounting Policies and Estimates Stock-Based
Compensation in the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006 (the 2006
Our non-employee directors held the following outstanding stock
options as of December 31, 2006:
Mr. Barrack 35,000 options,
Mr. Caldwell 35,000 options,
Mr. McCorkindale 45,000 options,
Mr. Meyer 15,000 options,
Mr. Munoz 10,000 options,
Mr. Parker 35,000 options,
Ms. Williams 45,000 options,
Mr. Woodard 15,000 options, and
Mr. Yamarone 45,000 options. |
(3) |
Pursuant to SEC rules, the value of flight benefits provided to
our directors is not included under All Other Compensation
because the total incremental cost to the company of providing
such benefits was less than $10,000 for each director. Amounts
shown for each director represent a tax reimbursement relating
to the flight benefits, calculated based on the IRS valuation of
the benefit (which value is greater than the incremental cost to
the company of providing such benefits). |
Disclosure to Director Compensation Table
Annual Fees. Each of our non-employee
directors receives an annual fee of $24,500 paid quarterly in
advance. Each member of the Audit Committee receives an
additional annual fee of $25,000, except the chair of the Audit
Committee, who receives an additional annual fee of $40,000.
Meeting Fees. Our non-employee
directors receive the following fees for attendance at meetings
of our board and committees:
$1,400 ($2,100 for the chairperson) for each board and committee
meeting physically attended (other than an Audit Committee
$2,000 ($3,000 for the chairperson) for each Audit Committee
meeting physically attended;
$700 for each board meeting attended by telephone; and
$350 for each committee meeting attended by telephone ($500 for
each Audit Committee meeting attended by telephone).
Orientation Fees. Each of our
non-employee directors is entitled to receive $2,500 as
compensation for time spent on orientation matters when the
director is initially elected to the board or to a committee on
which he or she has not recently served.
Stock Options. Each of our non-employee
directors receives an annual grant of stock options to purchase
5,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price equal
to the closing price on the date of grant. These options are
fully vested upon grant and have a
term. These options are granted following each annual meeting of
stockholders and upon election to the board if a newly-elected
director is first elected to the board other than at an annual
meeting of stockholders.
Flight Benefits. Our non-employee
directors receive lifetime flight benefits, comprised of
space-available personal and family flight passes, a travel card
permitting positive space travel by the director, the
directors family and certain other individuals (which is
taxable to the director, subject to our reimbursement of certain
of such taxes), frequent flyer cards and airport lounge cards.
As is common in the airline industry, our directors also receive
travel privileges on some other airlines through arrangements
entered into between us and such airlines.
Reimbursement of Expenses. We reimburse
our directors, including those who are full-time employees who
serve as directors, for expenses incurred in attending meetings
or in connection with participation in director education
programs and director institutes offered by third parties.
Conducting Company Business. Our
non-employee directors who, in their capacities as directors,
conduct business on our behalf at the request of the board or
the Chairman of the Board are paid:
For telephone participation in board and committee meetings as
if they were physically present, if their conducting that
business makes it impractical for them to attend the meeting in
person; and
$3,000 per day spent outside the United States while
conducting that business.
and Procedures for Review of Related Person
As required by its charter, the Audit Committee reviews, at
least annually, all related person transactions that may be
required to be disclosed in the proxy statement for our next
annual meeting of stockholders. We obtain information concerning
any possible related person transactions from our directors and
executive officers through their responses to annual
questionnaires. All responses identifying possible related
person transactions are then compiled and presented to the Audit
Committee. The Audit Committee applies the disclosure standards
adopted by the SEC for related person transactions to determine,
based on the particular facts and circumstances, whether any
related person (as defined by the SEC) has a direct
or indirect material interest in a transaction involving the
company. If such a material interest exists and no exception
from disclosure applies, we disclose the transaction in our
proxy statement as required by the SECs rules.
Person Transactions
The Audit Committee reviewed all transactions since
January 1, 2006 involving a related person
identified in the annual questionnaire responses or otherwise
known to the committee or the company and determined that none
of the transactions was required to be disclosed as a related
person transaction pursuant to the SECs rules.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Our executive compensation programs are administered by the
Human Resources Committee of the board. The committee is
currently composed of four independent, non-employee directors,
and no member of the committee has ever been an officer or
employee of Continental or any of its subsidiaries. No member of
the committee has served, at any time since January 1,
2006, as a member of the board of directors or compensation
committee of any
entity that at such time had one or more executive officers
serving as a member of our board or Human Resources Committee.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is comprised of four non-employee members of
the board of directors (listed below). Mr. McCorkindale
joined the committee on September 6, 2006. After reviewing
the qualifications of the current members of the committee, and
any relationships they may have with the company that might
affect their independence from the company, the board has
determined that (1) all current committee members are
independent as that concept is defined in
Section 10A of the Exchange Act, (2) all current
committee members are independent as that concept is
defined in the applicable rules of the NYSE, (3) all
current committee members are financially literate, and
(4) Mr. McCorkindale, Mr. Munoz and
Mr. Parker each qualifies as an audit committee financial
expert under the applicable rules promulgated pursuant to the
Exchange Act.
The board of directors appointed the undersigned directors as
members of the committee and adopted a written charter setting
forth the procedures and responsibilities of the committee. Each
year, the committee reviews the charter and reports to the board
on its adequacy in light of applicable NYSE rules. In addition,
the company will furnish an annual written affirmation to the
NYSE relating to, among other things, clauses (2)-(4) of
the first paragraph of this report and the adequacy of the
committee charter.
During the last year, and earlier this year in preparation for
the filing with the SEC of the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006 (the
the committee, among other matters:
reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements included
in the annual report to stockholders that accompanies this proxy
statement with management and the companys independent
reviewed the overall scope and plans for the audit and the
results of the independent auditors examinations;
met with management periodically during the year to consider the
adequacy of the companys internal controls and the quality
of its financial reporting and discussed these matters with the
companys independent auditors and with appropriate company
financial personnel and internal auditors;
discussed with the companys senior management, independent
auditors and internal auditors the process used for the
companys chief executive officer and chief financial
officer to make the certifications required by the SEC and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in connection with the
10-K and
other periodic filings with the SEC;
reviewed and discussed with the independent auditors
(1) their judgments as to the quality (and not just the
acceptability) of the companys accounting policies,
(2) the written communication required by Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1, Independence
Discussions with Audit Committees and the independence of
the independent auditors, and (3) the matters required to
be discussed with the committee under auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States, including Statement on
Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit
based on these reviews and discussions, as well as private
discussions with the independent auditors and the companys
internal auditors, recommended to the board of directors the
inclusion of the audited financial statements of the company and
its subsidiaries in the
10-K; and
determined that the non-audit services provided to the company
by the independent auditors (discussed below under
Proposal 2) are compatible with maintaining the
independence of the independent auditors. The committees
pre-approval policies and procedures are discussed below under
Proposal 2.
Notwithstanding the foregoing actions and the responsibilities
set forth in the committee charter, the charter clarifies that
it is not the duty of the committee to plan or conduct audits or
to determine that the companys financial statements are
complete and accurate and in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. Management is responsible for the
companys financial reporting process including its system
of internal controls, and for the preparation of consolidated
financial statements in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. The independent
auditors are responsible for expressing an opinion on those
financial statements.
Committee members are not employees of the company or
accountants or auditors by profession or experts in the fields
of accounting or auditing. Therefore, the committee has relied,
without independent verification, on managements
representation that the financial statements have been prepared
with integrity and objectivity and in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States and on the
representations of the independent auditors included in their
report on the companys financial statements.
The committee meets regularly with management and the
independent and internal auditors, including private discussions
with the independent auditors and the companys internal
auditors and receives the communications described above. The
committee has also established procedures for (a) the
receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the
company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters, and (b) the confidential, anonymous
submission by the companys employees of concerns regarding
questionable accounting or auditing matters. However, this
oversight does not provide us with an independent basis to
determine that management has maintained (1) appropriate
accounting and financial reporting principles or policies, or
(2) appropriate internal controls and procedures designed
to assure compliance with accounting standards and applicable
laws and regulations. Furthermore, our considerations and
discussions with management and the independent auditors do not
assure that the companys financial statements are
presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles or that the audit of the companys financial
statements has been carried out in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards.
The information contained in this report shall not be deemed to
be soliciting material or to be filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor shall such
information be incorporated by reference into any future filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or subject to the
liabilities of Section 18 of the Exchange Act, except to
the extent that the company specifically incorporates it by
reference into a document filed under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or the Exchange Act.
Respectfully submitted,
Audit Committee
Oscar Munoz, Chairman
Douglas H. McCorkindale
Henry L. Meyer III
George G. C. Parker
The following table sets forth information with respect to our
current executive officers:
Name, Age and Position:
Term of Office and Business Experience:
age 48
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer since December 2004. President and Chief
Operating Officer (March 2003 December 2004);
President (May 2001 March 2003). Mr. Kellner
joined the company in 1995. Director since May 2001. Director of
Marriott International, Inc.
President since December 2004.
Executive Vice President (March 2003 December 2004);
Executive Vice President Corporate and Secretary
(May 2001 March 2003). Mr. Smisek joined the
company in 1995. Director since December 2004. Director of
National Oilwell Varco, Inc.
Executive Vice President Marketing
Executive Vice
President Marketing since August 2004. Senior Vice
President Marketing (March 2003 August
2004); Senior Vice President Pricing and Revenue
Management (February 2001 March 2003).
Mr. Compton joined the company in 1995.
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer since August 2004. Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer (November 2001 August 2004).
Mr. Misner joined the company in 1995.
MARK J. MORAN, age 51
Executive Vice President Operations
Executive Vice
President Operations since August 2004. Senior Vice
President Technical Operations and Purchasing
(September 2003 August 2004); Vice
President Technical Operations and Purchasing (March
2003 September 2003); Vice President
Aircraft Maintenance (February 1998 March 2003).
Mr. Moran joined the company in 1994.
Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Chief
Compliance Officer
Senior Vice President, General
Counsel, Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer since September
2003. Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Corporate
Compliance Officer (March 2003 September 2003); Vice
President, General Counsel, Corporate Compliance Officer and
Assistant Secretary (February 2003 March 2003); Vice
President, General Counsel and Assistant Secretary (May
2001 February 2003). Ms. Vogel joined the
company in 1995.
There is no family relationship between any of our executive
officers. All officers are appointed by the board to serve until
their resignation, death or removal.
Discussion and Analysis
Introduction. The U.S. network carrier
environment improved during 2006. The improvement in our
financial results during 2006 compared to 2005 was primarily the
result of higher revenue and our cost-savings initiatives. We
continue to seek to reduce our cost structure and increase our
revenues to return to sustained profitability. Many of our
network competitors, such as Delta Air Lines, Northwest
Airlines, United Airlines and US Airways, have used or are using
bankruptcy to reduce their costs significantly in ways not
available to us outside of bankruptcy.
A significant component of our expense structure is labor and
related costs. Management showed leadership by taking the first
reductions that ultimately resulted in the company securing
$500 million of company-wide annual pay and benefit cost
reductions and work rule changes, completed in 2006. The
reductions in base salary (by up to 25%) taken by our officers
also resulted in reductions in potential payment amounts with
respect to their annual incentive and long-term incentive plan
awards, which are derived from base salary. The officers also
surrendered their entire Stock Based RSU award (as defined
below) for the performance period ended March 31, 2006,
which had achieved the performance target and otherwise would
have paid out a total of $22.8 million to the entire
officer group (including the named executives) at the end of
March 2006.
Philosophy. Against this backdrop, our
compensation philosophy in 2006 continued to be defined by three
main objectives: aligning executive incentives with stockholder
and co-workers interests, retaining our management team
and designing appropriate pay for performance. We believe that
compensation elements for executives should align the
executives interests with the interests of our
stockholders and our co-workers. We made difficult decisions to
implement a business plan in 2005 that, through shared
sacrifice, allowed us to grow and return to profitability in
2006. We believe that keeping these interests aligned will be an
important factor in our returning to sustained profitability. We
also believe that our experienced and well-regarded management
team has been and continues to be critical to the companys
successful implementation of business strategies that led to our
return to profitability and the ultimate preservation and growth
of stockholder value. Accordingly, retention of senior
executives is a key goal. Finally, we believe that pay for
performance is a critical element in our executive compensation
plan design, and that both absolute and relative performance
measures are appropriate. We have designed our incentive
programs to drive performance by such measures. As described
below, in order to advance these objectives, we have
restructured compensation packages over the last two years
through significant reductions in the fixed components of
executive pay, the surrender of certain incentive awards that
did not fully correlate with pay incentives for the broader
workforce and the implementation of an incentive compensation
program focused on multi-year performance incentives which pay
out based upon achievement of specified levels of profit sharing
for our co-workers under our Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan.
