FORM 5A                                    OMB APPROVAL

|_|Check box if no longer                          OMB Number:      3235-0362
subject to Section 16. Form 4 or                   Expires:  January 31, 2005
Form 5 obligations may continue.                   Estimated average burden
See Instruction 1(b).                              hours per response...1.0
|_|Form 3 Holdings Reported
|_|Form 4 Transactions Reported
--------------------------------                   --------------------------

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                   Filed pursuant to Section 16(a) of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 17(a) of the Public Utility
             Holding Company Act of 1935 or Section 30(h) of the
                       Investment Company Act of 1940

-----------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------
1.  Name and Address of Reporting Person*   2.  Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol   6.  Relationship of Reporting Person(s)
                                                                                               to Issuer (Check all applicable)
    Bernardo Jr.  Edward                        Slade's Ferry Bancorp-SFBC                     [ ]  Director        [ ]  10% Owner
                                                                                               [X]  Officer (give title below)
                                                                                               [ ]  Other (specify below)
-----------------------------------------   -------------------   ----------------------       Treasurer-Bancorp
    (Last)        (First)       (Middle)    3.  I.R.S. Identi-    4.  Statement for            Vice President/Treasurer-Bank
                                                fication Number       Month/Day/Year       ---------------------------------------
    138 Main Street Apartment #9                of Reporting                               7.  Individual or Joint/Group Filing
-----------------------------------------       Person, if an     ----------------------       (Check Applicable Line)
    (Street)                                    entity            5.  If Amendment,        [X] Form filed by One Reporting Person
                                                (Voluntary)           Date of Original     [ ] Form filed by More than One
    Fairhaven         MA        02719                                 (Month/Day/Year)         Reporting Person
                                                012-42-6694               12/2002
-----------------------------------------   -------------------   ----------------------   ---------------------------------------
    (City)            (State)   (Zip)

Table I -- Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned

1. Title of Security    |2. Transaction|3. Trans-    |4. Securities Acquired (A)|5. Amount of      |6. Owner-    |7. Nature of
   (Instr. 3)           |   Date       |   action    |   or Disposed of (D)     |   Securities     |   ship Form:|   Indirect
                        |   (Month/Day/|   Code      |   (Instr. 3, 4 and 5)    |   Beneficially   |   Direct (D)|   Beneficial
                        |   Year)      |   (Instr. 8)|          |      |        |   Owned at       |   or        |   Ownership
                        |              |             |          |      | Price  |   end of Issuer's|   Indirect  |   (Instr. 4)
                        |              |             |          |(A) or|        |   Fiscal Year    |   (I)       |
                        |              |             |   Amount |(D)   |        |   (Instr. 3 and 4|   (Instr.4) |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   1/25/02    |     J(1)    |    2.184 |  A   |  15.25 |                  |      D      |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   3/19/02    |     J(2)    |    8.000 |  A   |  13.55 |                  |             |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   4/19/02    |     J(1)    |    2.404 |  A   |  14.70 |                  |             |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   6/21/02    |     J(2)    |    9.000 |  A   |  15.40 |                  |             |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   7/19/02    |     J(1)    |    2.543 |  A   |  14.30 |                  |             |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |   9/13/02    |     J(2)    |   10.000 |  A   |  12.96 |                  |             |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |  10/18/02    |     J(1)    |    2.831 |  A   |  13.25 |                  |      D      |
Common stock; $.01      |              |             |          |      |        |                  |             |
 par value              |  12/20/02    |     J       |    4.000 |  A   |  13.04 |         423.497  |      D      |

*  If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see instruction

                                                              SEC 2270 (7/02)

Persons who respond to the collection of information contained in this form
are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB
control nummber.


FORM 5 (continued)

Table II -- Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned
            (e.g., puts, calls, warrants, options, convertible securities)

1.Title of Derivative|2.Conver- |3.Trans- |4.Trans-|5.Number of|6.Date Exer- |7.Title and  |8.Price |9.Number  |10.Own-  |11.Nature
Security             |sion or   |action   |action  |Derivative |cisable and  |Amount of    |of Deri-|of Deriva-|ership   |of Indir-
(Instr. 3)           |Exercise  |Date     |Code    |Securities |Expiration   |Underlying   |vative  |tive      |of De-   |ect Bene-
                     |Price of  |(Month/  |(Instr. |Acquired(A)|Date(Month/  |Securities   |Secu-   |Securities|rivative |ficial
                     |Derivative|Day/Year)|8)      |or Disposed|Day/Year)    |      |      |rity    |Benefi-   |Securi-  |Ownership
                     |Security  |         |        |of (D)     |Date  |Expir-|      |Amount|(Instr. |ficially  |ty: Di-  |(Instr.
                     |          |         |        |(Instr. 3, |Exer- |ation |      |or    |5)      |Owned at  |rect (D) |4)
                     |          |         |        |4, and 5)  |cisa- |Date  |      |Number|        |End of    |or Indi- |
                     |          |         |        | (A) | (D) |ble   |      |      |of    |        |Year      |rect (I) |
                     |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |Title |Shares|        |Instr. 4) |Instr. 4)|
Option (right to     |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |      |      |        |          |         |
Buy)                 |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |      |      |        |    25    |    D    |
                     |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |      |      |        |          |         |
                     |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |      |      |        |          |         |
                     |          |         |        |     |     |      |      |      |      |        |          |         |

Explanation of Responses:

J(1)  Dividend Reinvestment
J(2)  Employee Stock Purchase Plan

                           /s/ Edward Bernardo, Jr.               04/22/03
                           _________________________________   _______________
                           **  Signature of Reporting Person        Date

                           By authorized signator:

                           /s/ Isola A. Anctil

**  Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal
    Criminal Violations. See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 15 U.S.C. 78ff(a).

Note: File three copies of this Form, one of which must be manually signed.
      If space is insufficient, see Instruction 6 for procedure.

Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form
displays a currently valid OMB Number.
