Washington, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 4


  Filed pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
      Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
          or Section 30(h) of the Investment Company Act of 1940

[  ] Check box if no longer subject to Section 16.  Form 4 or Form 5
     obligations may continue.  See Instruction 1(b).

1.   Name and Address of Reporting Person*

     Nano                     John                B.
     (Last)                   (First)             (Middle)

     30 Stone Fence Lane

     Stamford,                CT                  06903
     (City)                   (State)             (Zip)

2.   Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol

     Competitive Technologies, Inc. (CTT)
3.   I.R.S. Identification Number of Reporting Person, if an entity

4.   Statement for Month/Day/Year

     April 11, 2003
5.   If Amendment, Date of Original (Month/Day/Year)

6.   Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer (Check all applicable)

     [x] Director                       [  ] 10% Owner
     [x] Officer (give title below)     [  ] Other (specify below)

               President and Chief Executive Officer

7.   Individual or Joint/Group Filing (Check Applicable Line)

     [x] Form filed by One Reporting Person
     [ ] Form filed by More than one Reporting Person

TABLE I - Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or
          Beneficially Owned

|1. Title    |2.Trans- |2A.       |3.Trans-  |4.Securities Acquired (A) |5. Amount of      |6.Owner-    |7. Nature of           |
|   of       |  action |Deemed    |  action  |  or Disposed of (D)      |   Securities     |  ship      |   Indirect            |
|   Security |  Date   |Execution |  Code    |  (Instr. 3,4 and 5)      |   Beneficially   |  Form:     |   Beneficial          |
|   (Instr.3)|         |Date, if  |(Instr. 8)|                          |   Owned Following|  Direct    |   Owner-              |
|            |  (Month/|Any       |          |                          |   Reported       | (D) or     |   ship                |
|            |  Day/   |(Month/Day+-----+----+--------+-----+-----------|   Transaction(s) | Indirect(I)|                       |
|            |  Year)  |Year)     |Code | V  |Amount  |(A)  |Price      | (Instr. 3 and 4) | (Instr. 4) |   (Instr. 4)          |
|            |         |          |     |    |        | or  |           |                  |            |                       |
|            |         |          |     |    |        |(D)  |           |                  |            |                       |
Common Stock   4/11/03               P          5,000    A    $1.95         5,000              I          Wife, UGMA account
                                                                                                          for son.

Reminder: Report on a separate line for each class of securities
          beneficially owned directly or indirectly.

* If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see
  Instruction 4(b)(v)

TABLE II - Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned
           (e.g., puts, calls, warrants, options, convertible securities)

|1.        |2.     |3.    | 3A.   |4.       |5           |6.              |7.           |8.       |9.Number |10.      |11.      |
|          |       |      |       |         |            |                |             |         |of Deriv-|         |         |
|          |       |      |       |         |            |                |Title and    |         |ative    |         |         |
|          |Conver-|      |       |         |            |                |Amount of    |         |Secur-   |Owner-   |         |
|          |sion   |      |       |         |Number of   |                |Underlying   |         |ities    |ship     |         |
|          |or     |      |       |         |Derivative  |Date Exer-      |Securities   |         |Bene-    |Form of  |         |
|          |Exer-  |      |Deemed |         |Securities  |cisable and     |(Instr. 3    |         |fically  |Deriv-   |Nature   |
|          |cise   |      |Execu- |         |Acquired (A)|Expiration      |and 4)       |         |Owned    |ative    |of       |
|          |Price  |Trans-|tion   |Trans-   |or Disposed |Date (Month/    +------+------+         |Follow-  |Security:|Indirect |
|          |of     |action|Date,  |action   |of (D)      |Day/Year)       |      |Amount|Price of |ing      |Direct   |Benefi-  |
|Title of  |Deri-  |Date  |if any |Code     |(Instr. 3, 4|--------+-------|      |or    |Deriva-  |Reported |(D) or   |cial     |
|Derivative|vative |Month/|(Month/|(Instr.8)| and 5)     |Date    |Expira-|      |Number|tive     |Trans-   |Indirect |Owner-   |
|Security  |Secur- |Day/  |Day/   +-----+---+------+-----+Exercis-|tion   |      |of    |Security |action(s)|(I)      |ship     |
|(Instr. 3)|ity    |Year) |Year)  |Code | V | (A)  | (D) |able    |Date   |Title |Shares|(Instr.5)|(Instr.4)|(Instr.4)|(Instr.4)|

Explanation of Responses:

               /s/ Frank R. McPike, Jr.                April 14, 2003
               ---------------------------------       --------------
               Attorney in Fact for John B. Nano            Date
          **   Signature of Reporting Person

** Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal
   Criminal Violations.
   See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 15 U.S.C. 78ff(a).

Note:  File three copies of this Form, one of which must be manually
signed.  If space is insufficient, see Instruction 6 for procedure.

Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form
displays a currently valid OMB Number.