Aligned Interests. Structuring
executive and broad-based employee incentives that align the
interests of our executives and co-workers with those of our
stockholders and customers makes good business sense. This is
why both our executive and broad-based employee groups have
significant incentives tied to company performance. The Human
Resources Committee believes that such incentives play a
significant part in Continentals performance and success.
We align our executive compensation with the interests of our
stockholders by linking our incentive compensation performance
measures to metrics that are indicators of the companys
financial performance: our annual return on base invested
capital, our long-term earnings relative to our peer airlines,
our stock price performance, achieving positive net income and
maintaining sufficient cash balances designed to permit us to
endure a sudden industry downturn. The restricted stock unit
(RSU) program aligns managements interests
with stockholders interests by placing the
executives compensation at risk for any share
price decline that occurs after the achievement of any
performance target but before the relevant payment dates, which
are spread over multi-year periods. Our executives
compensation is aligned with the interests of our co-workers
through our Profit Based RSUs, discussed below, that tie
executive incentive opportunities to the achievement of
cumulative profit sharing pools for our broad base of employees
under the Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan. The Stock Based
RSUs significant stock price appreciation requirement also
aligns managements interests with stockholders
Further, in connection with its $500 million of annual pay
and benefit cost reductions discussed above, the company reduced
fixed compensation elements and created new incentive based
opportunities for our broad co-worker group, furthering our
objective to achieve alignment among the interests of our
executives, our co-workers and our stockholders. First, the
company granted stock options for approximately 9.7 million
shares of its common stock to its broad-based employee group
(excluding officers) with a weighted average exercise price of
$13.00 per share. These options (excluding 0.8 million
options forfeited in accordance with the plans) had realized
value upon exercise and unrealized gains of almost
$235 million based on the closing price of the
companys common stock on December 29, 2006. In
addition, the company adopted its Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan
that provides this broad base of co-workers with incentives that
are aligned with the interests of our stockholders by providing
payout opportunities based on the annual pre-tax profit of the
company. In February 2007, the company paid out approximately
$111 million in profit sharing to eligible employees
(excluding officers and certain management employees) under the
Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan. Finally, the company maintains its
long-standing broad-based on-time arrival program (under which
the company paid out $14 million in 2006 to eligible
employees) and its perfect attendance program (under which the
company gave away nine vehicles in 2006 in a drawing held for
employees with perfect attendance). These programs ensure a
continued focus on operational performance which aligns
co-worker performance with customer satisfaction and enhances
our product. These broad-based incentive programs are structured
to drive improved financial results and customer satisfaction,
again aligning the interests of our stockholders, co-workers and
Retention. Although industry challenges
led to volatility in stockholder value following the
September 11th terrorist
attacks, Continental has markedly outperformed its peer network
competitors by several measures over the past five years and our
experienced and skilled management team has played a significant
role in that success. Accordingly, a second critical objective
of our compensation design is to retain our management team. We
seek to achieve this primarily by setting compensation at
competitive levels based on achievement of performance measures
that support our overall business objectives, by spacing payouts
over several years and by requiring continued employment to
receive those payouts.
We target a median pay positioning strategy relative to
companies of similar size and business complexity, recognizing
the opportunities available to our senior executives from other
companies. The Human Resources Committee believes that our
competition for executive talent includes other major airlines
as well as a broader range of general industry companies.
Consequently, in assessing compensation levels and designing
executive compensation programs, the Human Resources Committee
benchmarks against companies in the broad general industry.
Continentals compensation is benchmarked against the
Mercer 350 database of large, non airline-specific
companies (excluding financial services companies) regressed for
companies of similar size to Continental. Within the airline
industry, the Human Resources Committee expanded the peer group
for both pay and performance comparisons. This group
traditionally has included major network carriers such as
American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest
Airlines and US Airways and has been expanded to include America
West (which merged with US Airways in 2005), Alaska Airlines and
Southwest Airlines, as these companies have grown their scope of
operations. This expanded peer group offers a broader comparison
for determining appropriate financial performance goals relative
to the airline industry.
In order to reflect the volatility and intense competition
within the airline industry, the Human Resources Committee
determined that it is appropriate to design programs that target
total compensation for executives at the
50th percentile
among general industry and at the
75th percentile
of the airline industry. Following the reduction in
managements compensation as described above, the analysis
reviewed by the Human Resources Committee showed that the target
total compensation for the companys named executive
officers was below general industry median levels and at the
75th percentile
of the airline peer group. These findings informed the
compensation decisions of the Human Resources Committee for 2006.
Pay for Performance. Our incentive
compensation programs are designed to measure and reward annual
absolute performance and long-term performance, on both an
absolute and a relative basis. Absolute performance targets
provide the primary links between incentive compensation and the
companys business strategy and operational results.
Relative performance targets validate the absolute performance
targets by indicating whether the companys goals are
sufficiently aggressive in comparison to the industry. Relative
performance targets also provide flexibility to deal with
unforeseen events and industry-wide challenges. In such
circumstances, the
company could fail to achieve its absolute performance targets,
but the relative performance measures will reward management
that is able to outperform its peer group in the face of such
adversity. The performance targets under the programs are
reviewed and established each year based on Continentals
business forecasts and the competitive environment. Each of
these compensation programs is described in further detail in
the following section of this Compensation Discussion and
Analysis as well as in the discussion following the Summary
Compensation Table. The principal measures used to implement our
compensation objectives in our incentive programs are as follows:
Annual Absolute Performance. Beginning in 2004
and going forward, the Human Resources Committee introduced the
return on base invested capital (ROBIC) measure into
the annual executive bonus program (also known as the ROBIC
annual incentive program). The calculation of the companys
ROBIC is described in Detailed Description of
Pay Elements below. The rationale for using this measure
is to recognize the capital-intensive nature of the airline
industry and to ensure that Continental is achieving a
sufficient return on its capital, thereby aligning this program
with stockholders long-term interests. Before any payment
is made for a fiscal year, even if a ROBIC performance goal is
met, the annual incentive program also requires the achievement
of a financial performance hurdle and a minimum cash balance,
which the Human Resources Committee recognizes are important
absolute measures of the companys financial performance
and liquidity. The Human Resources Committee sets these targets
as well as the entry, target, and stretch ROBIC performance
goals under the program annually.
Long-term Absolute and Relative
Performance. The Human Resources Committee sets
entry, target, and stretch performance goals under the
companys long term incentive program (LTIP)
that require Continental to exceed the average earnings before
interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization, aircraft
rent, nonoperating income (expense) and special items
(EBITDAR) margin of peer airline competitors in
order for management to receive market levels of compensation.
In addition to this relative performance measure, the LTIP also
requires absolute performance in the form of achieving a minimum
cash balance before any payments can be made, regardless of the
companys EBITDAR margin performance. EBITDAR, a widely
accepted measure of financial performance in capital-intensive
industries such as the airline industry, effectively adjusts for
variations in lease versus debt financing decisions among
carriers. The RSU program is designed to measure long-term
absolute performance through Stock Based RSUs awarded in 2004,
which required significant share price appreciation, and through
Profit Based RSUs introduced in 2006 that require significant
levels of profit sharing be achieved for our co-workers as well
as the achievement of a financial performance hurdle and minimum
cash balance prior to each payment date.
Human Resources Committee. The Human
Resources Committee, which is comprised solely of independent
directors, makes all decisions concerning the compensation of
our Section 16 Officers. Since 2004, the Human Resources
Committee has relied on Mercer Human Resource Consulting
(Mercer), its independent consultant, to assist it
in developing and structuring the companys executive
compensation programs in light of the principal objectives
described above. In designing particular programs, the Human
Resources Committee also considered recent trends in executive
compensation and the concerns expressed by institutional
investors on the topic of executive compensation. For additional
information concerning the Human Resources Committee, including
its authority and its conflict of interest guidelines, see
Corporate Governance Standing Committees of
the Board above.
Use of Tally Sheets. We prepare
comprehensive executive compensation tally sheets covering each
of the named executive officers and present them to the Human
Resources Committee in advance of the meetings at which
incentive compensation targets are set and awards are considered
and made, generally at the committees regularly scheduled
meeting in February of each year. The tally sheets detail the
actual dollar value of compensation received for the prior year,
the proposed compensation for the current year, including the
potential value of any awards being considered by the committee,
as well as projected compensation values in each separation
scenario and upon a change in control of the company.
Timing of Stock Awards. The company has
not granted the named executives any stock options since 2003
and has not granted them any restricted stock since 2002. The
company has no current plans to grant stock options or
restricted stock to its officers. Under the terms of our equity
compensation plans, stock option and restricted stock awards are
priced based on the closing price of our common stock on the
date of grant. Historically, the company has
not timed the grant of equity awards to precede or follow the
release of material non-public information. The company has
adopted an internal policy that provides that employees who are
newly-hired or promoted into option-eligible management
positions below the officer level are awarded a stock option
grant effective on the first day of the month following the date
of hire or promotion.
Description of Pay Elements
The Human Resources Committee has developed and implemented the
pay elements and programs described below to establish an
appropriate balance between fixed and at risk or
incentive compensation elements, and between absolute and
relative performance, and to develop performance measures that
drive stockholder value and are indicators of the long-term
success of the company.
Base Salaries. Base salary levels are
based on competitive considerations, individual performance over
time, overall financial results and job duties and
responsibilities. As described above, each of the named
executive officers and the companys entire officer group
voluntarily agreed to a reduction in base salary effective
February 28, 2005 of up to 25%.
Annual Incentive Program. For 2006, the
annual incentive program for our executives offered incentive
compensation opportunities of between 50% (entry) and 150%
(stretch) of base salary, with a target of 125% of base salary
at year end, depending on achievement of an absolute level of
Continentals capital efficiency, cash flow and financial
results. The capital efficiency performance measure is
Continentals ROBIC, which is defined as EBITDAR divided by
the sum of total property and equipment (less accumulated
depreciation and amortization thereon and less purchase deposits
on flight equipment) at year-end and 7.5 times annual aircraft
rentals. The ROBIC goals are reviewed and new goals established
annually by the Human Resources Committee. The program also
permits the Human Resources Committee to establish different
levels of target and stretch incentive opportunity on an annual
basis. The program requires the achievement of a minimum
unrestricted cash, cash equivalent and short-term investment
balance set by the Human Resources Committee annually. Finally,
the program requires that the company achieve a financial
performance hurdle also set by the Human Resources Committee
annually. Following the company-wide pay and benefit reduction
initiative completed in 2006, the Human Resources Committee
adjusted the ROBIC goals for 2006 by raising the level of ROBIC
required before any incentive payments could be made to
eliminate the effect of employee pay and benefit reductions. No
incentive payments are made, regardless of ROBIC performance,
unless the minimum cash balance and financial performance hurdle
are also achieved. In 2004, the programs first year,
Continentals performance was between the entry and target
levels. Mr. Kellner and Mr. Smisek nonetheless
voluntarily declined their 2004 incentive payment in recognition
of the sacrifices co-workers were being asked to make. No
payments were made under the program for 2005 because the
company did not achieve the entry ROBIC margin. The company
achieved the stretch target under this program for 2006. The
targets for 2006 under the annual incentive program were as
follows: ROBIC entry of 11.9%, target of 12.2% and stretch of
13%, a financial performance hurdle that required the company to
report positive net income for 2006 as set forth on the
companys regularly prepared and publicly available
consolidated statement of operations prepared in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
(GAAP), and a minimum cash balance of
$1.125 billion.
Long-Term Incentive Program. The Human
Resources Committee established a long-term incentive
compensation program in 2004 with two components the
LTIP based primarily on relative performance, and an RSU program
based on absolute performance (together, the LTIP/RSU
The LTIP compares Continentals EBITDAR margin for a
three-year performance period against the average EBITDAR margin
represented by the expanded peer group (American Airlines,
United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines, US
Airways, which merged with America West in 2005, Alaska Airlines
and Southwest Airlines). EBITDAR margin equals cumulative
EBITDAR for the performance period divided by cumulative
revenues for such performance period. The LTIP also includes an
absolute performance measure requiring that the company achieve
a minimum unrestricted cash, cash equivalent and short-term
investment balance at the end of the performance period. If this
required minimum cash balance amount is not achieved, no LTIP
payments will be made, regardless of relative EBITDAR margin
performance. Incentive opportunities as a percentage of the
combination of base salary plus an assumed
bonus vary based on the level of the executive. Performance
targets are reviewed and new targets established annually by the
Human Resources Committee with respect to each subsequent
three-year performance period. The 2004 LTIP award, the payment
of which is included in the Summary Compensation Table, had a
performance period of April 1, 2004 through
December 31, 2006. Performance targets were set by the
Human Resources Committee so that executives would earn nothing
for EBITDAR margin performance below peer group average
performance, below market-average incentives for average
relative performance and above market-average incentives for
superior EBITDAR margin performance. The targets applicable to
the 2004 LTIP award were as follows: entry EBITDAR margin equal
to the industry group average, target EBITDAR margin equal to
entry plus 100 basis points, stretch EBITDAR margin equal
to entry EBITDAR margin plus 200 basis points, and a
minimum cash balance of $1 billion. The companys
EBITDAR margin performance for the 2004 LTIP award performance
period exceeded the EBITDAR margin for the industry group by
228 basis points, thus achieving the stretch level. Entry,
target and stretch incentive opportunities with respect to the
2006 LTIP award are set forth in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards
The RSU program as originally adopted in 2004 contemplated
awards that measured the absolute performance of
Continentals stock (Stock Based RSUs) during
the relevant performance period. RSUs are denominated in
share-based units (equal in value to one share of common stock
at the time of payout if the performance requirements are
achieved). Of the three Stock Based RSU awards made in 2004
under the RSU program, two were voluntarily surrendered by
executives in connection with the companys
$500 million pay and benefit cost reduction initiative and
the final award, with a performance period commencing
April 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007, remains
outstanding. The performance target applicable to this
outstanding Stock Based RSU award required that the
companys stock price appreciate at least 80% from the
grant date price of $12.4775 (i.e., to at least
$22.4775). The performance target was achieved on March 3,
2006 when our common stock reached the target price (based on a
average price). The award will pay out after December 31,
2007 in cash based on the average closing price of the
companys common stock for the 20 trading days
immediately prior to December 31, 2007 if a participant
remains continuously employed through that date, with limited
exceptions in the case of death, disability, retirement or
certain involuntary termination events. The Human Resources
Committee does not anticipate awarding additional Stock Based
RSUs, preferring the Profit Based RSUs described below for
future awards.
The Human Resources Committee amended the RSU program in March
2006 to align managements performance objectives with the
Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan available to the companys
broad employee group as part of the companys wage and
benefit reduction initiative. The Profit Based RSUs can result
in cash payments following the achievement of a profit
sharing-based performance target. The performance target
requires that the company (i) reach target levels of
cumulative profit sharing for participants under the
companys Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan and
(ii) achieve a financial performance hurdle based on the
companys net income for the fiscal year in which the
cumulative profit sharing target level is met. To enhance
retention and continue to focus executives attention on
the creation of stockholder value, payments following
achievement of a performance target will be made to participants
who remain continuously employed through the payment date in
one-third increments, with the first payment possible on or
about March 31, 2008 and one year elapsing between the
first and second and the second and third payments, with limited
exceptions in the case of death, disability, retirement or
certain involuntary termination events. As an additional
requirement, the company must have a minimum unrestricted cash,
cash equivalent and short term investment balance at the end of
the fiscal year preceding the date that any payment is made. If
the company does not achieve the minimum cash balance applicable
to a payment date, the payment will be deferred to the next
payment date (March 31st of the next year), subject to a
limit on the number of years payments may be carried forward.
Payment amounts will be calculated based on the number of RSUs
subject to the award, the companys stock price (based on
the average closing price of the companys common stock for
the 20 trading days preceding the payment date) and the payment
percentage set by the Human Resources Committee for achieving
the applicable profit-based performance target. In June 2006,
the Human Resources Committee awarded Profit Based RSUs with a
performance period of April 1, 2006 to December 31,
2009. Depending on the level of cumulative employee profit
sharing achieved, ranging from $25 million to
$225 million, the payment percentage for these awards can
range from 0% to 337.5% of the underlying Profit Based RSU
Award. The financial performance hurdle required the company to
achieve net income of greater than $66 million for 2006.
The minimum cash balance applicable to such awards is
$1.125 billion. The entry, target, and stretch award
opportunities are outlined in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards
Certain Other Programs. We also
continue to maintain the following long-term executive
compensation programs:
Stock Options. No stock options have been
awarded to the named executive officers since 2003. Prior to
that time, grants of stock options were made to those officers
pursuant to the companys stock incentive plans from time
to time.
Restricted Stock. No restricted stock awards
have been made to the named executive officers since 2002. Prior
to that time, awards of restricted shares of our common stock
were made to those officers pursuant to the companys stock
incentive plans from time to time.
Perquisites. We provide executives with
certain perquisites similar in form and amount to those offered
to executives at similar levels at companies within the airline
industry and general industry groups. We believe that providing
a portion of compensation to our executive officers in the form
of perquisites (such as flight benefits), rather than in cash,
enhances retention, results in a cost savings to Continental and
strengthens our relationship with our executives. Executive
perquisites are discussed in the footnotes to the Summary
Compensation Table. In addition to the perquisites disclosed in
the Summary Compensation Table, executives may participate in
company-wide plans and programs such as group health and welfare
plans, the 401(k) plan and other programs that are offered to
the broader employee group.
SERP. The company maintains a
supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP) that
provides an annual retirement benefit expressed as a percentage
(that could range up to 75% for Mr. Kellner and
Mr. Smisek if they achieve 30 years (the capped
amount) of SERP credited service or up to 65% for
Messrs. Misner, Compton and Moran if they achieve
26 years (the capped amount) of SERP credited service) of
senior executives final average compensation. The Human
Resources Committee believes that the SERP serves as an
important and effective long-term retention incentive. Since
final average compensation is capped in the benefit formula
applied under the companys defined benefit pension plan,
the SERP provides an opportunity for the named executives to
earn supplemental retirement benefits. The benefit formulas and
the compensation limitations applicable to the SERP and the
defined benefit pension plan are described below under
Pension Benefits.
Executive Compensation Matters
Outlined below is certain additional information with respect to
the companys compensation policies and practices.
Employment Agreements. We have entered
into employment agreements and amendments thereto with each of
our named executive officers. For a discussion of the material
terms of the agreements, please see Compensation of
Executive Officers Narrative Disclosure to Summary
Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table
Stock Ownership Guidelines. The
companys board has adopted minimum stock ownership
guidelines. For a discussion of the minimum ownership guidelines
for our named executive officers, please see Corporate
Governance Corporate Governance Enhancements
Hedging Policy. Our securities trading
policy prohibits our officers and directors from trading in
options, warrants, puts and calls or similar instruments on our
securities and from engaging in short sales of our securities or
transactions that are substantially equivalent to short sales.
Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control. Our executives employment
agreements and our existing compensation programs require us to
make payments or provide certain benefits to our named executive
officers upon termination of employment, including a termination
in connection with a change in control of Continental. For a
discussion of the payments to our named executive officers upon
termination or change in control, please see Potential
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control below.
Clawback Policy. The ROBIC annual
incentive program provides that a participant must reimburse the
company for the full amount of any ROBIC annual incentive paid
to such participant if the participants misconduct (as
defined in the program) results in an error in the
companys financial information that has the effect of
increasing the amount of such incentive payment.
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code. In designing and implementing the
programs applicable to executives, the Human Resources Committee
considers the effects of section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code. Section 162(m) denies publicly held companies
a tax deduction for annual compensation in excess of one million
dollars paid to their chief executive officer or any of their
four other most highly compensated executive officers employed
on the last day of a given year, unless their compensation is
based on qualified performance criteria. To qualify for
deductibility, these criteria must be established within
specified periods by a human resources committee of independent
directors and approved, as to their material terms, by that
companys stockholders. Most of Continentals
compensation plans applicable to the companys executive
officers, including the ROBIC annual incentive program, the
LTIP/RSU Program, and its stock incentive plans were designed to
permit the grant of awards that could qualify as
performance-based compensation under section 162(m). The
Human Resources Committee may approve compensation or changes to
plans, programs or awards that may cause the compensation or
awards not to comply with section 162(m) if it determines
that such action is appropriate and in the companys best
interests. Although some amounts recorded as compensation by the
company to certain executives may be limited by
section 162(m), that limitation does not result in the
current payment of increased federal income taxes by the company
due to its significant net operating loss carry forwards.
Report of
the Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee has reviewed and discussed with
management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Based on
such review and discussions with management, the Human Resources
Committee has recommended that the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this proxy statement and the
companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006.
Respectfully submitted,
Human Resources Committee
Charles A. Yamarone, Chairman
Thomas J. Barrack
Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
Ronald B. Woodard
of Executive Officers
The following table sets forth information concerning the
compensation of our CEO, our chief financial officer, and our
three other most highly compensated executive officers in 2006
(collectively referred to in this proxy statement as the
named executive officers).
Compensation Table
Change in
Value and
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal
Lawrence W. Kellner
Chairman and Chief Executive
Jeffrey J. Misner
Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer
Jeffery A. Smisek
James E. Compton
Executive Vice
President Marketing
Mark J. Moran
Executive Vice
President Operations
(1) |
These amounts represent the financial reporting expense
recognized by the company in 2006 for the following awards in
accordance with SFAS 123R, not the amounts that may be
realized by the executives: (i) Stock Based RSUs awarded in
April 2004 with a performance period ending December 31,
2007, (ii) Stock Based RSUs awarded in April 2004 with a
performance period ending March 31, 2006, which were
voluntarily surrendered by the named executive officer in
February 2006 (a negative value), (iii) Profit Based RSUs
awarded in June 2006, and (iv) restricted stock that vested
in 2006. Under SFAS 123R, we account for the Stock Based
RSU awards as liability awards and the value of those RSUs is
determined based on the current stock price since the target
stock price has been achieved. Under SFAS 123R, we account
for the Profit Based RSU awards as liability awards. Once it is
probable that a performance target will be met, we measure the
awards at fair value based on the current stock price. The
related expense is recognized ratably over the required service
period, which ends on each payment date, after adjustment for
changes in the then-current market price of our common stock.
For a discussion of the assumptions relating to these
valuations, see Managements Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Stock-Based Compensation and Note 8 to the consolidated
financial statements included in Item 8 of the 2006
10-K. No
restricted stock awards have been made by the company since
April 2002. |
(2) |
This represents the dollar amount of compensation cost
recognized by the company, in accordance with SFAS 123R,
with respect to Mr. Morans stock options that vested
in 2006. The value of the stock options is based on assumptions
that are discussed in Note 9 to the consolidated financial
statements included in Item 8 of the companys annual
report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2003. |
(3) |
This represents payments with respect to the ROBIC annual
incentive program for 2006 and LTIP awards for the three-year
performance period ended December 31, 2006. Each of such
awards was paid out in 2007 to the named executive officer at
the maximum or stretch performance level. See the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards table below for information
regarding the 2006 ROBIC annual incentive award. |
(4) |
This represents the difference in the present value of
accumulated benefits determined as of December 31, 2006 and
December 31, 2005 for both the CARP and SERP plans. The
change in pension value shows the impact of a |
variety of factors, including passage of time, change in
assumptions, and change in the accrued benefit (which includes
additional credited service, changes in final average
compensation, and changes in the average Social Security wage
base). See Pension Benefits below for a
discussion of the assumptions used to calculate the present
values and further information on the provisions of the plans. |
(5) |
The All Other Compensation column consists of items not properly
reported in the other columns of this table, and for each named
executive officer includes perquisites and other personal
benefits, term life insurance and tax reimbursements. Pursuant
to SEC rules (i) each perquisite and other personal benefit
is included in the total and identified and, if it exceeds the
greater of $25,000 or 10% of the total amount of perquisites and
other personal benefits for that officer, also is quantified
below and (ii) reimbursement of taxes with respect to
perquisites or other personal benefits also is separately
quantified and identified. Mr. Kellners 2006
compensation includes flight benefits, a tax reimbursement
relating to flight benefits in the amount of $16,788, a car
benefit, financial planning and tax services, and reserved
parking at the companys headquarters. Compensation for
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek also includes certain legal fees
paid by the company relating to a review of their employment
agreements in connection with amendments the company is
requesting them to consider in light of Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
Code). Mr. Misners 2006 compensation
includes flight benefits, a tax reimbursement relating to flight
benefits in the amount of $9,129, a car benefit in the amount of
$28,122, financial planning and tax services, and reserved
parking at the companys headquarters. In addition to the
legal fees described above, Mr. Smiseks 2006
compensation includes flight benefits, a tax reimbursement
relating to flight benefits in the amount of $15,216, a car
benefit, financial planning and tax services, health club
membership dues, a medical exam and reserved parking at the
companys headquarters. Mr. Comptons 2006
compensation includes flight benefits, a tax reimbursement
relating to flight benefits in the amount of $13,952, a car
benefit, health club membership dues, and reserved parking at
the companys headquarters. Mr. Morans 2006
compensation includes flight benefits, a tax reimbursement
relating to flight benefits in the amount of $24,472, a car
benefit in the amount of $27,127, financial planning and tax
services, health club membership dues, and reserved parking at
the companys headquarters. With respect to the car
benefit, we have calculated the incremental cost to the company
of the executives allocated percentage (as specified by
the executive for tax purposes) of personal use of a company car
based on the companys actual lease payments or
depreciation expense (in the case of purchased vehicles),
insurance, tax, registration and other miscellaneous costs
related to the use and maintenance of the automobile. Flight
benefits allow the named executives and their family members and
significant others effectively unlimited travel on Continental
Airlines, Continental Micronesia, Continental Express and
certain airline partners as well access to our Presidents Club
facilities. The executives are provided an associated tax
reimbursement based on the value of the flights for tax purposes. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information regarding awards
granted in 2006 to our named executive officers under our ROBIC
annual incentive program and the LTIP/RSU Program, each of which
has been implemented under our Incentive Plan 2000. Awards under
the ROBIC annual incentive program also are included in the
Summary Compensation Table.
Date Fair
Number of
Number of
or Base
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Shares of
Price of
of Stock
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards
Equity Incentive Plan Awards
Stock or
and Option
Lawrence W. Kellner
Jeffrey J. Misner
Jeffery A. Smisek
James E. Compton
Mark J. Moran
(1) |
ROBIC annual incentive award for fiscal year 2006 granted
pursuant to the companys annual incentive program or the
Annual Executive Bonus Program. This award paid out
at the maximum or stretch performance level and is
included in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of
the Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
LTIP award for the performance period January 1, 2006
through December 31, 2008 granted pursuant to the
companys LTIP/RSU Program. |
(3) |
Profit Based RSUs granted pursuant to the LTIP/RSU Program. |
(4) |
The values in this column reflect share equivalents, not payout
values. |
(5) |
Represents the grant date fair value of the Profit Based RSUs,
calculated in accordance with SFAS 123R assuming
achievement of a payout percentage of 100% (target
level) with a possible range of 0% - 337.5% at $23.62
per share (the closing price on the date of grant). |
Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table
Agreement with Mr. Kellner. We have
entered into an employment agreement effective April 14,
2004, and amendments thereto, with Mr. Kellner relating to
his service as an officer and director of the company and
providing for a minimum annual base salary of $712,500. The
agreement is in effect until April 14, 2009, subject to
automatic successive five-year extensions, but may be terminated
at any time by either party, with or without cause. His
employment agreement entitles him to an annual performance
incentive and long-term incentive payment opportunities at a
level not less than the highest participation level made
available to other company executives. In addition,
Mr. Kellner participates in a supplemental executive
retirement plan (SERP) that provides an annual
retirement benefit expressed as a percentage (that could range
up to 75% depending on his final years of service credit (capped
at 30 years)) of his final average compensation as defined
in his employment agreement. He also is entitled to participate
in the compensation and benefit plans available to all
management employees, receive company-provided disability
benefits and life insurance, flight benefits, certain tax
indemnity payments (some of which may not be deductible by the
company), use of a company provided automobile, and certain
other fringe benefits. Mr. Kellners employment
agreement also includes a two-year non-compete provision with
the company following termination of his employment, except if
such termination is by the company without Cause or upon his
disability or by Mr. Kellner for Good Reason. In addition,
if any payment or benefit is determined to be subject to an
excise tax (including any such tax arising under
Section 4999 of the Code upon a change in control),
Mr. Kellner is entitled to receive an additional payment to
adjust for the incremental tax cost of the payment or benefit.
The benefits that the company is required to provide
Mr. Kellner upon various termination scenarios, including
upon a change in control of the company, and the definitions of
Good Reason and Cause are discussed
below under Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control.
Agreements with Other Named Executive
Officers. We also have entered into employment
agreements effective August 12, 2004, and amendments
thereto, with Messrs. Misner, Smisek, Compton and Moran
relating to their services as officers of the company and
providing for minimum annual base salaries of $360,000,
$576,000, $360,000 and $360,000, respectively. Each agreement is
similar to that of Mr. Kellners, except as follows:
the agreements do not include non-compete provisions, the
automatic extension after the base term of each contract is for
successive one year periods, and the SERP for
Messrs. Misner, Compton and Moran provides a maximum annual
retirement benefit that could range up to 65% depending on his
final years of service (capped at 26 years). In addition,
under the agreements with Messrs. Misner, Compton and
Moran, a more limited formula is used to calculate termination
payments as further discussed below under
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change
in Control.
Incentive Program
The current annual executive incentive program was established
by the Human Resources Committee in 2004. Annual performance
incentive payment opportunities under the program depend on
achievement of an absolute level of Continentals capital
efficiency, cash flow and financial results. Under the program,
the committee can establish different levels of target and
stretch incentive opportunity on an annual basis. The capital
efficiency performance measure is Continentals return on
base invested capital (ROBIC), which is defined as
annual earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation,
amortization, aircraft rent, nonoperating income (expense) and
special items (EBITDAR) divided by the total of
property and equipment (less accumulated depreciation and
amortization thereon and less purchase deposits on flight
equipment) at year-end and 7.5 times annual aircraft rentals.
The ROBIC goals are reviewed and new entry, target and stretch
ROBIC goals are established annually by the Human Resources
Committee. In 2006, the program was amended to permit the
committee to establish an annual financial performance hurdle,
which for 2006 required positive GAAP net income. The program
also requires a year-end minimum unrestricted cash, cash
equivalent and short-term investment balance amount that is set
by the committee each year. If either the financial performance
hurdle or the minimum cash balance is not achieved, no payments
are made, regardless of ROBIC performance.
For 2006, the company satisfied the financial performance hurdle
and the minimum cash balance of $1.125 billion, and
achieved the stretch level of ROBIC performance.
This performance resulted in a payment under the program of 150%
of base salary, which is included in the Summary Compensation
Table in the Non-
Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column and in the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards table. In 2004, the programs first year,
performance was between the entry and target levels; however,
Mr. Kellner and Mr. Smisek voluntarily declined that
incentive payment in recognition of the sacrifices that
employees were being asked to make. No payments were made under
the program for 2005 because the company did not achieve the
entry ROBIC margin.
Incentive Program
LTIP. Payouts under the LTIP/RSU Program are
based on Continentals EBITDAR margin for a three-year
performance period as compared against an industry group and the
achievement of a minimum cash balance. For the first performance
period of April 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006,
performance targets were set by the Human Resources Committee so
that executives would earn (i) nothing for EBITDAR margin
performance below peer group average performance,
(ii) below market incentives for EBITDAR margin performance
equal to peer group average performance, (iii) graduated
payments up to market average incentives for above average
EBITDAR margin performance, and (iv) graduated payments up
to above market average incentives for superior EBITDAR margin
performance. The LTIP awards also require a minimum unrestricted
cash, cash equivalent and short-term investment balance at the
end of the performance period, which required cash balance
amount is set by the Human Resources Committee for each
performance period. If this required minimum cash balance amount
is not achieved, no LTIP payments will be made, regardless of
relative EBITDAR margin performance. The company achieved the
stretch level of performance and satisfied the
minimum cash balance of $1 billion for the LTIP performance
period ending December 31, 2006, and the resulting payouts
are included in the Summary Compensation Table in the Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Compensation column.
Stock Based RSUs. The Stock Based RSUs measure
the absolute performance of Continentals stock during the
relevant performance period. Stock Based RSUs are denominated in
share-based units (equal in value to one share of common stock
at the time of payout if the performance requirements are
achieved). Stock Based RSUs vest during the performance period
only if Continentals common stock achieves the target
price (based on a
average price), and pay out only at the end of the performance
period, in an amount in cash based on the average closing price
of the companys common stock for the 20 trading days
immediately prior to the end of the performance period. There is
no time element to vesting so achievement is entirely
performance based; however, a participant must remain employed
through the end of the performance period to receive payment,
with limited exceptions for events such as death, disability,
retirement and certain involuntary termination events.
In February 2006, all of the companys officers voluntarily
surrendered their Stock Based RSUs for the performance period
ending March 31, 2006 as further discussed in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis above. The surrendered
Stock Based RSUs had achieved their performance target of
$20.4775 per share (representing 64% stock price appreciation
from date of grant) prior to the time of surrender and would
have resulted in $22.8 million in payments to the officer
group (including the named executives) on March 31, 2006.
For the named executive officers, these awards are included in
the Summary Compensation Table in the Stock Awards column as a
negative value, in accordance with SEC rules, as they were
surrendered without payment. The Stock Awards column also
includes Stock Based RSUs for the performance period ending
December 31, 2007. Those awards achieved their performance
target of $22.4775 per share on March 3, 2006 (representing
80% stock appreciation from date of grant).
Profit Based RSUs. In March 2006, the Human
Resources Committee adopted amendments to the RSU program to
provide for Profit Based RSUs. The revised program aligns
managements performance objectives with those of
co-workers under the companys Enhanced Profit Sharing
Plan. Under the amended program, Profit Based RSUs require the
achievement of profit sharing-based performance targets set by
the Human Resources Committee at the time Profit Based RSU
awards are granted. The performance target requires that the
company (i) reach target levels based on the cumulative
profit sharing pools for participants under the companys
Enhanced Profit Sharing Plan and (ii) achieve a financial
performance hurdle based on the companys net income for
the fiscal year in which the cumulative profit sharing target
level is met. Once a performance target has been met, the Profit
Based RSU award will pay out in cash in an amount equal to the
number of RSUs awarded multiplied by the product of (i) the
average closing price of the companys common stock for the
20 trading days immediately prior to the payment date and
(ii) the target percentage set by the Human Resources
Committee for the achievement of the target.
Payments with respect to achieving a performance target will be
made in one-third increments. Under the program, if a target is
achieved for a fiscal year, payments generally will be made
3 months, 15 months and 27 months after the end
of the year for which the target is met (excepting fiscal year
2006 performance, for which payment does not begin until March
2008). Before a payment can be made, the company must satisfy
the minimum cash balance set by the Human Resources Committee
($1.125 billion for the 2006 awards). If the minimum cash
balance is not met on any payment date, the payment rolls
forward to the next year until the minimum cash balance is met
(subject to a maximum number of deferrals). In addition,
participants must remain continuously employed through the
payment date to receive a payment, with limited exceptions for
events such as death, disability, retirement and certain
involuntary termination events. For the named executive
officers, these awards are included in the Summary Compensation
Table in the Stock Awards column and in the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards table.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table sets forth information regarding unexercised
stock options and unvested equity incentive plan awards for each
named executive officer as of December 31, 2006. There were
no outstanding shares of restricted stock at year-end.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Plan Awards:
Market or
Plan Awards:
Number of
Value of
Incentive Plan
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Units or
Units or
Shares or
Shares or
Other Rights
Other Rights
Units of
Units of
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
Options (#)
Options (#)
Have Not
Have Not
Options (#)
Price ($)
Vested (#)
Vested ($)
Lawrence W. Kellner
Jeffrey J. Misner
Jeffery A. Smisek
James E. Compton
Mark J. Moran
(1) |
The stock options shown vest on September 17, 2007. |
(2) |
This includes Stock Based RSUs awarded in 2004 with a
performance period ending December 31, 2007, which have
achieved the stock price performance target, and Profit Based
RSUs awarded in 2006 (assuming achievement of a payout
percentage of 150% with a possible range of 0%-337.5%). The
Profit Based RSUs require the achievement of a profit sharing
target level and a financial performance hurdle and require a
minimum cash balance prior to each payment date. RSUs are also
subject to a continued employment requirement, subject to
limited exceptions. The continuing employment requirement
extends through the end of the performance period for the Stock
Based RSUs and through the applicable payment date for the
Profit Based RSUs. |
(3) |
This reflects the value at December 31, 2006 of the Stock
Based RSUs and the Profit Based RSUs (assuming achievement of a
payout percentage of 150% with a possible range of 0%-337.5%) at
$42.518 per share (the average closing price of the
companys common stock for the 20 trading days preceding
December 31, 2006). |
Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table sets forth information for each named
executive officer regarding the exercise of stock options and
the vesting of restricted stock during 2006.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Shares Acquired
Value Realized on
Shares Acquired
Value Realized on
on Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
on Vesting (#)(1)
Vesting ($)(1)
Lawrence W. Kellner
Jeffrey J. Misner
Jeffery A. Smisek
James E. Compton
Mark J. Moran
(1) |
This reflects restricted stock that vested on April 7, 2006
at a value of $27.605 per share, the average of the high
and low stock price on the vesting date. |
The following table sets forth information as of
December 31, 2006 for each named executive officer
concerning the present value of his accumulated benefits under
(i) the Continental Retirement Plan (CARP) and
(ii) the supplemental executive retirement plan
(SERP) provided under his employment agreement.
Number of Years
Present Value of
Payments During Last
Credited Service
Accumulated Benefit(2)
Fiscal Year
Lawrence W. Kellner
Jeffrey J. Misner
Jeffery A. Smisek
James E. Compton
Mark J. Moran
(1) |
Years of credited service recognized under the SERP differs from
actual service with the company. Actual company service is shown
with respect to the CARP. |
(2) |
The assumptions used to calculate the present value of
accumulated benefits under CARP and SERP, including those shown
in the Summary Compensation Table, are set forth in the table
below. These assumptions are primarily the same as those used
for pension plan accounting under SFAS No. 87,
Employers Accounting for Pensions
(SFAS 87) as of each measurement date with
three exceptions: pre-retirement mortality, pre-retirement
turnover, and the age at which participants are assumed to
retire. |
Measurement Date
Discount Rate
Lump Sum Interest Rate:
Lump Sum Election
Pre-retirement Turnover
Mortality Assumption:
Lump Sum
GAR 94 Unisex
GAR 94 Unisex
Assumed Retirement Age (earliest
unreduced age):
Age 65
Age 65
Age 60
Age 60
CARP. The CARP is a non-contributory, defined
benefit pension plan in which substantially all of our domestic
employees (including the named executive officers) are entitled
to participate. Effective as of April 30, 2005, pilot
employee benefits under the CARP were frozen and transferred to
the newly established Continental Pilots Retirement Plan
(CPRP) which is also a non-contributory defined
benefit plan. No additional benefit accruals occur under the
CPRP for pilot employees.
The CARP benefit is based on a formula that utilizes final
average compensation and service while one is an eligible
employee of the company. Compensation used to determine benefits
is regular pay, which includes salary deferral
elections under broad-based employee programs (such as the
companys 401(k) plan), but excludes bonuses, taxable
income derived from group term life insurance, contributions to
profit sharing plans, and any form of non-cash or incentive
compensation. A limit of $170,000 is applied to each year of
compensation (lower limits applied to compensation earned prior
to 2000). Final average compensation is based on five
consecutive calendar years of the ten most recent calendar years
of employment. The final average compensation used to calculate
the December 31, 2006 CARP benefit present value for each
named executive officer is $170,000.
The benefit under the CARP is calculated as (A) times (B),
(A) is 1.19% of final average compensation plus 0.45% of
the final average compensation in excess of the
participants average Social Security wage base, and
(B) is credited service, limited to 30 years.
Normal retirement under the CARP is age 65, but a
participant is entitled to receive a reduced benefit after
attaining either age 55 with 10 years of service or
age 50 with 20 years of service. The early retirement
benefit is the same as the normal retirement benefit, but
actuarially reduced from age 65 to the early retirement age.
The CARP benefit can be received as a single life annuity or an
actuarially equivalent contingent annuity with 50%,
75%, or 100% of the participants payments continuing for
the life of the surviving spouse following the
participants death, or as an actuarially equivalent lump
sum. The lump sum payment option is not available if the
participant terminates before being eligible for either normal
or early retirement.
SERP. The SERP benefits were granted in
connection with each named executive officers employment
agreement and will be offset by amounts paid or payable under
the CARP. These benefits are not protected from a bankruptcy of
the company.
Payouts under the SERP are based on final average compensation
and credited years of service. Under the SERP, final average
compensation means the greater of a specified minimum amount or
the average of the participants highest five years of
compensation during their last ten calendar years with the
company. For purposes of such calculation, compensation includes
salary and cash bonuses but excludes bonuses paid on or prior to
March 31, 1995, certain stay bonus amounts, any termination
payments, payments under the Officer Retention and
Incentive Award Program (which has been terminated), proceeds
from awards under any option or stock incentive plan, and any
cash awards paid under a long term incentive plan. The final
average compensation used to calculate the December 31,
2006 SERP benefit present value is $1,137,771 for
Mr. Kellner, $613,783 for Mr. Misner, $1,075,727 for
Mr. Smisek, $624,572 for Mr. Compton, and $558,480 for
Mr. Moran.
Credited years of service recognized under the SERP began
January 1, 1995 for Messrs. Kellner and Smisek,
January 1, 2001 for Messrs. Misner and Compton, and
January 1, 2004 for Mr. Moran in order to provide the
full year of credited service for the year in which their
participation began. In addition, each of the named executives
received additional credited years of service under the SERP for
each actual year of service during a specific period of time as
follows: from 2000 through 2004, two additional years for each
of Messrs. Kellner and Smisek; from 2001 through 2006, one
additional year for Messrs. Misner and Compton; from 2004
through 2006, one additional year for Mr. Moran. This
additional service credit was provided as a retention incentive.
The portion of the Present Value of Accumulated Benefits
attributable to years of service credited under the SERP that
are in excess of actual years worked while participating in the
SERP are as follows: $1,771,904 for Mr. Kellner, $758,414
for Mr. Misner, $2,127,832 for Mr. Smisek, $677,994
for Mr. Compton, and $299,622 for Mr. Moran.
Credited service is limited to 30 years for
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek and 26 years for
Messrs. Misner, Compton and Moran in order to ensure that
credited service would not exceed the reasonable life time
service tenure for an executive at retirement age.
The benefit under the SERP is defined as a single life annuity,
which is (a) times (b) minus (c), where:
(a) is 2.50% of final average compensation;
(b) is credited service; and
(c) is the benefit payable from the CARP.
Normal retirement under the SERP is age 60, but an officer
is entitled to receive a reduced benefit upon the earlier of
attaining age 55 or completing 10 years of actual
service under the SERP. The benefit is payable as a lump sum,
which is the actuarial equivalent of the single life annuity
benefit payable at age 60.
The lump sum is calculated using the same mortality table that
is used in the CARP (currently the 1994 Group Annuity Mortality
Table defined under Section 417(e) of the Code). It is also
calculated using an interest rate that is the average of the
Moodys Aa Corporate Bond rate for the three month period
ending on the last day of the second month preceding payment.
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
As discussed above under Narrative Disclosure
to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards
Table Employment Agreements, we have entered
into employment agreements with each of our named executive
officers. These employment agreements and our existing
compensation programs require us to make payments or provide
benefits to our named executive officers upon termination of
employment, including a termination in connection with a change
in control of Continental. The payments and benefits provided to
the named executive officers depend upon the circumstances of
the termination. Assuming that the named executive
officers employment had terminated on December 31,
2006, the information below describes the benefits that each
named executive would receive under our existing plans and
agreements as a result of such termination. At December 31,
2006, each named executive had earned payment for his 2006 ROBIC
annual incentive award and his LTIP award for the performance
period ending December 31, 2006. Payment of such awards is
included in the Summary Compensation Table and is not described
further below.
Termination by the Company for
Cause. If we had terminated the named
executive officers employment for Cause at
December 31, 2006, we would provide each named executive
officer with his accrued (through the date of termination)
benefits under the supplemental executive retirement plan
(SERP) pursuant to his employment agreement. Upon a
termination by the company for Cause, the lump sum SERP benefit
payable to the named executive officers would have been
$3,663,004 for Mr. Kellner (payable on January 1,
2007), $2,077,823 for
Mr. Misner (payable on September 1, 2013), $4,467,161
for Mr. Smisek (payable on January 1, 2007),
$2,108,245 for Mr. Compton (payable on December 1,
2015), and $822,492 for Mr. Moran (payable on
February 1, 2016). Since the foregoing amounts represent
what would actually have been payable if the triggering event
had occurred on December 31, 2006, the amounts were
calculated using the SERPs actual actuarial equivalence
rates which would apply to payments on January 1, 2007,
rather than the SFAS 87 assumptions.
Upon a termination for Cause, we also would provide the
executive and his family with continuing flight benefits and an
associated tax reimbursement. The flight benefits provide the
named executives and their family members and significant others
with effectively unlimited lifetime travel on Continental
Airlines, Continental Micronesia, Continental Express and
certain airline partners as well access to our Presidents Club
facilities. The executives are provided an associated tax
reimbursement based on value of the flights for tax purposes.
The executives family could continue to use the flight
benefits after the executives death, subject to certain
limits. As of December 31, 2006, we estimate the present
value of the flight benefits to be $71,886 for Mr. Kellner,
$31,855 for Mr. Misner, $69,399 for Mr. Smisek,
$45,170 for Mr. Compton, and $83,455 for Mr. Moran and
the present value of the tax reimbursement to be $247,959 for
Mr. Kellner, $127,100 for Mr. Misner, $214,671 for
Mr. Smisek, $199,309 for Mr. Compton, and $349,591 for
Mr. Moran. The present value of the flight benefits was
calculated using a discount rate of 5.98% and mortality
assumptions based on the RP 2000 table with Projected
Mortality Improvements to 2010 with no collar adjustments. These
assumptions are the same as those used for our pension plan
accounting under SFAS 87 as of December 31, 2006.
Other assumptions include that the average annual usage is equal
to 2006 actual usage, and that the annual incremental cost to
the company is the same as the incremental cost incurred by the
company to provide flight benefits to the executive in 2006. Our
calculation of incremental cost to the company includes
incremental fuel, meal expense (by cabin), passenger liability
insurance, war risk insurance and OnePass miles earned.
The named executives also would receive continued coverage in
health/welfare insurance programs equivalent to those generally
available to active employees of Continental for the remainder
of the executives lifetime. As of December 31, 2006,
we estimate the present value of the health/welfare benefits to
be $380,000 for Mr. Kellner, $290,000 for Mr. Misner,
$260,000 for Mr. Smisek, $290,000 for Mr. Compton, and
$310,000 for Mr. Moran. If however, each executive had been
age 65 (the normal CARP retirement age) at
December 31, 2006, we estimate the present value of the
health/welfare benefits to be $220,000 for Mr. Kellner,
$180,000 for Mr. Misner, $150,000 for Mr. Smisek,
$210,000 for Mr. Compton, and $170,000 for Mr. Moran.
These present values were calculated using the assumptions
reflected in the SFAS No. 106, Employers
Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
Pensions, disclosures as of December 31, 2006 for the
broader employee group, including the mortality assumption and a
discount rate of 5.76%. In addition, the following assumptions
were reflected in the health/welfare continued coverage provided
to the named executives: medical and prescription drug trends
were expanded for periods beyond age 65, dependent children
were included and assumed to lose eligibility for coverage at
age 23, and coordination with Medicare was assumed to begin
at age 65 for medical (with no offset for Medicare
Part D).
For purposes of our disclosure, the company is generally deemed
to have Cause to terminate a named executive officer
if he engages in any of a list of specified activities,
including gross negligence, willful misconduct, felony
conviction, fraud, or a material breach of the employment
Termination by the Executive without Good
Reason. If any of our named executives had
resigned his employment without Good Reason at
December 31, 2006, we would provide him with the same
benefits described above, as if we had terminated his employment
for Cause. In addition, we would provide him with the company
automobile that he was using at the time his employment
terminated. At December 31, 2006, the company automobile
provided to Messrs. Kellner, Misner, Smisek, Compton and
Moran had lease buyout options or blue book trade-in values of
$49,236, $61,700, $52,000, $56,200 and $34,290, respectively.
For purposes of our disclosure, a named executive officer
generally is permitted to terminate his employment for
Good Reason upon the occurrence of any of the
following: (a) assignment to him of duties that are
materially inconsistent with the duties associated with his
position as set forth in this proxy statement (including with
respect to Mr. Kellner his position as Chairman of the
Board), or failure to elect or reelect him to, or his removal
from, such position, (b) there is a material diminution in
the nature or scope of his authority, responsibilities or
titles, including a change in the reporting structure,
(c) we require him to be based anywhere other than a major
urban center in Texas, (d) we take any action that would
materially reduce his corporate amenities, or (e) we
materially breach the
terms of his employment agreement. For purposes of this
disclosure, a termination without Good Reason also includes the
executives providing the company with notice of
non-renewal of his employment agreement.
Termination by the Company without Cause;
Termination by the Executive for Good Reason; or
Company Non-renewal. If we had terminated any of
the named executives employment without Cause, or the
executive had terminated his employment for Good Reason, or we
had notified the executive that we would not renew his
employment agreement, we would provide him with the same
benefits described above, as if he had resigned his employment
without Good Reason. Each named executive also would receive
service credit for the maximum severance period (three years,
subject to the overall limit on years of service credit) under
his SERP, which would increase the lump sum SERP benefit amounts
(see Termination by the Company for
Cause above) by $512,100 for Mr. Kellner,
$566,123 for Mr. Misner, $625,960 for Mr. Smisek,
$576,074 for Mr. Compton, and $515,113 for Mr. Moran.
In addition, we would pay him a lump-sum cash severance payment
(the Termination Payment), which, if the termination
had occurred on December 31, 2006, would have equaled
$5,343,750 for Mr. Kellner, $1,620,000 for Mr. Misner,
$4,320,000 for Mr. Smisek, $1,620,000 for Mr. Compton,
and $1,620,000 for Mr. Moran. With respect to
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek, the Termination Payment
represents three times the sum of (a) his current annual
base salary and (b) a deemed bonus payment equal to 150% of
his current base salary. With respect to Messrs. Misner,
Compton, and Moran, the Termination Payment represents two times
the sum of (a) his current annual base salary and
(b) a deemed bonus payment equal to 125% of his base
salary, unless the termination occurs within two years following
a change in control (in which case the Termination Payment
equals three times that sum). In addition, we would provide each
executive with outplacement services for 12 months (valued
at $18,400) and office space and support services (valued at
$104,000 annually), with a one-time expected cost of $75,000 for
office space build-out and furniture. Office space and support
services would be provided for a period of ten years for
Mr. Kellner and for a period of three years for
Messrs. Misner, Smisek, Compton and Moran. The named
executives would receive parking at company headquarters for the
same number of years for which they are provided office space,
at an annual cost of approximately $1,850 for each of the named
executives. The named executives also would receive parking at
Bush Intercontinental Airport for as long as they reside in
Houston, Texas, with an annual cost of $500 for each executive.
As set forth in the Summary Compensation Table, the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards table, and the Outstanding Equity Awards at
Fiscal Year End table, and the narrative disclosures thereto,
each of the named executive officers hold outstanding Stock
Based RSUs, Profit Based RSUs, and LTIP awards, in each case
under our LTIP/RSU Program. Each executives outstanding
Stock Based RSUs, Profit Based RSUs and LTIP awards would be
treated in the same manner as if his employment terminated due
to his death or disability, as described below. On
December 31, 2006, Mr. Moran also held $35,055 in
unvested stock options that would have vested upon such
termination events and would remain exercisable for a period of
one year.
Death or Disability. If any of the named
executives employment had terminated due to his death or
disability on December 31, 2006, we would provide him (or
his estate) with flight benefits, continuation coverage (in the
case of disability only) and the company automobile. The
employment agreements for Messrs. Kellner and Smisek
provide an additional disability benefit equal to and in lieu of
the Termination Payment if the executive qualifies for
disability under a long-term disability plan maintained by the
company and those benefits cease before he reaches age 65.
With respect to flight benefits, the spouse and children of
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek can use his then total
outstanding travel limit upon his death. With respect to
Messrs. Misner, Compton and Moran, the spouse and children
can use only a portion of his then outstanding travel limit upon
his death.
Upon a termination for disability, the executive would receive
the SERP benefit (including service credit for the maximum
severance period of three years, subject to the overall limit on
years of service credit), described and quantified above. If the
executives employment terminated due to his death on such
date, the lump sum SERP benefit payable on January 1, 2007
to the named executive officers surviving spouse would
have been $2,132,682 for Mr. Kellner, $888,345 for
Mr. Misner, $2,430,340 for Mr. Smisek, $866,791 for
Mr. Compton, and $373,301 for Mr. Moran. The lump sum
SERP benefit payable to the surviving spouse upon the death of
the named executive officer is the present value of the
hypothetical benefit that would be payable if the named
executive officer had terminated employment on the date of death
and was credited with an additional three years of SERP service,
survived until age 60, been entitled to and elected a
contingent annuitant option with 50% of the benefit continuing
to his surviving spouse at his death, and died the day after
benefits commenced. Upon the named executive officers
death, we also would provide the executives estate with
the proceeds of a life insurance policy maintained by the
company in an amount equal to and in lieu of the Termination
Payment described above.
With respect to our LTIP/RSU Program, we have achieved the
applicable performance targets for the Stock Based RSUs and each
named executive officer currently is entitled to receive payment
for these awards as long as he remains employed by us through
December 31, 2007. Under the terms of the employment
agreements with each named executive officer, if any of the
named executive officers had died or become disabled on
December 31, 2006 (absent a change in control), we would be
required to pay him (or his estate) with respect to the RSUs
when other participants receive payments as if he had remained
employed through the applicable payment dates. The Stock Based
RSUs will be paid on or about December 31, 2007 and the
earliest potential payment date for the Profit Based RSUs is
March 31, 2008. The payment would be based on the average
closing price per share of our common stock for the 20 trading
days preceding the payment date. See the Outstanding Equity
Awards at Fiscal Year-End table, including the footnotes
thereto, for the December 31, 2006 values of the Stock
Based RSUs and the Profit Based RSUs.
Under the terms of the employment agreements, upon death or
disability, each named executive (or his estate) is entitled to
receive payment with respect to his LTIP awards based on actual,
final performance when and if other participants receive their
payments as if he had remained employed through the end of the
performance period, less any amounts previously paid to him (or
his estate) in the event of a change in control of the company.
See the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table for the minimum,
target and maximum values of each named executive officers
LTIP award for the performance period ending December 31,
2008. As of December 31, 2006, the potential payout amounts
with respect to the LTIP award for the performance period ending
December 31, 2007 are the same as the LTIP award for the
performance period ending December 31, 2008. On
December 31, 2006, Mr. Moran also held $35,055 in
unvested stock options that would have vested upon his death or
disability and would remain exercisable for a period of one year.
Retirement. At December 31, 2006, none of
the named executive officers were eligible to retire under CARP,
which is the retirement standard incorporated into the
companys other executive benefit plans and programs, other
than the SERP benefits. At December 31, 2006,
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek had sufficient years of actual
SERP credited years of service to receive SERP early retirement
benefits, which are equal to the amounts set forth above under
Termination by the Company for
Cause, and the remaining named executive
officers become eligible for SERP early retirement benefits as
of September 1, 2008 for Mr. Misner, December 1,
2010 for Mr. Compton and February 1, 2011 for
Mr. Moran.
Non-Compete. Upon Mr. Kellners
termination by the company for Cause or non-renewal or by
Mr. Kellner other than for Good Reason, Mr. Kellner is
prohibited for a period of 24 months from providing
executive, advisory or consulting services to any passenger air
carrier in the U.S. or any location in which the company is
qualified to do business or maintains an office as of the
termination date.
in Control
The information below describes the compensation implications to
each named executive officer assuming a change in control of
Continental had occurred on December 31, 2006 and his
employment was terminated on that date. Upon a change in
control, payments to each of the named executive officers remain
conditioned on continued employment through the end of the
applicable performance period, with limited exceptions in the
case of death, disability, retirement, or if the named executive
officer suffers a Qualifying Event. This requirement
is commonly referred to as a double trigger. For
purposes of our disclosure, a Qualifying Event
includes events that are similar to termination by the company
without Cause, those which would permit the named executive
officer to terminate for Good Reason, and the companys
non-renewal of the named executive officers employment
Upon a termination in connection with a change in control, each
named executive officer would be entitled to the same benefits
that would have been provided to him on a termination of
employment for similar reasons in the absence of a change in
control, with the following modifications.
Compensation Programs. Under the ROBIC annual
incentive program, the maximum stretch performance
level is deemed achieved for the fiscal year. Under our LTIP/RSU
Program, LTIP awards (including awards to our named executive
officers) are deemed satisfied at the maximum
stretch performance level. With respect to the
Profit Based RSUs, the performance targets are deemed satisfied
at the level set by the Human Resources Committee at the time
the award was granted. In the case of the Profit Based RSUs
granted in 2006, the payment percentage is specified at 150%
(out of a maximum of 337.5%), unless a higher payment percentage
was achieved in a prior year, and the minimum cash balance is
deemed satisfied. For Stock Based RSUs, the applicable
performance targets are deemed satisfied. Following a change in
control, payments under all outstanding RSUs would be based on
the average price per share of our common stock for the 20
trading days prior to the date of the change in control. Again,
payments to each of the named executive officers remain
conditioned on continued employment through the end of the
applicable performance period. However, if the named executive
officer dies, becomes disabled, retires, or suffers a Qualifying
Event, all payments (except for a portion of the LTIP awards)
would be accelerated to such date. For the LTIP awards, payment
for the portion of the performance period not completed through
the termination date will be made when payment would otherwise
be made to executives who remain employed with the company
following the change in control.
Termination Payment. If any of
Messrs. Misner, Compton or Moran had terminated his
employment on December 31, 2006 for Good Reason or had his
employment been terminated by the company without Cause in
connection with a change in control, he would have received a
Termination Payment equal to $2,430,000, which represents a
$810,000 increase from the Termination Payment otherwise payable
to him upon such a termination event in the absence of a change
in control.
Reimbursement for Excise Taxes. If benefits to
be provided to a named executive officer in connection with a
change in control would subject him to the excise tax under
Section 4999 of the Code (the so-called parachute
tax), we have agreed to reimburse or
each named executive officer for the parachute taxes and any
other taxes that are payable by him as a result of the
payment. This
obligation applies regardless of whether the named
executives employment with us terminates or continues in
connection with the change in control.
If there had been a change in control of Continental on
December 31, 2006 and the named executive officers
employment with us continued after that date, the executives
would have received no accelerated payments that would have
required the payment of any
amount. If the named executives employment was terminated
as a result of the change in control, we estimate the amount of
the reimbursement for taxes payable to be $7,670,531 for
Mr. Kellner, $4,034,106 for Mr. Misner, $6,004,599 for
Mr. Smisek, $3,950,226 for Mr. Compton, and $4,020,879
for Mr. Moran.
Section 409A of the Code changes the tax rules for most
forms of nonqualified deferred compensation that were not earned
and vested prior to 2005. Payment of non-grandfathered amounts
in connection with a termination of employment can be delayed
for six months in order to comply with Section 409A and
avoid the taxes and interest under such section; however,
current employment agreements with the named executive officers
do not provide for any such delay. If a named executive
officers employment was terminated on December 31,
2006, the current employment agreements would not permit the
company to postpone any payment. If any such payment was not
grandfathered or otherwise was not exempt from the
provisions of Section 409A, the named executives would be
liable for the taxes and interest imposed under
Section 409A and the company would be required to reimburse
the executives with respect to such taxes and interest.
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek were the only named executive
officers eligible for SERP payment within six months of
termination if they had terminated employment at
December 31, 2006, and at such date the grandfathered
amounts of the SERP payments were $3,025,701 for
Mr. Kellner and $4,088,843 for Mr. Smisek. Termination
Payments and certain other payments and benefits under the
employment agreements are also subject to Section 409A.
Messrs. Kellner and Smisek and the other named executive
officers have indicated a willingness to amend their employment
agreements to permit the six-month delay on payments of
non-grandfathered or non-exempt amounts as necessary to avoid
the Section 409A tax and interest. See the Summary
Compensation Table above for a reference to certain fees paid on
behalf of Messrs. Kellner and Smisek relating to a review
of their employment agreement provisions to make such
amendments. The company and the named executives are reviewing
the final regulations recently issued by the IRS prior to making
any related amendments to the employment agreements.
Compensation Plan Information
The table below provides information relating to our equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2006.
Number of Securities
Number of Securities
Remaining Available
to be Issued
for Future Issuance
Upon Exercise
Exercise Price
Under Compensation Plans
of Outstanding Options,
of Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities
Plan Category
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Reflected in First Column)
Equity compensation plans approved
by security holders
Equity compensation plans not
approved by security holders(2)
(1) |
The number of securities remaining available for future issuance
under our equity compensation plans includes 32,287 shares
under restricted stock provisions and 1,667,003 shares
under our employee stock purchase plan. |
(2) |
During the first quarter of 2005, we adopted the 2005 Broad
Based Employee Stock Option Plan and the 2005 Pilot Supplemental
Option Plan, as a commitment to our employees that their wage
and benefits cost reduction contributions represent an
investment in their future. We did not seek stockholder approval
to adopt these plans because the audit committee of our board
determined that the delay necessary in obtaining such approval
would seriously jeopardize our financial viability. On
March 4, 2005, the NYSE accepted our reliance on this
exception to its shareholder approval policy. A total of
10 million shares of common stock may be issued under these
plans. As of December 31, 2006, approximately
8.9 million options with a weighted average exercise price
of $13.06 per share had been issued to eligible employees
under these plans in connection with pay and benefit reductions
and work rule changes with respect to those employees. The
options are exercisable in three equal installments and have
terms ranging from six to eight years. |
It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed form of
proxy, unless otherwise instructed, to vote duly executed
proxies for the election of each nominee for director listed
below. Pursuant to our bylaws, directors will be elected by a
plurality of the votes duly cast at the meeting. If elected,
each nominee will hold office until the next annual meeting of
stockholders and until his or her respective successor has been
duly elected and has qualified, except as discussed below. We do
not expect any of the nominees to be unavailable to serve for
any reason, but if that should occur before the meeting, we
anticipate that proxies will be voted for another nominee or
nominees to be selected by the board.
Our board currently consists of eleven persons. The Corporate
Governance Committee of the board has recommended to our board,
and our board has unanimously nominated, eleven individuals for
election as directors at our annual meeting. Each of the
director nominees is presently one of our directors. Stockholder
nominations will not be accepted for filling board seats at the
meeting because our bylaws require advance notice for such a
nomination, the time for which has passed. Your proxy cannot be
voted for a greater number of persons than the number of
nominees named herein. There is no family relationship between
any of the nominees for director or between any nominee and any
executive officer.
Biographical Summaries
The following table shows, with respect to each nominee,
(i) the nominees name and age, (ii) the period
for which the nominee has served as a director, (iii) all
positions and offices with the company currently held by the
nominee and his or her principal occupation and business
experience during the last five years, (iv) other
directorships held by the nominee and (v) the standing
committees of the board of which he or she is a member.
Name, Age, Position
and Committee Memberships
Term of Office and Business Experience
age 59
(Human Resources Committee, Corporate Governance Committee,
Executive Committee)
Director since August 1994.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Colony Capital, LLC and
Colony Advisors, LLC (real estate investments) for more than
five years. Director of First Republic Bank.
age 53
(Human Resources Committee, Corporate Governance Committee)
Director since May 1999. Senior
Pastor of The Windsor Village-United Methodist Church, Houston,
Texas for more than twenty years. Director of Baylor College of
Medicine, Bridgeway Mutual Funds and Reliant Energy Inc.
age 48
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Finance
Committee, Executive Committee)
Director since May 2001. Chairman
of the Board and Chief Executive Officer since December 2004.
President and Chief Operating Officer (March
2004); President (May 2001-March 2003). Mr. Kellner joined
the company in 1995. Director of Marriott International, Inc.
age 67
(Audit Committee, Executive Committee)
Director since May 1993. Retired
as Chairman of Gannett Co., Inc. (Gannett) (an
international news and information company) in June 2006;
Chairman of Gannett (February 2001-June 2006); President and CEO
of Gannett (June 2000-July 2005); Vice Chairman, President and
CEO of Gannett (June 2000-February 2001). Director of a group of
Prudential Mutual Funds and Lockheed Martin Corporation.
age 57
(Audit Committee, Executive Committee)
Director since September 2003.
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of
KeyCorp (banking) since May 2001. President and Chief Executive
Officer of KeyCorp (January 2001-May 2001). Director of KeyCorp.
Name, Age, Position
and Committee Memberships
Term of Office and Business Experience
(Audit Committee)
Director since March 2004.
Executive Vice President and CFO of CSX Corporation (freight
transportation) since May 2003. Vice President
Consumer Services and CFO of AT&T Consumer Services, a
division of AT&T Corporation (January 2001-March 2003).
Senior Vice President Finance and Administration of
Qwest Communications (June 2000-December 2000).
age 68
(Audit Committee, Finance Committee)
Director since June 1996. Dean
Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance (Emeritus) and
previously Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and
Director of the MBA Program, Graduate School of Business,
Stanford University. Dr. Parker joined the faculty at
Stanford University in 1973. Director of First Republic Bank,
Netgear, Inc., Tejon Ranch Company and Threshold
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
President (Finance Committee)
Director since December 2004.
President since December 2004. Executive Vice President (March
2004); Executive Vice President Corporate and
Secretary (May 2001-March 2003). Mr. Smisek joined the
company in 1995. Director of National Oilwell Varco, Inc.
age 62
(Finance Committee)
Director since May 1993. Senior
Counsel of Crowell & Moring LLP (law firm) since
retirement as partner in January 2005. Partner
Crowell & Moring for more than five years prior to
retirement. Director of Gannett, SunTrust Bank, Inc., The Chubb
Corporation and Washington Gas Light Company.
(Finance Committee, Human Resources Committee)
Director since May 2003. Chairman
of the Board of MagnaDrive Corporation (MagnaDrive)
(a supplier of new engine power transfer technology applications
for industrial equipment) since 2002; President and Chief
Executive Officer of MagnaDrive (1999-2002). Various positions
with The Boeing Company for more than 32 years, including
President of Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Senior Vice
President of Boeing, Executive Vice President of Boeing
Commercial Airplane Group, and Vice President and General
Manager of the Renton Division, Boeing Commercial Airplane
Group. Director of AAR Corp., Coinstar, Inc. and MagnaDrive
age 48
(Human Resources Committee, Corporate Governance Committee)
Director since January 1995.
Executive Vice President of Libra Securities, LLC (institutional
broker-dealer) since January 2002. Executive Vice President of
U.S. Bancorp Libra, a division of U.S. Bancorp
Investments, Inc. (1999-2001). Director of El Paso Electric
The firm of Ernst & Young LLP has been our independent
auditors since 1993, and the board desires to continue to engage
the services of this firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2007. Accordingly, the board, upon the
recommendation of the Audit Committee, has reappointed
Ernst & Young LLP to audit the financial statements of
Continental and its subsidiaries for fiscal year 2007 and report
on those financial statements. Stockholders are being asked to
vote upon the ratification of the appointment. If stockholders
do not ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP, the
Audit Committee will reconsider their appointment.
The following table shows the fees paid for audit services and
fees paid for audit related, tax and all other services rendered
by Ernst & Young LLP for each of the last three fiscal
years (in millions):
Audit Fees(1)
Audit Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees(4)
Total Fees
(1) |
Audit fees consist primarily of the audit and quarterly reviews
of the consolidated financial statements (including an audit of
managements assessment and the effectiveness of the
companys internal control over financial reporting),
attestation services required by statute or regulation, comfort
letters, consents, assistance with and review of documents filed
with the SEC, work performed by tax professionals in connection
with the audit and quarterly reviews, and accounting and
financial reporting consultations and research work necessary to
comply with generally accepted auditing standards. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees consist primarily of the audits of
subsidiaries that are not required to be audited by governmental
or regulatory bodies. |
(3) |
Tax fees include professional services provided for preparation
of federal and state tax returns, review of tax returns prepared
by the company, assistance in assembling data to respond to
governmental reviews of past tax filings, and tax advice,
exclusive of tax services rendered in connection with the audit. |
(4) |
Other fees consist primarily of attestation services associated
with third-party contract compliance. |
The charter of the Audit Committee provides that the committee
is responsible for the pre-approval of all auditing services and
permitted non-audit services to be performed for the company by
the independent auditors, subject to the requirements of
applicable law. In accordance with such law, the committee has
delegated the authority to grant such pre-approvals to the
committee chair, which approvals are then reviewed by the full
committee at its next regular meeting. Typically, however, the
committee itself reviews the matters to be approved. The
procedures for pre-approving all audit and non-audit services
provided by the independent auditors include the committee
reviewing a budget for audit services, audit-related services,
tax services and other services. The budget includes a
description of, and a budgeted amount for, particular categories
of audit and non-audit services that are anticipated at the time
the budget is submitted. Committee approval would be required to
exceed the budgeted amount for a particular category of
non-audit services or to engage the independent auditors for any
services not included in the budget. The committee periodically
monitors the services rendered by and actual fees paid to the
independent auditors to ensure that such services are within the
parameters approved by the committee.
Representatives of Ernst & Young LLP will be present at
the meeting and will be available to respond to appropriate
questions and make a statement should they so desire.
We have been advised that Mrs. Evelyn Y. Davis, located at
Watergate Office Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.,
Suite 215, Washington, D.C. 20037, is the beneficial
owner of 500 shares of the companys common stock and
intends to submit the following proposal at the meeting:
RESOLVED: That the stockholders of Continental Airlines
assembled in Annual Meeting in person and by proxy, hereby
recommend that the Corporation affirm its political
non-partisanship. To this end the following practices are to be
(a) The handing of contribution cards of a single
political party to an employee by a supervisor.
(b) Requesting an employee to send a political
contribution to an individual in the Corporation for a
subsequent delivery as part of a group of contributions to a
political party or fund raising committee.
(c) Requesting an employee to issue personal checks blank
as to payee for subsequent forwarding to a political party,
committee or candidate.
(d) Using supervisory meetings to announce that
contribution cards of one party are available and that anyone
desiring cards of a different party will be supplied one on
request to his supervisor.
(e) Placing a preponderance of contribution cards of one
party at mail station locations.
REASONS: The Corporation must deal with a great number of
governmental units, commissions and agencies. It should maintain
scrupulous political neutrality to avoid embarrassing
entanglements detrimental to its business. Above all, it must
avoid the appearance of coercion in encouraging its employees to
make political contributions against their personal inclination.
The Troy (Ohio) News has condemned partisan solicitation for
political purposes by managers in a local company (not
Continental Airlines). And if the Company did not
engage in any of the above practices, to disclose this to ALL
shareholders in each quarterly report. Last year the
owners of approximately 8.3% of shares voting, voted FOR this
If you AGREE, please mark your proxy FOR this
The Board of Directors recommends a vote against this proposal.
Last year, this proposal was defeated by 91.7% of the votes cast
by our stockholders, excluding abstentions, which are not
treated as votes cast. The Board of Directors strongly believes
that federal and state regulations, along with the
companys own policies and procedures, adequately address
the issues raised by the proposal. Adoption of the proposal is
unnecessary and administratively burdensome and not in the best
interests of the company or its stockholders.
The company, like all U.S. corporations, is subject to
federal and state laws and regulations that govern corporate
participation in partisan political activity. These laws and
regulations prohibit most of the practices identified in the
stockholder proposal, and the company does not engage in or
endorse any such prohibited practices.
As permitted by federal law, the company sponsors a political
action committee, or PAC, which is supported solely by voluntary
contributions from employees and which is not affiliated with
any party or candidate. In addition, the companys
employees periodically assist federal candidates or political
committees by raising voluntary personal contributions from
among their fellow employees. These activities provide our
employees with an opportunity to support candidates for public
office whose views are consistent with the companys long-
term legislative and regulatory goals. To the extent the
stockholder proposal would (i) restrict the companys
ability to sponsor and administer its PAC or (ii) prohibit
employees from acting collectively to support a particular
candidate or political committee, the proposal would be contrary
to the best interests of the company and its stockholders.
Finally, the proposals requirement that the company state
on a quarterly basis that it doesnt engage in the listed
practices would be administratively burdensome and unnecessary,
and would also impose additional expense at a time when the
company is striving to reduce its costs.
The companys policies, together with federal and state
laws and regulations, are more than adequate to address the
concerns raised by this stockholder proposal, without unduly
restricting the companys legitimate participation in the
political process.
We have been advised that Mr. John Chevedden, located at
2215 Nelson Avenue, No. 205, Redondo Beach, California
90278, is the beneficial owner of 100 shares of the
companys common stock and intends to submit the following
proposal at the meeting:
Performance Based Stock Options
Resolved, Shareholders request that our Board of Directors adopt
a policy whereby at least 75% of future equity compensation
(stock options and restricted stock) awarded to senior
executives is performance-based, and the performance criteria
adopted by our Board is disclosed to shareowners.
Performance-based equity compensation is defined
here as:
(a) Indexed stock options, the exercise price of which is
linked to an industry index;
(b) Premium-priced stock options, the exercise price of
which is substantially above the market price on the grant
date; or
(c) Performance-vesting options or restricted stock, which
vest only when the market price of the stock exceeds a specific
target for a substantial period.
This is not intended to unlawfully interfere with existing
employment contracts. However, if there is a conflict with any
existing employment contract, our Compensation Committee is
urged for the good of our company to
promptly negotiate revised contracts that are consistent with
this proposal.
As a long-term shareholder, I support pay polices for senior
executives that provide challenging performance objectives that
motivate our executives to achieve long-term shareowner value. I
believe that a greater reliance on performance-based equity
grants is particularly warranted at Continental.
Many leading investors criticize standard options as
inappropriately rewarding mediocre performance.
Warren Buffett has characterized standard stock options as
a royalty on the passage of time.
In contrast, peer-indexed options reward executives for
outperforming their direct competitors and discourage
re-pricing. Premium-priced options reward executives who enhance
overall shareholder value. Performance-vesting equity grants tie
compensation more closely to key measures of shareholder value,
such as share appreciation and net operating income, thereby
encouraging our executives to set and meet performance targets.
It is also important to take a step forward and support this one
proposal since our 2006 governance standards were not
impeccable. For instance in 2006 it was reported:
CEO pay was not adequately performance-based according to The
Corporate Library, an independent investment
research firm.
We had no independent board chairman and not even a lead
director Independence concern.
Our management was still protected from accountability by a
poison pill with a 15% trigger.
Our potentially over-committed directors with 5 board seats each
Ms. Williams
Mr. Parker
Three of our directors were designated as Accelerated
Vesting directors by The Corporate Library. This was due
to their involvement with boards that accelerated the vesting of
stock options just prior to implementation of SFAS 123R
policies in order to avoid recognizing the related
expense which is now required. Accelerated
Vesting directors included:
Ms. Williams
Mr. McCorkindale
Mr. Woodward
Our potentially conflicted directors due to their
links to our company included:
Ms. Williams
Mr. McCorkindale
Mr. Meyer
Zero stock-holding directors included:
Mr. Barrack
Mr. Woodward
Mr. Munoz
The above status reinforces the reason to take one step forward
now and vote yes for:
Based Stock Options
Yes on 4
Our Board of Directors has considered this proposal and believes
that its adoption is unnecessary and redundant because, other
than base salary, our existing executive compensation program is
substantially performance-based and has successfully motivated
our senior executives to enhance stockholder value. Further, by
limiting the discretion of our Human Resources Committee, the
proposal would restrict our ability to attract, retain and
motivate talented executives and the Human Resources
Committees ability to structure compensation programs that
are in the economic best interest of the Company and its
Our Board has not awarded stock options or restricted stock to
our senior executives since 2003 and 2002, respectively, and all
of the annual and long-term incentive compensation awarded to
senior executives since 2004 has been subject to the
satisfaction of pre-established performance targets. Other than
base salary, our existing executive compensation is already
substantially performance-based, and our Board believes that our
executive compensation program has contributed to the
achievement of our operational and financial goals and the
enhancement of stockholder value.
As described in detail in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis above, our Human Resources Committee has worked closely
with its independent compensation consultant since 2004 to
develop our current executive compensation program. That program
consists of three main components: base salary, annual incentive
compensation and long-term incentive compensation.
Under the annual component of our incentive compensation, which
we refer to as our annual executive bonus program,
our senior executives are awarded cash bonuses only when all of
the following pre-determined performance goals are attained:
The company achieves a specified return on base invested
capital, or ROBIC;
The company satisfies a financial performance hurdle; and
The company maintains a minimum unrestricted cash, cash
equivalent and short term investment balance.
Our long-term incentive compensation for senior executives
consists of two components: a long-term incentive plan, or
LTIP, and a restricted stock unit program, or
RSU Program, each of which requires the achievement
of pre-determined performance targets and continued employment
through the performance period or payment date before any
amounts are paid to the participating senior executives.
Under our LTIP, our senior executives receive cash awards
following the end of a three-year performance period if the
following performance targets are satisfied:
The companys EBITDAR margin for the performance period
meets or exceeds the average EBITDAR margin of a broad peer
group (including legacy and low-cost carriers); and
The company maintains a minimum unrestricted cash, cash
equivalents and short term investments balance as of the end of
the performance period.
The amount paid to our senior executives under the LTIP is based
on the companys EBITDAR margin for the performance period
relative to the peer group.
Under our RSU Program, senior executives will receive payments
with respect to their outstanding RSUs upon the satisfaction of
the following pre-determined performance targets and other
The company achieves certain levels of cumulative profit sharing
pools that are the basis for calculating distributions to
participants under our enhanced profit sharing plan;
The company achieves a financial performance hurdle; and
The company maintains a minimum unrestricted cash, cash
equivalents and short term investments balance as of the end of
the performance period.
Payments under the RSU Program are made in one-third increments
over three years and are based on the average closing price of
our common stock during the 20 trading days immediately
preceding each payment date.
Our Board believes that the current structure of our executive
compensation program has contributed to our success in achieving
our operational and financial goals and enhancing stockholder
value. This is evidenced by our strong stock performance since
our adoption of performance-based incentive compensation in
2004, during which time we significantly outperformed the
S&P 500 Index and the Amex Airlines Index, and by our
success in retaining our highly talented senior executives
during a period in which we faced an extremely challenging
industry environment and those executives voluntarily agreed to
significantly reduce their compensation.
Although our Human Resources Committee, which is comprised of
four independent directors, has not awarded any stock options or
restricted stock to our senior executives since 2003 and 2002,
respectively, the committee must have the flexibility to decide
what terms are most appropriate for future awards based on a
review of all relevant circumstances, including factors such as
changing economic and industry conditions, accounting
requirements, tax laws and evolving compensation trends, and the
recommendations of its independent compensation consultant. The
proposal, if adopted, would constrain the ability of our Human
Resources Committee to determine the form and amount of
compensation paid to our senior executives, adversely impacting
our ability to attract, retain and motivate highly talented and
qualified executives and the Human Resources Committees
ability to structure compensation programs that are in the
economic best interest of the Company and its stockholders.
Finally, the proposal includes references to certain opinions
presented in The Corporate Librarys report concerning our
governance and compensation practices. Although we do not have
access to the criteria used by The Corporate Library in its
analysis, our Board does not agree that we lack a lead director
or that our CEOs compensation is not adequately
performance-based. As described above under Corporate
Governance, our Board amended our Corporate Governance
Guidelines in 2006 to provide that the chair of our Executive
Committee will serve as the presiding director for executive
sessions of our non-management directors, thereby fulfilling the
role of a lead director. With respect to our
CEOs past compensation, we were unable to confirm whether
The Corporate Library considered in its analysis the
$1.7 million in annual performance bonuses and the
$6.3 million in long term incentive payments surrendered or
waived by our CEO during the period from 2001 through March 2006
or the fact that Mr. Kellners 2005 compensation
included no annual performance bonus or long-term incentive
payments because these programs did not pay out for 2005 due to
the failure to achieve the applicable performance goals. Our
Board believes that these facts support our conclusion that our
CEOs compensation was and remains adequately
We have not received notice as required under our bylaws of any
other matters to be proposed at the meeting. Consequently, the
only matters to be acted on at the meeting are those described
in this proxy statement, along with any necessary procedural
matters related to the meeting. As to procedural matters, or any
other matters that are determined to be properly brought before
the meeting calling for a vote of the stockholders, it is the
intention of the persons named in the accompanying proxy, unless
otherwise directed in that proxy, to vote on those matters in
accordance with their best judgment.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our directors
and Section 16 Officers, and persons who own more than ten
percent of a registered class of our equity securities, to file
with the SEC initial reports of ownership and reports of changes
in ownership of our common stock and other equity securities.
Such persons are required by SEC regulation to furnish us with
copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.
To our knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies of such
reports furnished to us and written representations that no
other reports were required, during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2006, all of our directors, Section 16
Officers and greater than ten percent beneficial stockholders
were in compliance with applicable Section 16(a) filing
Annual Meeting
Any stockholder who wants to present a proposal at the 2008
annual meeting of stockholders and to have that proposal set
forth in the proxy statement and form of proxy mailed in
conjunction with that annual meeting must submit that proposal
in writing to the Secretary of the company no later than
December 29, 2007. Our bylaws require that nominations of
persons for election to the board or the proposal of business to
be considered by the stockholders at an annual meeting of
stockholders must be included in the companys notice of
the meeting, proposed by or at the direction of our board or
proposed by a stockholder in a timely written notice. To be
timely for the 2008 annual meeting of stockholders, such
stockholder notice must be delivered to the Secretary of the
company at our principal executive offices not less than
70 days and not more than 90 days prior to
June 12, 2008. However, if the 2008 annual meeting of
stockholders is advanced by more than 20 days, or delayed
by more than 70 days, from June 12, 2008, then the
notice must be delivered not earlier than the ninetieth day
prior to the 2008 annual meeting and not later than the close of
business on the later of (a) the seventieth day prior to
the 2008 annual meeting or (b) the tenth day following the
day on which public announcement of the date of the 2008 annual
meeting is first made. The stockholders notice must
contain and be accompanied by certain information as specified
in our bylaws. We recommend that any stockholder desiring to
make a nomination or submit a proposal for consideration obtain
a copy of our bylaws, which may be obtained in the Investor
Relations section of the companys website under the
Corporate Governance link at or
without charge from the Secretary of the company upon written
request addressed to the Secretary at Continental Airlines,
Inc., P.O. Box 4607, Houston, Texas
You can obtain electronic copies of Continentals annual
report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, including any
amendments and exhibits, and request a printed copy of the
10-K and any
amendments in the Investor Relations section of our website
under the Annual and Periodic Reports link at Additionally, we will send
you a printed copy of the
10-K and any
amendments without charge, upon written request. We will also
send you a hard copy of any
10-K exhibit
if you submit your request in writing and include payment of
reasonable fees relating to our furnishing the exhibit. Written
requests for copies should be addressed to our Secretary at
Continental Airlines, Inc., P.O. Box 4607, Houston, Texas
The financial statements of the company filed with the
together with certain other financial data and analysis, are
included in the annual report to stockholders that accompanies
this proxy statement.
Continental Airlines is committed to promoting environmental
responsibility within its culture.
Global climate change is an important issue, and Continental
recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions are everyones
concern. We recognize the importance of directly addressing this
issue, even though we do not have all the answers.
The two primary means by which aviation contributes to global
emissions are through aircraft operations and airport ground
equipment, and Continental is committed to reducing emissions
from these sources. In order to minimize the impact on the
environment from our fleet and ground service equipment,
Continental will continue to invest in the most effective
technology and operating procedures feasible.
In addition, we will construct airport facilities in an
environmentally responsible manner and will continue to monitor
the environmental impact of our business.
Information on Continental and the Environment
Today, Continental is nearly 35 percent more fuel efficient
per mainline revenue passenger mile than in 1997. In order to
further reduce emissions and increase fuel efficiency, we will
continue to invest in efficient and advanced aircraft
technology. We will also continue to apply responsible operating
procedures to further reduce the impact of our fleet on the
environment. Furthermore, we will work with national and
international governments to improve air traffic control systems
so that aircraft routings will result in fewer emissions.
Ground Equipment
Continental is committed to using electric rather than
conventional diesel or gasoline-powered ground equipment
wherever feasible. At our Houston hub, we have been using
electric ground equipment since 2002 and we will have reduced
our emissions from ground equipment approximately
75 percent by the end of 2007. We have begun a cold-weather
test of this electric ground equipment at our New York/Newark
hub. We are also testing the use of alternative fuel and fuel
additives for ground service equipment.
Continental is committed to constructing our airport facilities
according to the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Environmental
Protection Agency Energy Star standards when feasible. As part
of LEED, Continental will integrate high-efficiency components
into facilities and implement programs to conserve energy, save
natural resources, reduce emissions and minimize the impact on
the environment.
Continental recognizes that the preservation of the environment
is an essential part of our business practices. We are committed
to promoting a culture that is focused on being environmentally
sensitive as we work with our employees, customers, suppliers,
industry organizations and the communities we serve in
safeguarding the environment for future generations.
In 2007, FORTUNE magazine named Continental one of the top ten
global companies across all industries in the
Community/Environment category on its list of Worlds Most
Admired Companies.
Printed on recycled paper.
1600 SMITH ST.
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information
up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your proxy
card in hand when you access the web site and follow the instructions to obtain your records and
to create an electronic voting instruction form.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by Continental Airlines, Inc. in mailing proxy
materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports
electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the
instructions above to vote using the Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to
receive or access shareholder communications electronically in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until
11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date.
Have your proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or
return it to Continental Airlines, Inc., c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
If you vote by Internet or telephone,
you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.
1. Election of Directors:
For All
Except |
01 Thomas J. Barrack, Jr
07 George G.C. Parker
o |
02 Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
08 Jeffery A. Smisek |
03 Lawrence W. Kellner
09 Karen Hastie Williams |
04 Douglas H. McCorkindale
10 Ronald B. Woodard |
05 Henry L. Meyer III
11 Charles A. Yamarone |
06 Oscar Munoz |
To withhold authority
to vote for one or more individual nominees, mark For All Except
and write the number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.
Vote on Proposals
Ratification of Appointment of Independent
o |
Stockholder Proposal Related to Political
o |
Stockholder Proposal Related to
Performance-Based Equity Compensation for Senior
o |
For address changes and/or comments, please check this box and write
them on the back where indicated.
o |
Note: Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. Joint owners should
each sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or
guardian, please give full title as such.
As of July 1, 2007, SEC rules permit companies to
send you a notice that proxy information is available
on the Internet, instead of mailing you a complete
set of materials. Check the box to the right if you
want to receive a complete set of future proxy
materials by mail, at no cost to you. If you do not
take action you may receive only a Notice.
o |
Please mark YES if
the stock owned of
record or
beneficially by you
is owned and
controlled ONLY by
U.S. citizens (as
defined in the proxy
statement), or mark
NO if such stock is
owned or controlled
by any person who is
NOT a U.S. citizen.
o |
Date |
June 12, 2007
This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
The undersigned hereby authorizes Larry Kellner, Jennifer L. Vogel and Lori A. Gobillot,
and each of them, with full power of substitution, to represent and vote the stock of the
undersigned in Continental Airlines, Inc. as directed and, in their sole discretion, on all
other matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
June 12, 2007, and at any postponement or adjournment thereof, as if the undersigned were
present and voting thereat. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the notice of annual
meeting and proxy statement with respect to such annual meeting and certifies that, to the
knowledge of the undersigned, all equity securities of Continental Airlines, Inc. owned of
record or beneficially by the undersigned are owned and
controlled ONLY by U.S. citizens (as defined in the proxy statement), except as indicated on
the reverse side hereof.
Whether or not you expect to attend the annual meeting, please vote the shares. As
explained on the other side of this proxy, you may vote by Internet or by telephone, or you may
execute and return this proxy, which may be revoked at any time prior to its use.
This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed by the
Address Changes/Comments: |
(If you noted any Address Changes/Comments above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.)
(Continued and to be signed on other side)